Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2014

Scorpio (film)

Scorpio (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What a year 2013 was for Scorpions! You seem to be in the middle of a complete transformation, my dear, and this will continue in 2014 (and 2015).

This is due to Saturn’s transit over your sun, which began in October 2012. You may have embarked upon a new career or course of study, gotten married, or started a family. At times this process has felt tough (you’re a fixed sign, so you don’t always welcome change!). Often we must tear down existing structures to put new ones in place, but know that whatever it is you’re building will be in place for a very long time and benefit you for years to come.

In addition, Jupiter has been in wildly compatible water sign Cancer since July 2013, expanding your horizons and perhaps bringing travel, study or religion into your life. This will continue until July 2014, at which point Jupiter will move into Leo and your 10th house of career. Get ready for big things, as Jupiter in this sector could point to a huge promotion or accolades for you! Awesome!

Let’s break down the year on a monthly basis:

January starts off on the wrong foot, with a new moon in your house of communications that’s square Mars in your 12th house and Jupiter in your 9th house of travel. You may hit obstacles on any communication projects, or travel could go awry.

Luckily, February looks a lot better with a well-angled new moon in your home sector that’s sextile Uranus in your 6th. You may have to move temporarily for work, or perhaps you’ll get a new job working from home. This month also brings career news, as the full moon in Leo in February is sextile Mars in your 12th house of endings. You may leave a job, get a promotion, or get some press. Cool!

March is also a lovely month, with a gorgeous new moon in fellow water sign Pisces and your 5th house of love, children, and creativity that will trine Jupiter in your 9th house of travel. Scorpios born between Oct 27 and Nov 7 (or 10 degrees rising) will benefit most from this new moon.  You may begin a new creative project, or find love while overseas. Alternatively, you may decide to try for a baby! The new moon will also sextile Pluto in your 3rd and conjunct Neptune, giving creative projects or love commitments an extra boost. Just be sure to go over any contracts with a fine toothed comb, as Neptune can be deceiving.

Also in March, the north node of the moon will move from your sign into Libra and your 12th house. This node in Scorpio has given you good fortune in all things YOU. It asked you to put yourself front and center and encouraged you to take on a leadership role in your life. It feels good to be so powerful! Now the node will point you in an entirely different direction! North Node in the 12th will ask you to embrace your more spiritual side and trust in the universe instead of micro-managing the details of your life. You may be encouraged to do more volunteer work or even work in a medical or mental health field. Because the south node will be traveling through your 6th house of work and health, you may experience setbacks in these areas. Your office may become a source of stress for you, or a nascent medical problem may present itself. This could be a tough position at the outset, but because you have Jupiter transiting your 10th house of career come July, I expect things to work out for the best for you.

Moving on to April, this will be a tough month for all signs! There’s a wonky new moon occurring in your health and work house that will conjunct Uranus, square Jupiter in your 9th house of travel AND square your ruler Pluto in your 3rd house of communication. These same planets will all square each other later in the month as well (April 21st), along with the Sun in your 6th house of work and health, and Mars in your 12th house of endings. A project may suddenly fall apart, or an unexpected travel or health problem could occur. Alternatively, you or a beloved co-worker may leave your company. The lunar eclipse mid-month in your house of endings and closure supports this idea that something will come to an end in your life.

Your ruler Pluto goes retrograde this month as well, so matters may not sort themselves out until Pluto turns direct in September (a beautiful month, which I’ll get to in a minute!).

On a positive note, there’s a new moon solar eclipse in your 7th house of partnerships at the end of April, which will conjunct Mercury and sextile Neptune in your 5th house of true love! You may begin a new chapter of your love life, whether that means taking the next step in your current relationship or starting a relationship with someone new. Alternatively, you may begin a new creative partnership. Watch the next 6 months to see how this plays out.

Skipping ahead to August, it appears a housing matter will come to a head with the full moon in Aquarius. With Uranus sextile from your work house, it again appears you may have to relocate for a work matter. Saturn will square from your first house and Mercury will oppose from your career house, so this may come as unwelcome news to you.

The good news is that September and October will be FANTASTIC career months! Jupiter in your career house will trine Uranus in your work house in September and you may hear news of a dream job! The lunar eclipse on October 8th will fall in your work house, and it will make a golden triangle with Jupiter in your career house, and Mars in your income house. Wowy! You appear to be getting a new job with an even better title and salary! This just might be your ticket into the big leagues, kid.

October 23 sees a new moon solar eclipse in your first house which conjuncts Venus and sextiles Neptune in your 5th house of true love. Again, all signs are pointing to you and a love partner deepening your commitment and taking the next steps in your lives together. On December 24th, Saturn finally moves off of your sign and into your 2nd house of income. It will return briefly in 2015, but it will be so nice to finally have the pressure lifted for a while! All in all, it seems the hard work you’re doing now will pay off in spades by the end of 2014 dear Scorpio. Enjoy your reward when it comes!

Scorpio Monthly Horoscopes

Scorpio Daily Horoscopes

16 comments on “Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2014

  1. […] You’ve been working hard, but where’s the money been at? If you’ve been waiting for funds to roll in, this just might be the month. On the 1st of the month, the Sun in your income sector will trine Uranus in your work house, and you may get an expected raise or a bonus from a work project. The trend continues, with the new moon in this same sector on the 3rd. Friday the 13th is beautiful, with Jupiter in your 9th house of travel and broad horizons trining Saturn in your own sign. You may hear good news about a publishing project or travel opportunity, or if you’re applying to University you may get accepted on this day. The full moon on the 17th occurs in Gemini and your house of other people’s money. Money news may culminate on this day, or you may hear news about a partner’s income. Later in the month, the Sun moves into your 3rd house of communication and short trips. On Christmas Eve, it will sextile Neptune in fellow water sign Pisces and your 5th house of true love. You may get engaged on this day, take a romantic trip with your love, or perhaps enter into an agreement for a creative project. Alternatively, a sibling may announce a pregnancy! This month, Mars moves into your 12th house of endings where it will stay for 8 whole months, an unusually long time. You may have to deal with some personal demons (addiction, toxic friends/relationships) during this time. Alternatively, you may be putting in a lot of hours doing behind the scenes work for a project. On Christmas, Mars will oppose Uranus in your 6th house of work. You may hear unexpected (and unwelcome!) news about a job or work project. Additionally, on the 30th, the Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your communication/contract house and all will square Uranus in your work and health house, AND Mars in your 12th house. Be careful when you’re driving, especially since this all occurs around New Years Eve, when revelers will be out in full force! You may encounter problems on a work project, so brace yourself! This would not be a great time to enter into a new contract or work commitment. This trend will continue into January, so enjoy the first half of December! To read your 2014 horoscope, go here […]

  2. Hana says:

    Thank you …. It’s a relieving news for me … I’m a scorpio single women wishing to find someone sutiable. With all these coming changes things will be good for me.

    God bless u

  3. […] To read your full 2014 horoscope, go here […]

  4. Malay Kumar Dutta says:

    I was born in Bangladesh in a place Goalanda Ghat Latitude
    23 Degree 43 minute 0 second North and longitude 89degree 46 minute 0 second East on 1st November,1948 at 16-30 hours.
    Engineer by profession but contract will expire on June,2014.
    What is my future?. Am I going to get a new job or sit iddle
    at Home.

  5. […] Scorpio Full Yearly Horoscope […]

  6. Heena kauser says:

    Hi dear I am very upset with my current life my d.o.b is 24/10/1984 evening 7.30pm wanted to know whn will my career grow & when will get married and how will be my marriage life financially and emotionally

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