October 2013 Horoscopes- Libra

A Haunted House and Other Short Stories

A Haunted House and Other Short Stories (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Happy Halloween! And birthday of course. After all that rest and recuperation last month, you’re finally ready to come out of your hole. Is the world ready for you? The month starts out on a great note, when Mercury in your 2nd house of income trines Neptune in your 6th house of work. Did you get that new job last month? Your new salary may finally hit the bank. Welcome news considering Saturn’s been in your income sector since last October and will stay there until 2015. Unfortunately, this month, Mercury conjuncts Saturn twice-  on the 8th and the 30th. Money matters may turn serious and you might have to write a few big checks, especially if travel, education, or an illness is involved, as Mercury rules these areas for you. Adding to the problem, Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st, and won’t resume direct motion until November 12th. You may have to go back and review your finances, or money you were counting on might be delayed. October 5th brings a new moon in your first house of self, and with it comes some challenging aspects. Uranus in your 7th house of partnerships will be in opposition, and Pluto in your 4th house of home will square both. This is not a new aspect for you, as these planets have been doing a seriously messed up dance for a while now. You’ve been working hard on reinventing yourself for a while, but you keep running into brick walls. Pluto has been turning your home life inside out since 2008, and Uranus has been disrupting your partnership sector since 2011. Now these planets are in a difficult swordfight, and it feels like everything is coming to a head. Ever hear the expression that nothing good comes easy? Keep this in mind, as unfortunately you will be hit hardest by this planetary clusterfudge, especially if you were born between Oct 1 and October 10th, or if you’re a Libra rising at 11.5 degrees. Your fellow cardinal signs Aries, Capricorn, and Cancer will be right there in the muck with ya. To top it off, the Sun in your sign will square Jupiter in your 10th house of career on the 13th. Harsh aspects to the 1st house, 4th house, 7th house and 10th house are considered the toughest, since they are the angles of your chart, and you’re being ambushed at all angles, so I feel for you. Just remember that challenges are what enable us to grow. Good aspects are nice, but can leave things stagnant. The planets are encouraging you to stake out the right path for you, and they’ll do so til you get it right. Luckily, on the 17th, your ruler Venus in your 3rd house of communication will trine Uranus in your 7th house of partnerships, and partnerships matters (personal or business related) will have an extra boost of good luck. This is good news, since on the 18th, the lunar eclipse will bring a partnership matter to a climax. This is especially true if you birthday falls around this date, or if you are a Libra at 25 degrees rising. On the 8th, Mars will enter your 12th house of closure. This can be a difficult position since the 12th house wants us to rest and release, while Mars wants us to forge ahead with new ventures. Guard your secrets carefully and watch your health. On the 20th, Mars will oppose Neptune in your house of work and health, and an underhanded colleague’s secrets might come to light. Luckily, the month ends on a good note. On the 26th, the sun in your house of income will trine Neptune in your house of work projects. You may get a side project that can bring in extra cash, or perhaps you’ll dedicate some bones to a new fitness routine. On the 31st, Mars in your 12th will trine Pluto in your 4th house. Instead of partying on Halloween this year, why don’t you turn your house into a haunted mansion? Mars will give you the creative and dark energy to make a wonderfully scary abode- what a great way to make these energies work for you! On the same day, Uranus in your partnership house will square Pluto in your house of home, so keeping things close to home will be a good idea.

To read your September Horoscope, go here

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