Libra Daily Horoscope- Week of March 9th-15th

file000279063257Sunday, March 9th: It seems that a few years ago you changed the direction of your life. Since then, your income may have been stunted. Perhaps you changed careers and had to deal with a lowered salary, or maybe you went back to school and you’re now facing student loan debt. With Saturn retrograde in your income sector, you must look into your financial situation and figure out a way to maximize your income. Saturn will leave the sector in the last week of the year, and you should find relief.

Monday, March 10th: You may hear of a large expense regarding a child or romantic partner today, as Mercury in your  5th house squares Saturn in your income house. Alternatively, money you thought was coming in for a creative project may hit a snag. Luckily, Thursday brings financial relief.

Tuesday, March 11th: The moon spends the day in your career house today, first conjuncting Jupiter and then reaching out to Sun in your work house. You may feel really good about work and career matters, despite the fact that family and partnership matters still seem to weigh heavily on your mind.

Wednesday, March 12th: If you’re feeling stuck in your financial situation and wondering why it’s so hard for you to make a decent salary, take a look at the underlying reasons  as to why you work in the field you do. Do you love your job or are you doing it because at some point in your early life someone told you that was what you were “supposed” to do? Do you have any underlying talents that you keep pushing under the rug because “you’ll never make any money” at it? I think you should use this time to bust out any old painting, music, woodwork, or writing projects  and allow yourself to go for it. While you shouldn’t quit your day job just yet, you never know how successful you can be until you try.

Thursday, March 13th: The Sun in your work house trines Saturn in your salary house today, indicating that a raise may be on its way! Alternatively, you may get a new job or land a big new client.

Friday, March 14th: Today should be a great day, as Mercury in your house of fun, love, and children trines Mars in your sign. A creative writing project should soar, or perhaps you’ll hear good news from a child. If you’re dating or in a relationship, today’s a perfect day to proclaim your love.

Saturday, March 15th: Since late last year, motivator Mars has been in your sign, giving you energy and motivation in spades. Now that it’s retrograde, you may be feeling a bit like a tractor truck stuck in quicksand…you’re trying to go, go, go, but you can’t! Use this time to refine plans, and you’ll be ready to roar by May 19th.

Full Libra March 2014 Horoscope

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