Summary: A month focused on money and career. You may get a raise or bonus, or funding for a work project may come through. Work may need to be reviewed or re-done so that it can emerge stronger than ever. Venus in your sign makes you irresistible.
Expanded Horoscope: If you’ve been stressing about money, this month may bring you sweet, sweet relief. The new moon on February 28th occurs in your 2nd house of income, and my is it lovely. This is because it’s perfectly lined up with Jupiter, the great benefactor planet, currently in your 6th house of work and health. You may get a new job with a new salary to match, and Pluto’s involvement in your 12th house suggests it could be in a creative or medical field. Another possibility is that you would leave a job and get a nice payout for your time. Neptune is close to the new moon, so if your work is in an artistic or musical field, you may get a double dose of good luck. Neptune can also conceal details however, so make sure you enter any agreements with your eyes wide open. Have a lawyer take a look at any fine print.
Adding to the good money news is the fact that Mercury goes direct on March 1st. Mercury rules your 8th house of joint money, taxes, loans, and inheritance, so any confusion you’ve felt in this area may straighten itself out now. You may hear news about any loan you’ve applied for or stock you’ve invested in. Keep an eye on March 16th, when a full moon occurs in this same sector, as this is likely when you’ll hear news. The moon is well-angled to Saturn in your career sector, so you may get a nice bonus, or receive funding for a company.
The big news this month is that two planets will go retrograde- the first, Mars, goes retrograde on March 1st in your 9th house of travel. You may have to re-do travel plans due to new information that comes up. Alternatively, if you’re a student, you may have to revise or refine a thesis paper. Professionals may have to undergo some sort of training to take the next step for a job.
The second planet to go retrograde is Saturn, which will do so on March 2nd. Saturn, one of your rulers, is currently at the top of your chart, putting a lot of pressure on your career. It’s make or break time for you, water-bearer, and you’re feeling the burn. Saturn at the top of your chart can bring major rewards- but you have to work for them. For the next four months (until July 20th, 2014) you may need to hunker down and revise any work that could still use some perfection. At times, it could feel rough, but nothing good comes easy, right? Saturn will leave this sector in December (although it will return briefly in 2015) and you’ll feel the pressure lifted. Work as hard as you can now, knowing that this phase won’t last forever. If you do, there’s no telling how high you can climb once Saturn moves on!
Easing Saturn’s pressure is the fact that good-luck Jupiter is currently gliding through your work sector. From July 2013 to November 2013, it seemed like work was going so well, and then suddenly…everything just seemed to stall. That’s because Jupiter went retrograde on November 6th, 2013, encouraging you to take a closer look at some of the more broken aspects of your work. Luckily, March 6th may bring a distinct shift in energy, as Jupiter goes direct on this day and you’ll finally have full power again. Full steam ahead! Same goes for any health routines- if you’ve found yourself lagging on your gym time or having trouble sticking to your diet, Jupiter’s return to direct motion will bring back your motivation!
On this same day, March 6th, Venus will enter your sign, putting all eyes on you! For the next month, you may find yourself filled with more charisma and confidence than usual- you can barely keep the suitors at bay! This would be a great time to buy a new outfit, get a new haircut, or upgrade your look in another way. March 18th will be an especially great day, when Venus in your sign will trine your ruler, Uranus, in your 3rd house. This is a good time to sign a contract or buy a car. Alternatively, you may hear great news from a sibling, or go on a romantic trip with your one and only. Get any contracts out of the way now, as next month wreaks havoc on this area!
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