Virgo Daily Horoscope- Week of May 11th

money 3Sunday, May 11th could bring difficulties to your career, as your ruler, Mercury, in this sector argues with Neptune in your partnership house on this day, indicating tension with an employer, business partner, or spouse. Adding to the stress, Venus and Mars will oppose each other in your two money houses, blurring the line between money you spend and money you earn!

Luckily, Monday, May 12th should be better, as Mercury in your career sector reaches out to Mars in your income house, suggesting a raise or bonus is on its way to you.

A full moon occurs on Wednesday, May 14th in your communication sector, indicating that you may be presented with a contract at this time. Alternatively, you could get a new car, experience difficulties with an existing car, hear big news about your sibling, or go on an important trip. Saturn’s presence to the full moon suggests that whatever comes up will be in place for a very long time, but also that it may feel more difficult than you anticipated. Luckily, Jupiter will be supporting you from your long-term goals sector, giving you his beneficial protection. Unfortunately, whatever comes up may cost you, as Venus in your money sector angers Pluto in your fun, love, and creativity house. You may learn of an expense regarding a love affair or child, or you could find that a leisure event is costing more than you anticipated.

Luckily, on ThursdayMay 15th, Venus will conjunct Uranus in this same money house, and you may receive an influx of cash to save the day. Even better, the pair reach out lovingly to your ruler, Mercury, in your career sector. Again, all signs point to a bonus or raise for you!

Friday, May 16th, and Saturday, May 17th see you focused on long-term goals and friendships, as Jupiter in this sector blows a kiss to healing Chiron in your partnership sector all weekend! This is a great time to get together with friends, or collaborate with your honey or business partner on a long-held dream.

Virgo May Horoscope 2014

Previous Virgo Daily Horoscope

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