Libra April 2014 Horoscope

 file6271279942259Summary: Things might get feisty with a lover or business partner this month, as a series of squares in this sector indicates that you’re not seeing eye to eye with your other half. It seems a career or home matter may be part of the equation, as these areas are pulled into a cardinal square along with you and your partner. A lunar eclipse in your sign mid-month indicates that something important to you may come to fruition. You’re learning to come into your own, even if that doesn’t sit right with someone else. Work and money matters get a boost towards the end of April, as your ruler, Venus, makes positive connections to Jupiter and Saturn in your career and money sectors. Additionally, a lovely solar eclipse occurs in your other financial sector, indicating more positive financial news.

Extended Horoscope: This month is looking chaotic, and unfortunately as a sign on the cardinal axis, you’re caught right in the thick of it! A new moon occurs on March 30th in your partnership sector, and it’s in a loud fight with Pluto in your housing sector and Jupiter in your career sector! It’s also conjunct Uranus, indicating that events will come up out of the blue.

It seems you may fight with a partner about a home or family matter, or perhaps career plans are taking away from your time at home. Alternatively, something may come up in your partner’s life that directly affects your life. For instance, perhaps your partner gets a great opportunity in another city, and wants you to move with them. While it’s great for them, it may not be so great for you- you have a whole life and career in THIS city! Why would you want to move? Alternatively, it could be an employer or business partner that you fight with. Perhaps they want you to relocate, or maybe your boss is threatened by your recent successes at work. Whatever it is, it seems like it may play out over a few days, as the Sun squares Jupiter on March 31st; conjuncts Uranus on April 1st, and squares Pluto on April 2nd.

I won’t lie, this could be a rocky time for relationships, and it doesn’t help that you have Mars retrograde in your 1st house. While this usually a great aspect for you- Mars fills you with tons of energy and drive- it might also make you more combative than usual (a strange feeling for you, I’m sure!) and exacerbate any partnership problems. In fact on April 7th Mars will oppose the Sun in your partnership sector, putting your own needs up against a partner’s in a big way.

It seems something important to you is culminating, as a lunar eclipse occurs in your sign on April 15th. This is especially true if you were born between October 12th and October 22nd. I feel this eclipse will bring good news your way, as it is conjunct the North Node, which is also traversing Libra. The North Node is a fated point that brings blessings to the houses it visits, so I feel that a personal project or goal will come to fruition for you at this time. If you’re usually someone who defers to your partner (as many Libras are!), the Universe will now ask you to own your independence and trust your own judgement. It’s time for you to stand on your own feet and shine like the star you are!

Unfortunately, that may mean that a partnership pays the price, especially since Mercury will be wreaking havoc in your partnership house at the same time as the eclipse. That’s right- now it’s Mercury’s turn to perform the same series of difficult aspects that the Sun just finished. Argh! I told you April was tough, didn’t I? On April 13th, Mercury will square Jupiter in your career house and on April 14th, it will conjunct Uranus and square Pluto in your home house. Then on April 15th, the same day as the eclipse, it will oppose Mars in your 1st house.

If you’re on shaky ground with a business partner, spouse, or romantic partner, this could be make or break time. With your home and marriage houses pulled into the equation, it’s a real possibility that your world could bust apart. If that’s the case, trust that it will ultimately all work out for the best. Sometimes we have to go through difficult changes in our lives to emerge stronger on the other side. Your sign has had it pretty tough over the last few years, so I hate having to deliver any more bad news your way. My only advice is to have faith that the Universe has a better plan for you, let go of things that you can’t control, and trust your gut.

Unfortunately, we have to put up with the grand finale of all of this nonsense on April 21st, when a four-way square occurs between all these planets and houses we’ve been discussing (Mars in your sign, Jupiter in your career/spouse house, Pluto in your home house, and Uranus in your partnership house). If you have any planets or points at 13 degrees Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra, you are likely to feel this. If you don’t know your chart, check it out here. Any houses that contain those planets or points are likely to be affected. Take note of your rising sign while you’re at it, and be sure to always read your horoscope for that sign in addition to your Sun sign. It’s just as important!

Now that all of that is out of the way, let’s move on to some good news, shall we? Your ruler, Venus, enters Pisces and your 6th house of work on April 7th, blessing this area of life with good energy. On April 11th, Venus will conjunct Neptune in this house, and you may hear fabulous news regarding a job or work assignment, especially if you work in a creative field.

Even better, Venus will reach out lovingly to Jupiter on April 17th, one of the finest aspects of the year for work and career luck! Because Venus will also reach out to Pluto in Capricorn on this day, it seems that work needs will be alignment with home needs as well- great news all around. Another great day is April 24th, when Venus will reach out to Saturn in your income house. It seems a new job, client, or work assignment will pay you generously!

In fact, you seem to be entering a very prosperous phase of a life now, great news considering Saturn has been plaguing your income house since the end of 2012. On April 20th, the Sun will light up your 8th house of other people’s money, and a series of lovely aspects indicates that a bonus, tax refund, or investment return is headed your way towards the end of the month. You may hear news on April 24th, when the Sun conjuncts Mercury in this sector, or perhaps after April 28th, when a beautiful solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. The eclipse will be hand in hand with Mercury, and it will sextile Neptune in your work house, another indication that money will come in from a work project. Because the eclipse will also trine Pluto in your home house, it seems this money will allow you to buy, lease, or redecorate a home. You may even learn of an inheritance or trust fund, or perhaps receive a commission from the sale of a house. All in all, a beautiful way to close out such a hectic month!

Libra Yearly Horoscope 2014

Libra Daily Horoscopes

5 comments on “Libra April 2014 Horoscope

  1. fsfsf says:

    I am cancer male, on which date i should approach to a libra maiden for se.

  2. Rose says:

    Excellent reading thank you very much

  3. Rose says:

    Honest and acurate thank you!

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