Pisces Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

pisces mar 2Sunday 3/2– A project that has been going along swimmingly may hit a financial snag today with Venus square Mars. Use the energy of Mars retrograde to review your budget and find ways to save and re-alocate funds.

Monday 3/3– The Sun in your sign today will reach out to Pluto in your friendship sector, sure to bring fun times with friends. Why don’t you grab a few pals for a night on the town? You may also hear good news about an important personal project on this day.

Tuesday 3/4– With Chiron conjunct the Sun in your sign, you may find relief for an illness or difficulties with a personal venture. Give in to Chiron’s healing energy and allow yourself to trust in the universe’s plan for you. The only person you need to prove anything to is yourself. If you’ve been ill, Chiron may bring relief.

Wednesday 3/5– The Moon’s friendly relationship to the Sun today indicates that a sibling may reach out with kind words or a helping hand. If not, why not take time to reach out to them? It’s a good time to give thanks for the important role your brothers or sisters play in your life.

Thursday 3/6–  You may feel a distinct energy shift today, as Jupiter goes direct in your love and creativity house. Romantic endeavors may move much more quickly between now and July. Any creative projects that have stalled will resume forward motion.

Friday 3/7– Venus enters Aquarius and your sleepy 12th house. Romance may be behind-the-scenes and private now. Be careful to avoid toxic relationships at this time. If you’re dating someone and it’s a secret, think about why that is. If you have nothing to hide, then why are you hiding?

Saturday 3/8– Has a partner or family member been ill? Mercury’s return to direct movement last week should have brought some healing. If you’re a writer, musician, or artist, use the energy of Mercury in your 12th house to create a masterpiece. You should be full of inspiration.

Full Pisces Monthly March 2014 Horoscope

Pisces Yearly 2014 Horoscope

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