Sunday, May 11th could bring difficulties to home and partnership matters, as Mercury angers Neptune in these sectors for you. You may argue with a partner about a housing or family issue, or perhaps argue with your family about your partner. Adding to your troubles, Venus and Mars will oppose each other from your love and friendship sectors, pitting these two areas of life against each other! It seems you’re so busy with social plans and group collaborations, that your boo just might get a little jealous!
Luckily, Monday, May 12th, should bring some relief, as Mercury in your partnership sector reaches out to Mars in your long-term goals house, turning things around in your favor.
A full moon occurs on Wednesday, May 14th in your closure house, indicating that something is coming to an end. Saturn’s presence to the full moon indicates that it could be a difficult time, but luckily your ruler, Jupiter, will be supporting you from the sidelines. If you are going in for surgery or you’re hospitalized for any reason, Jupiter in your 8th house is one of the very best positions you can have. Unfortunately, this day may surprise you with an expense of some kind, perhaps for a child or lover, as Venus angers Pluto in your income sector.
Luckily, on Thursday, May 15th, Venus will conjunct Uranus in your romance, fun, and children sector, and the pair will reach out to Mercury in your partnership house. What a day for love! You may meet a special someone out of the blue, get a surprise commitment from an existing love, or even discover a pregnancy! This aspect could also indicate that you partner up on a creative project of some kind.
Friday, May 16th, and Saturday, May 17th see you focused on money and family, as Jupiter in your money sector blows a kiss to healing Chiron in your house of home all weekend long! You may just get a surprise bonus of some kind. Enjoy!
Sagittarius May Horoscope 2014
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