You seem to be under the radar these days, dear Sag- behind the scenes, chugging along, doing your work. This is likely due to Saturn’s transit of your 12th house, which began in October of 2012 and will last into 2015.
You may be hard at work building the pieces of a new project that has yet to launch, or you might even be dealing with a health issue. Other Sag’s might be dealing with the loss of a relationship or family member (although I sincerely hope this is not the case).
Since July of 2013, your ruler, Jupiter, has been transiting your 8th house of other people’s money, sexuality, death, and transformation. You may have seen an inheritance or bonus come in, or perhaps you’ve just been finding yourself going through a major transition. You might even find your libido has been very active!
Additionally, Uranus and Pluto have been sparring in your income and creativity houses since mid–2012. You may be trying to monetize a creative ability, or your income could be fluctuating with the addition of a love partner or child. This influence will continue in 2014, and even into 2015.
The year starts with a messy new moon in your income house on January 1– great way to start the year, right? It will conjunct Pluto and Mercury, square Mars in your hopes and dreams house, square Uranus in your child and creativity house, AND square your ruler, Jupiter, in your 8th house. You may find that a child or creative endeavor throws your financial plans off track, or perhaps you argue with a friend over money. The full moon in January is supportive to Saturn, so all should be resolved by then.
February looks better, as there’s a new moon in your communication house which is nicely angled to Uranus in your 5th house. You may launch a creative project, or hear news that a sibling is pregnant! The full moon this month occurs in Leo and your 9th house of travel. With Mars sextile from your 11th house of friendship, you may go on a fun trip with friends. Alternatively, a writing or education project close to your heart may culminate.
March is also a lovely month, with a great new moon in your house of home that is well angled to Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune. You may find the house of your dreams, or begin a home renovation to beef up your current space. Your family might help you secure the funds you need, or perhaps you’ll find that your own income will cover it.
March also sees the north node move from your 12th house to your 11th house. The North Node in the 11th points you in a direction of collaboration and friendship, and offers a considerably lighter tone that the North Node in the 12th, which may have seen you spending lots of time alone with your own thoughts. A career matter may come to a head with the full moon in March. You may end a job or land a promotion, or even get some press for your accomplishments, and luckily Saturn is well angled.
April is crappy for all signs. Your creativity/love/children house will be at war with your income house, friendship house, and money houses all month. This would not be a good time to launch a new relationship or project, or try for a baby. Adding to the chaos of April, there’s two eclipses this month, although they are friendly ones. The first one is lunar, and will occur in your house of hopes and dreams. A project may culminate, or you may hear news about a close friendship. Shortly after that, a solar eclipse occurs in your work house. You may get a new job, new offices, or new tasks at work sometime over the next 6 months. The eclipse will conjunct Mercury, and sextile Neptune in your house of home, indicating that your home and work needs will be in alignment. You may launch a new business with a partner, or possibly from your home. Alternatively, a new job may need you to move and you’d find that this would excite you.
The big news of 2014 is that Jupiter will move into Leo and your 9th house of travel and publishing in July. You may find yourself traveling a lot, or perhaps even moving or studying abroad. Alternatively, you might get into the college or grad school of your dreams, or finally have your novel get picked up by a publisher. Awesome! The 9th house is the house that your sign rules, and Jupiter is your ruler, so it will feel right at home here. The whole tone of the year will change, and you will feel lighter and happier than you have in a while.
September gives you even more reason to smile! Jupiter in the 9th will trine Uranus in your 5th, and you may find love unexpectedly while abroad, or perhaps happily discover a pregnancy. Alternatively, you may get a new assignment that allows you to show off your creativity.
Additionally, a lunar eclipse will fall in your love/creativity sector on October 8th, and will make a golden triangle with Jupiter in your travel house and Mars in your own sign. Wow! Sags at 15 degrees (or born between Dec 2nd-12th) will feel this the most.
The end of October sees another eclipse- this time solar, in your 12th house of endings. The eclipse is conjunct Venus and sextile Neptune in your 4th house of home. If you didn’t already move this year, you may decide to begin the process at this time. Alternatively, you may launch a creative project or health plan.
Luckily, on December 24th, Saturn will move out of the 12th house and into your 1st house of self (it will return briefly to the 12th in 2015). You may find that one chapter of your life is ending, and another beginning. Once Saturn begins to traverse your sign in 2015, you may launch a whole new way of life- you may change careers, get married, or start a family. In 2014, concentrate on getting your affairs in order, learning, preparing, and staying healthy. Enjoy!
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscopes