Summary: August could end up being a lucky month for your bank account, although a friendship or long-term goal could go off the rails. The end of the month turns your focus to travel and intellectual pursuits, although positive developments in these arenas may be at odds with obligations closer to home.
Extended Horoscope: The new moon that occurred last month may have seen you receive an influx of funds, possibly through a bonus at work, an inheritance, or a partner’s income. It’s also possible that you invested in or took out a loan for something important to you. Since the 8th house also rules surgery, it’s possible you had a medical procedure of some kind.
On August 1st, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in this same sector, and the pair square Mars in your friendship and goals sector. While it seems you’ll hear good news about investments or a partner’s income, there’s also some indication that you’ll encounter challenges. Perhaps you argue with a friend about money, or a friendship goes through a profound transformation. It’s also possible that money news alters a previously held goal, or that a project turns out to be more expensive than you anticipated. Luckily, on this same day, Venus in your partnership house will trine your ruler, Saturn, in your friendship and goals house, softening the blow.
Another great day for your friendships and goals? August 7th, when Mars in this sector reaches out to Neptune in your communication house, suggesting you make a long-term commitment of some kind or smooth things over with a friend.
On August 8th, it’s the Sun’s turn to conjunct Mercury in your finance house, and the nice angle of Uranus in your home sector indicates that you may put money down on a home, or perhaps receive a financial gift from your family. Unfortunately, the pair will also square your ruler, Saturn, in your friendships and goals sector on this day, indicating that other obligations may interfere with your plans. It’s also possible that any potential moves will force you to leave your friends or change your long-term plans in some way.
A financial issue could climax with the full moon in your income sector on August 10th. This moon will bring mixed emotions. The lovely angle of Uranus and the North Node suggest that you buy a home, or receive cash from your family or your career. The 2nd, 4th, and 10th houses are all associated with family structure, so it certainly appears that family could be involved!
Unfortunately, your ruler, Saturn, will be angry over in your house of hopes and dreams, indicating that group obligations may thwart your plans, or that whatever comes up will alter your long-term plans in some way. It’s even possible a friend becomes upset with you. Additionally, Mercury will oppose the moon from your shared finances sector, suggesting that your financial needs may be at odds with a personal or business partner’s.
Luckily, finances will be lovely by August 17th, a gem of a day when the two most loving planets, Jupiter and Venus, meet up in Leo.
One day to watch out for is August 18th, when Neptune in your communication sector will face off against Mercury in your travel and higher thinking house. You may have a hard time communicating your thoughts on this day, or it’s possible that you encounter travel or transportation delays. Be careful when signing contracts or making commitments.
Another iffy day falls on August 25th, when 5 planets align in an explosive combination! The good news is that Mars will conjunct your ruler, Saturn, in your house of hopes and dreams, and the pair will reach out happily to Mercury in your travel and higher thinking sector. You may go on an important trip, go back to school, or begin an intellectual, spiritual, or foreign pursuit of some kind. With Venus smooching Uranus on the same day, it seems that you may even move abroad, or receive money from your family for your venture.
The problem is that over the next few days (August 26th and August 27th), Saturn and then Mars in your friendship and goals sector will square Venus in your finances sector, so it seems that whatever comes up may end up being more expensive than you thought. It’s also possible that whatever comes up disrupts previously held plans, and you feel sad for whatever it is you’re letting go of.
As if that weren’t enough planetary action, August 25th also sees a new moon in your travel and higher thinking sector, further indicating that foreign or intellectual people and places will soon factor heavily in your life. Neptune’s opposition to the moon indicates that facts may be concealed, so be sure to read over any agreements carefully.
The month ends on a positive note, as Venus in your financial sector reaches out happily to the fated North Node in your career house on August 28th. It seems you may get a bonus at work, funding for a company, or see your spouse come into some money. Nice!
Full Capricorn Yearly Horoscope