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Monthly Horoscopes

Aries (March 21- April 19)

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Leo (July 23- August 22)

Virgo (August 23- September 22)

Libra (September 23- October 22)

Scorpio (October 23- November 21)

Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Pisces (February 19- March 20)

Find your rising sign here.

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52 comments on “

  1. S A Nizami says:

    Weekly & monthly horoscope is very useful & interesting

  2. DBA says:

    Dear +Astro. I desperately wait for your monthly horoscopes. Please can we have august horoscope up real soon.

    THank you

  3. Anna says:

    im a huge fan of your astro site! thank u so much for taking ur time to write all of these for all of us each week and each month
    god bless u
    ur the best!!

  4. Mumbai says:

    Good astrology prediction.

  5. Sv says:

    Big fan. Keep posting. U r doing a great job. Thx so much!!!

  6. Dwight M Lee says:

    seems to have stopped at october – is everything alright??

  7. positivelyastro says:

    Hi Sharon- I’m sorry you feel that way. I write all of these horoscopes by myself, and remember- there are 12 signs! Additionally, it takes time to deal with the IT aspect of things and troubleshooting tech problems- again, it’s just me over here! This website does not support me financially- I have a full-time job so I need to do this in my “free” time. I try to do the horoscopes for you all as quickly and thoroughly as I can, but I’m sure you can understand how that can prove difficult week after week, especially with the holidays. Regarding the email, I admit, I’m not great at checking it. Oops! Have a lovely holiday season. ~positively astrology

  8. Anne says:

    Hello, thanks so much for your work! It’s one of my favourite astrology websites, your predictions are spot on. You are very talented 🙂

  9. Jose Carlos says:

    Hi, beautiful owner of the site. I would like to thank you for your predictions. I am shocked at so many coincidences that have happened to me since the beginning of this year. I am now a faithful reader of your beautiful work. Greetings from Brazil.

  10. Sharla says:

    I miss your monthly postings! Libra and appreciate your services and knowledge.

  11. Anna says:

    I miss your forecast 🙂 i was wondering if you will post for March? I checked your twitter/FB but no announcement made yet, 🙂 i just thought i would come here and ask….
    Thank you once again for your brilliant horoscopes 🙂

  12. Tal says:

    May we please have the March 2015 monthly forecasts. Thnxs.

  13. Jenny says:

    Greatly appreciate your April offering. This lunar eclipse has been tricky–so far. (Cap/Lib rising.) Thanks for all you do. You were missed! 🙂

  14. Anna says:

    THANK YOU so much for posting June forecast….you truly have a gift!!!! have a lovely day

  15. Mandar says:

    Hello, I read your predictions are are quite accurate. My dob is 4th July, 1973. As predicted by in June 2015, mymy telephonic interview was conducted on 2nd June, but till date my application is under review. It is a very good opportunity. Will it materialise. Thanks. Please advise.

  16. Danka says:

    Hi Not sure is the message went through-I want you to do reading and to pay you for your service, will you consider doing this?I will pay in front, please advice about procedures.

  17. areader says:

    Hi Positively!

    Thanks for the great work you do on this site 🙂 I always look forward to reading your horoscopes. Do you think you’ll be able to do 2016 yearly ones?


    • positivelyastro says:

      Thanks so much for being a loyal reader! I am currently working on 2016 and have posted a few already!


  18. piscean says:

    I eagerly wait every month for your horoscopes. You are doing such a good job.I am lucky that I share the same sign as you so I get it early 😀 but no such luck for husband, poor aries gets it last almost every time.

  19. Sara says:

    HI,positivelyastro,, i had relationship, nearly 3 years, since 2014 september break up,, i am taurs, 3 may 1993,, and you said jupiter is sure bring back, the relation missed, but i never seen yet, can tel me exactly, thank

    • positivelyastro says:

      I’m sorry to hear that, Sara. Taurus’s have had it rough with both Saturn and several eclipses shaking up your relationship sector. With Jupiter in your love and fun zone currently I would advise you to get out there and meet someone new! You have lovely aspects for dating now. I would try online dating or attending fun social events!

  20. YAL says:

    Thanks for the yearly horoscopes! 🙂

  21. Lexxi says:

    Great site ❤️❤️✨✨

  22. I really appreciate your work, It is really helpful and I love reading about zodiac signs. I believe they are true and everyone should read about their own signs. Visit for daily horoscope update http://www.astrosofa.com/

  23. Jenifer Edwards says:

    Hoping all is well! Miss reading your Scopes!

    • positivelyastro says:

      posting now! Sorry for delay. It’s been a rough few months over here. Every week has brought a different set of bad news. That darn Saturn!!

      • Dana says:

        Thanks for posting, yes Saturn can be burden and very difficult…Can we really learn from all these as sometimes its just too hard to comprehend and keep head above water…?

  24. Libra horoscope says:


    Thank you for all the great work you do. Your horoscopes are very accurate and as such, Every month I eagerly awaits your postings.

    With this in mind, the last couple months have been very difficult and as such, was wondering if I can have a personal reading.

    Once again thank you very much for your skilled work.

  25. Libra horoscope says:

    Thank you for all the great work you do. Your horoscopes are very accurate and as such, Every month I eagerly awaits your postings.

    With this in mind, the last couple months have been very difficult and as such, was wondering if I can have a personal reading.

  26. Josh says:

    Where have you gone ? Missing the monthly horoscopes

  27. Fred says:

    Just wanted to let you know that your predictions have been missed.
    I am a fellow Piscean and Saturn’s passage has taken its toll on me too. I am sure things will ease out for you too and looking forward to your posts in the near future.
    Wishing you lots of luck & a great 2018.

  28. Duh says:

    No horoscopes this year?

  29. Sanjita says:

    Are you ok? I looked forward to reading your reading s have not seen an update since Sep 2017

  30. Aditi says:

    Take care of your health. You come first. Astrology can wait until you get better. ❤️

  31. Arja says:

    Really glad you posted an updated Lauren (PA)! Focus on getting better and we’ll be waiting for when you’re ready to get back to astrology.

  32. Mukta says:

    Thanks Lauren for all the good work you have done till now! Wish you best of health and happiness always! We look forward to hearing from you. Your horoscopes are very accurate. Please don’t give up!

  33. Sanjita says:

    Thanks for the update and it’s good to know you are recovering well. It’s always good to take time for yourself. We will wait till you are ready.

  34. Jenny says:

    Saturn’s never easy! Life happens and in ways we’d rather not see. So sorry hear of your struggles.

    For me, it’s been like that since 2011! That’s how I found you. Your horoscopes were a gift. Thank you. Life has a way of rearranging priorities and re-writing definitions.

    Just wish you the very best as you grow stronger and rebuild.

  35. Vishwaa says:

    I am follower of your astrology. Hope like me many of them are waiting for their yearly horoscope. We pray God to recover soon and come back again.

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