Sunday, May 11th could bring difficulties to a work project, or illness could interfere with vacation, due to Mercury’s fight with Neptune on this day. Adding to the stress, Venus (your ruler) and Mars will oppose each other from your self and partner houses, indicating that you may argue with a personal or business partner.
Luckily, Monday, May 12th should be better, as Mercury in your travel sector reaches out to Mars in your own sign, boosting luck for travel plans, publishing projects, and higher education endeavors.
A full moon occurs on Wednesday, May 14th in your income sector, indicating that you will either earn a significant sum, or spend money on something important to you. Saturn’s presence to the full moon indicates that whatever comes up will be in place for a very long time, but also that it may feel difficult at the outset. Luckily, Jupiter will be supporting you from your career sector, suggesting that you may get a raise. Unfortunately, home and partnership matters may again prove troublesome on this day, as your ruler, Venus, in your partnership house angers Pluto in your housing and home sector. You could fight with a family member about your partner at this time, or perhaps fight with your partner about a home or family issue.
Luckily, on Thursday, May 15th, Venus will conjunct Uranus in your partnership house, and the pair will reach out to Mercury in your travel sector. You may go on or plan a romantic trip at this time, or perhaps partner up on a writing, publishing, or broadcasting project. Legal endeavors are favored on this day as well.
Friday, May 16th, and Saturday, May 17th see you focused on career, as Jupiter in your career sector blows a kiss to healing Chiron in your work and health sector all weekend! It doesn’t feel so bad working on the weekend when you have such beautiful aspects as these!
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