Summary: A month focused on romance, pleasure, and travel. Mid-month, a dream close to your heart may come true. Saturn retrograde in your sign forces you to re-evaluate your identity.
Expanded Horoscope: March is a month tailor made for romance and fun, so grab your party hat and come on in! The new moon on February 28th may sweep a new love interest into your life, or open up a chapter in an existing romance. It’s perfectly lined up to good luck Jupiter in your 9th house of travel and broad horizons, and Pluto (your ruler!) in your 3rd house of travel and communication, indicating that a fun trip with your love might be on the agenda. If you’re trying to have a baby, this is a great time to try, and if you already have a child, you may hear good news about them at this time. All of this is especially true the closer your birthday is to November 2nd.
If you’re looking to make a commitment in love, conceive a baby, or begin a creative project, you may hear news around the full moon on March 16th. This moon occurs in Virgo and your 11th house of hopes and wishes, indicating that a long-held dream may come true around this time. The moon will be well-angled to Saturn in your sign, giving whatever happens extra stability and importance. You may also hear news about a friend, or connect with an influential person who could help your career.
If you’ve been looking for a new place to live or adjusting to a new home space, things may start to straighten out once Mercury goes direct in this sector on March 1st. Additionally, Jupiter goes direct on March 6th in your 9th house, straightening out any travel, writing, or higher education plans.
Unfortunately we do have some planets going retrograde this month as well (facepalm!). Mars will turn retrograde on March 1st in your 12th house of closure and secrets, which is a bit of a strange placement for Mars. Mars is an aggressor planet, and the 12th house is sleepy and dreamy, so the two are a bit of an odd couple. You may be dealing with some personal demons, addictions, or self-doubt, and Mars’ retrograde will force you to confront these issues. Mars rules your sector of work and health, so you may be having trouble in these areas as well. Use Mars’ retrograde to re-evaluate your work and health situations and fix whatever you need to. It seems that whatever is brewing will come to a head in the third week of April, when there’s a four way square between planets in your work and health, closure, communication and travel houses. Mars will resume forward motion on May 19th.
Adding to the chaos is the fact that Saturn turns retrograde in your first house of self on March 2nd. If you’ve recently started a new venture or relationship, you may be questioning if its really want you want. Alternatively, if you’ve been doing the same thing for a while- whether you’ve been living in the same city, working at the same job, or in the same relationship- you may start to get a little restless and feel the need to do something different. Use the retrograde to fix anything that isn’t working. Saturn will resume forward motion on July 20th.
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Cool analysis I will suprise my girlfriend with weekend trip to paris..
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