English: Drawing of Aries, the first zodiacal sign, appearing in William Hone’s Hone’s Everyday Book. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Oh, Aries. You’re known to be a feisty fighter, and you sure have been proving it lately! Luckily, the second half of 2014 will be absolutely divine for you, welcome news after a year like 2013!
Before we get to that, however, let’s back up. 2014 starts out on a rough note, with a new moon in your career house that’s conjunct Pluto and Mercury, square your ruler Mars in your 7th house of partners, square Uranus in your own sign, AND square Jupiter in your 4th. Ouch. These are hitting all the angles of your chart, and there’s seems to be a tug of war going on between your home and career needs. Perhaps a new career opportunity is proving to be a lot more challenging than you anticipated, or you’re having troubles with your father or another authority figure in your life. Alternatively, you might be spending so much time on home or personal matters that you’re neglecting your job. The 10th house (where this nasty new moon takes place) also rules marriage, so you may be dealing with conflict in this area- perhaps your family isn’t pleased with your spouse, or your marriage is hitting a rough patch.
Luckily, the end of January is more friendly, with a full moon occurring in your 4th house of home supported by Saturn in your 8th house of other people’s money. A home loan may come through, or perhaps your partner comes into a bonus or inheritance of some kind.
February is friendly too, with a new moon in your house of hopes and dreams supported by Uranus in your own sign. You may hear sudden good news about something close to your heart, or a friend may pull through for you in a big way. This month also sees a full moon in your 5th house of true love sextile Mars in your 7th house of partnerships. A love matter may culminate, and you may finally make it official! Aries who are already coupled up may discover a pregnancy, or perhaps decide to have kids around this time. Alternatively, Aries in the wrong relationship may break up. I don’t really foresee this happening, but if it does, rest assured that the universe is only looking out for you, encouraging you to take the steps to meet someone else.
March is looking fine and divine, with a new moon in your 12th house of closure conjunct Neptune and trine Jupiter in your 4th house. You may move around this time, or perhaps bundle yourself up at home to work on a creative project. The moon will also sextile Pluto in your 10th house, indicating that your career needs will jive nicely with your home needs. With Saturn also providing support from your 8th house of resources, it looks like any financial needs will be met as well. How lucky for you! Perhaps you find the money to move to a new home that’s closer to your work, or your father or a prominent man in your life becomes instrumental in a home matter. One chapter of your life appears to be closing. but luckily any loose ends you need to tie up should go smoothly.
This is good news, because the new beginnings that you launch in April will come with a little bit of turbulence, my dear. The new moon in your sign will conjunct Uranus, indicating that something will come up out of the blue. The moon squares Jupiter in your house of home, and Pluto in your house of career. Later in the month, Mars in your house of partnerships will square as well, and you might see some fireworks around matters of this nature! As usual, the fight seems to be between home and career, or family and marriage. A new career venture may upset your family or partner, or perhaps you have to change careers to suit your partner’s or family’s needs. Don’t fret- while you may encounter challenges in these areas, the universe is just asking you to make changes that will suit you best in the long run. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? Soon these planets will move on, having transformed these sections of your life to their liking.
Luckily, April isn’t all tough, as there are two friendly eclipses. The first takes place in Libra and your house of partnerships, bringing a partnership matter to a conclusion. You may make it official, or unfortunately, you could break it off. My feeling is that the former will occur, and you will become very serious with someone. Marriage may even be in the cards for you. This is because the north node will have moved into this same sector in March, putting all of your focus on a partner. Let’s not forget that Mars, your ruler, is also in this sector for 8 months- until July 2014. The universe certainly seems to want you to put your own needs on the back burner for a minute so that you can focus on a partner. If you’re the independent type (you’re an Aries- of course you’re independent!) this may be frustrating for you, but hopefully the north node’s transit will make you appreciate the rewards that come with compromise and collaboration.
The other eclipse taking place in April is in Taurus and your second house of income and self-worth. This one will conjunct Mercury and sextile Neptune in your 12th house of endings. You appear to be starting a new job or source of income at this time (Mercury rules your 6th house of work and your 3rd house of contracts). Neptune’s presence indicates an artistic or creative angle, and the 12th house reinforces this. You may begin a writing project, perhaps a novel or screenplay, that will be a great source of income for you 6 months down the road. Alternatively, a new marriage may increase both your financial status and your sense of well-being and health. If you sign any kind of contract, be sure to read the details closely, as Neptune can cast an idealistic fog over anything he touches.
The big news of 2014 is Jupiter’s move from Cancer to Leo. This is huge news for you, Aries! While it was nice to have Jupiter in your house of home, it can be tough to have any big planet square to your sun, as Jupiter has been since July 2013. Not only will Jupiter move out of the square and into your 5th house of true love, fun, and children, but it will also move into a fellow fire sign, giving you an extra blast of good fortune! Even better, it will stay there for a whole year- until July 2015! Yippee Ki-Yay, mothereffers!
In July, Jupiter will conjunct the new moon in your 5th house, and you may begin an amazing new relationship, or even hear joyful pregnancy news! Single and dating? Get down with your bad self. Date around, play the field, and explore your options. You might not meet the love of your life, but you may just meet Mr. Right Now (do be careful though- you are a fertile mertile during this time!).
August will see a minor hiccup with a friend or long-term project. The full moon in this sector will sextile Uranus in your own sign, oppose Mercury in your partnership sign, and square Saturn in your 8th house of other people’s money. A long-term project may hit a financing snag, or perhaps you fight with a friend or business partner over money.
Luckily, fall of 2014 is yours for the taking. Jupiter in your 5th house of love, children, and fun, will trine Uranus in your own sign in September, and October 8th sees an eclipse making a golden triangle between your 1st house, 5th house, and Mars in your 9th house of travel. A creative writing project may take off like wildfire, or you may get engaged or announce a baby. Alternatively, you could go on a fun trip with a lover or child!
October also sees a solar eclipse in your 8th house of other people’s money that’s conjunct Venus and Sextile Neptune in your 12th house of endings. You may receive a bonus or inheritance, or perhaps your partner comes into some funds. Adding to the great news, Saturn will leave this sector on December 24th, 2014 (although he will return briefly in 2015), easing any financial pressures you’ve felt over the past few years. All in all, 2014 is looking to be a great one, Aries. You’ve been through the fire lately, but this is your year to rise from the ashes. Enjoy it!
Aries Monthly Horoscopes