English: Illustration from a medieval Spanish language astrology textbook attributed to Alfonso X the Wise. The image is meant to depict the effect various other stars or constellations have in concert with Gemini. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
2012-2013 saw you launch a new personal or professional venture, and since Jupiter’s move into your financial sector last July, you may have started to see some profits roll in. This will continue into 2014, as you’ll have the good fortune planet bestowing its blessings on your house of income and self-esteem through next July. Awesome!
The year may start off a little on the funky side, and this is true for all signs. The new moon January 1st takes place in your house of other people’s money, and it’s taking a beating from some other planets. It will conjunct Pluto and Mercury, giving it extra oomph, and will square – get ready for it- Mars in your creativity and fun house, Uranus in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, AND Jupiter in your income house. You may experience a temporary setback when it comes to finances and your longterm goals. Luckily, later that month there’s a full moon in your 2nd house of income, which will be supported by Saturn in your work house. I foresee things working out for you, especially with Jupiter standing by in your income house.
February brings a lovely new moon in your 9th house of travel which is nicely angled to Uranus in your house of hopes and dreams. Any publishing or broadcasting projects will go well, or you may just go on a trip of a lifetime. This month also sees a full moon in your house of communication that is sextile Mars in your love and fun house. You might make a serious commitment to a lover, or sign a contract on a creative project. Perhaps you’ll even adopt a child. Woah!
Ever since fall of 2012, the north node has been touring your 6th house of work and health, asking you to get serious about your work and daily routine. In March of 2014 (and through the fall of 2015), the north node will go on to explore your 5th house of true love, children, and creativity. The north node here wants you to shine like the bright star you are! No need to hang in the shadows being “the guy behind the guy” (or the lady behind the guy…or guy behind the lady…you get it!). If you’ve always wanted to strike out on your own- be it by starting your own company or writing a screenplay or novel- now is the time to do it. This placement also indicates that matters of the heart will take a front seat, and you may even be welcoming a child into your world.
It’s not all personal this month however- a gorgeous new moon in your house of career takes place in March as well. It will trine Jupiter in your income house, suggesting you’ll get a new VIP position with the salary to match. It will also sextile Pluto in your 12th house, and conjunct Neptune, indicating it may involve an artistic or creative endeavor.
Good thing March is so lovely, because April is going to be a beast of a month for all signs. The new moon that month takes place in your friendship house will square both of your income houses. It will also conjunct Uranus, suggesting developments may seem to come out of nowhere. You may lose a friend over a money issue, or a project close to your heart may hit a snag on the financing side. Additionally, the 21st sees a gigantic square between your income, love, friendship, and hopes and dreams houses, indicating that whatever comes up won’t be a picnic.
Luckily, April also brings two friendly eclipses. The first eclipse will be lunar and will fall in Libra, which rules your love, creativity, children and fun house. The second will be a solar eclipse that takes place in Taurus and your 12th house of closure. This one will not only conjunct your ruler, Mercury, but also sextile Neptune in your career house. You may begin a creative project that will bear fruit over the next few months.
In May, a full moon in Scorpio indicates that you may begin or end a job, or perhaps lose an assistant at the office.
In July, the friendly planet Jupiter leaves your income sector and moves on to your communication sector. Contracts of all kind will be favored, and you may get a new car at some point between July 2014 and July 2015. Siblings may have good news or be a source of joy as well. In general, you’ll find that getting from A to B will be easier, and you’ll be blessed with the gift of gab. This would be a great year to begin a writing project.
You’ll just need to get over the hump that is the full moon in fellow air sign Aquarius in August, as it will be harshly angled to Mercury and Saturn. You may find travel and communication issues to hit a snag near this time. Luckily, Uranus will be supportive in your longterm plans house, so things should turn out in your favor in the end.
In September, Jupiter in your contract house will trine Uranus in your dreams house, and something important may culminate. This is further indicated by the full moon lunar eclipse on October 8th in your hopes and dreams house. This is a really lovely eclipse, as Mars will be in fire sign Sagittarius in your house of partners, and Jupiter will in the OTHER fire sign Leo, and your house of commitment. The planets are forming a beautiful golden triangle in the fire signs, and will be powered by Uranus in Aries as well. Do you have marriage or engagement on the brain? This is a time when it could happen! Alternatively you may get the job of your dreams. A solar eclipse will take place this month as well, and it’s also looking like a keeper. It will conjunct Venus in your work house, and sextile Neptune in your career house.
Even better, Saturn will be moving on from your work house on Christmas Eve of 2014, and any pressure you’ve been feeling on the job will start to lift. You may find you have time to breathe again! Alternatively, if you’ve been suffering from any medical issues since Saturn entered this sector in October of 2012, you’ll find they’ll start to ease up. Merry Christmas to you!
Gemini Monthly Horoscopes
[…] What a lovely month to be a Gemini! This month is all about love and partnerships for you! Early in the month, the Sun in your house of partners will trine Uranus in your house of hopes and dreams. The new moon that occurs shortly afterward will connect these sectors as well! Both are in fire signs, which blend perfectly with your air sign! You may hear news about a partner or start a new chapter of your relationship (this goes for business partners as well!). Work matters go well too, as Mercury (your ruler!) in your work house will sextile Mars in your home house. You may get a gig working from home, or perhaps a job will need you to relocate temporarily. Gemini loves to be on the move! Even better news- on the 13th, Jupiter in your income sector will trine Saturn in your work sector. You may get a huge raise or bonus just in time for the holidays. The full moon this month on the 17th occurs in your own sign. Something close to your heart appears to be culminating. This is especially true if you are a Gemini between 20 and 30 degrees rising, or born between June 12th and June 22nd (or on the Gemini/Cancer cusp). On the 22nd, Venus will go retrograde in your house of other people’s money, and you may have to go back and review the details of a financial agreements or perhaps make some payments on the ol’ credit card. Alternatively, you may review your shared finances with a partner. On Christmas Eve, the Sun in this sector will sextile Neptune in your career house, and you may get a Christmas bonus from your company. Score! Alternatively, if you’re married or getting married, your spouse may have good financial news. This month, Mars moves out of your house of home and into your 5th house of true love where it will spend 8 whole months. This is a loooong time to be in one house, and luckily, it’s in your house of fun, love, and play. If you have kids, there will be a lot going on with them during this time. Alternatively, if you get engaged on Christmas eve (a possibility), you would spend this time planning the details of your wedding, as the 5th house rules love. If none of these apply to you, you might spend a lot of time on a creative project or hobby, or perhaps a lot of time dating around (I hear Tinder is big these days). Watch out for Christmas day- Mars in your love house will oppose Uranus in your friendship house, and something may come up that affects your relationship or child. The end of the month is sticky too, as the Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your house of other people’s money, and all will square Mars and Uranus in your love and dreams houses. You may argue with your love about money, or perhaps the money for a creative endeavor will hit a snag. This trend will continue into January, so you may want to lay low this NYE. To read your 2014 horoscope, go here […]
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