The new moon that occurs at the end of January stimulates your rest and relaxation sector. You may find yourself even more introverted than usual, or perhaps working in solitude on a creative project that could bag you some coinage in the future.
On the 1st, Venus goes direct in your 11th house of friendships, and you could find your social calendar return to its normal pace. Problems with friends (or romances with them!) will be easier to navigate at this time, and stalled projects will be able to move forward. Single? Why not try an online dating service? You have the best aspects for this, as the planet of love (Venus) traverses your 11th house of technology. I found my person on when Jupiter (ruler of my 5th house of love) traversed my 11th house of technology (and no, no one paid me to say that!)
Mercury moves into your sign as well, but alas, it will retrograde back into your 12th house from February 6th to March 1st. During its retrograde, you should review home and partnership matters to make sure they’re fitting in with what you need. Most people advise against making any big decisions while Mercury is retrograde, but I don’t think you should change any big plans that are already in place. I wouldn’t INITIATE anything huge, but I wouldn’t break my back to change existing plans. Often with Mercury retrograde you’ll see a swirl of activity- suddenly everyone you know on Facebook is engaged or moving. The force of Mercury’s retrograde energy brings changes swiftly into our lives, and this is why I feel that it’s not bad to make moves during this time. Just make sure your eyes are open and you know all the details of what you’re getting into. This is not the time to cut corners!
February 11th may be a headache, as the Sun squares Saturn and travel or education plans could hit a snag. Valentine’s day may turn out to be all work and no play (in a good way!), as the full moon will occur in your 6th house and trine Mars in your 8th. You may get a bonus from a work project, which you can (ahem) turn around and spend on your one and only! Perhaps a job offer comes in with a better salary than you’re used to. It may not be the job of your dreams, but a job is a job in this economy! Alternatively, you may get a new assistant, a new office, or a new co-worker.
The end of the month is divine, as the Sun will conjunct your ruler, Neptune, in your own sign on the 22nd, and a wish close to your heart may come true. Furthermore, on the 24th, Venus in your house of hopes and dreams will sextile Saturn in your travel and education house. You may hear word that you got into the top university you applied to, or perhaps you’ll just find yourself on a fun trip with friends!
The 25th will be tough, as your ruler, Jupiter, in your 5th house of love and children, will square Uranus in your income house. A child, lover, or hobby may eat up a chunk o’ change at this time, or you may have to deal with a large expense that throws your leisure plans off track. Alternatively, money you thought was coming in for a creative project may be held up. Luckily, March (your birthday month!) looks divine, so any hard luck should turn around.
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