Summary: The beginning of the month may see travel or higher learning endeavors go awry. Mid-month, communication and transportation matters will climax due to the lunar eclipse in Libra and your 3rd house. This would not be a good time to sign any contract that comes up. The end of the month is a positive time for work and money matters, as a solar eclipse in Taurus indicates lovely new beginnings in your career.
Extended Horoscope: April could be a tough month for travel and communication, as it seems work or health problems may interfere with your plans. On March 30th, a new moon occurs in your 9th house of travel and higher learning, which is square to Jupiter in your closure house and Pluto in your work and health house. You may abruptly end a course of study or work project of some kind, or perhaps become ill and have to cancel an upcoming trip. Because the new moon will conjunct Uranus, it seems that events will come up out of the blue.
Whatever it is may play out over the first few days of April, as the Sun squares Jupiter on March 31st, conjuncts Uranus on April 1st, and squares Pluto on April 2nd. Because the Sun is your ruler, I think you’re gonna feel the burn on this one. Additionally, on April 7th, the Sun in your travel house will oppose Mars in your 3rd house of local people and places, and you may be torn between faraway people and places and your community close to home.
In fact, a lunar eclipse occurs in Libra and your 3rd house of travel and communication on April 15th, indicating that events close to home will most certainly be on your mind. A writing project or communication issue may come to a head, or you may hear news about a sibling or neighbor. Because the 3rd house also rules vehicles and transportation, you could get a new vehicle or find some problems with your existing one. The eclipse will conjunct the north node in this sector, and the north node is known to be a fated and lucky point. Because of this, I feel that you will hear good news. Unfortunately it may be hard to appreciate any good news what with the chaos going on in your 9th house at the same time as the eclipse.
That’s right, now we have Mercury performing the same series of difficult aspects that the Sun just finished making! Argh! On April 13th, Mercury in your 9th house of travel will square Jupiter in your closure house, on April 14th it will conjunct Uranus and square Pluto in your work house, and on April 15th (the same day as the eclipse) it will oppose Mars in your transportation and contracts house. You may encounter trouble while traveling, or perhaps a work project will go awry. You may even experience illness! If a contract comes up at this time, which it very well might due to the eclipse in your 3rd house, I would do everything you can to delay signing. Mercury’s aspects are just too troubling.
This all should come to a head by April 21st, when there’s an exact cardinal square between your work/health, communication, travel, and closure houses. If you have a planet or cusp close to 13 degrees Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra, you are likely to be affected. If you don’t know your natal chart, you can find it here. Whichever house holds the planet or point is one to focus on. While you’re at it, take note of your rising sign and be sure to read your horoscope for that sign as well. It’s just as important as your Sun sign and will give you a more complete picture.
Moving on to some good news, Venus enters Pisces and your 8th house of shared resources on April 7th, and conjuncts Neptune on April 11th, indicating an uptick in money is headed your way! If you’re an artist, musician, or creative of some kind, this is great news, as you may get a sale from a creative project. If you’re not in a creative field, watch your finances carefully, as Neptune can conceal details. We don’t want you falling for any ponzi schemes! When it comes to money, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. There’s only one real thing about a get-rich-quick scheme and that’s the SCHEME part!
However, April 17th could prove to be a very good day for finances, as Venus trines Jupiter in your closure and creativity house, a beautiful aspect that only happens a few times a year. Again, it seems money comes in from a creative project, or perhaps from the sale of a possession of some kind. Venus also reaches out to Pluto in your work and health house on this day, so you may receive a bonus or commission on a work assignment. April 24th is another great day for money, as Venus now reaches out to Saturn in your in your house of home. You may learn of an inheritance or trust fund, or perhaps get approved for a home loan, or a make a commission on the sale of a home.
The end of the month turns the focus to your career, and it appears that things are looking up for you dear lion! The Sun (your ruler) enters this sector on April 20th, and conjuncts Mercury on April 24th. You may receive an offer or contract for a new position or promotion, and if so, it seems like a great opportunity! In fact, a solar eclipse occurs in this same career sector on April 28th, and it’s a real beauty! Not only is it conjunct Mercury, but it’s also sextile Neptune in your 8th house of shared finances, and trine Pluto in your work and health house! You may just end up landing a prestigious new role with a hefty salary to boot sometime in the next 6 months! With Neptune involved, you should have a lawyer check the paperwork to be sure that there are no hidden caveats, but if you’re an artist or musician, or work in a creative field of any kind (which many Leos do), Neptune’s involvement is actually beneficial for you! All in all, the end of April is shaping up to be MUCH better than the beginning!