English: Caption in book reads: “Izdubah and Heabani in conflict with the lion and bull”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Did a dream close to your heart come true last month? Hopefully it did, and hopefully you had fun, cause this month, it’s time to get down to business. There’s a new moon in your 6th house of work on Oct 5th, indicating some changes in your job are on the horizon. You might get a new work space or assistant, or perhaps change jobs entirely. Unfortunately this new moon is opposed to Uranus in your 12th house of secrets and closure, so you might not like whatever changes are coming. To top it off, Pluto in your 9th house of broad horizons is squaring both the new moon and Uranus. You could be struggling with whether or not your work matches your value system, or you might have problems with a foreign client. If you have to travel for work, these are really not good aspects, and I advise you push your trip to November if you can. Another alternative is that you may be feeling like you’re underperforming at work. Perhaps you put your heart and soul into a project that totally flopped. Or maybe you’re dealing with some underhanded co-workers or bad working conditions and unsure of how to move forward. One day specifically to watch out for is October 13th, when the Sun in your work sector will square Jupiter in your house of communication. A contract might fall apart, or you may get into a disagreement with a co-worker. Pluto has been tearing through your house of values and beliefs since 2008, and Uranus has been in your house of closure since 2011. Since June of 2012, these two planets have been in a wrestling match, pitting these two houses against each other. Your value system may be undergoing an overhaul, and you might be digging deeply within your psyche to find out exactly who you are. You might want to do yoga or start a meditation practice, because this is an influence that will last until 2015. Another area of your life that seems to be under fire is a close relationship, either in business or love. Saturn has been in this sector since 2012, putting the pressure on this relationship to see if it can stand it. April born Tauruses are finally feeling some relief, but early May bulls are in the thick of it. In a few months, later-born Tauruses will feel the glare as well. You might be in the process of getting married or starting a business partnership, and things could feel serious (and seriously lacking in fun!). Alternatively, the cracks in an existing relationship might be showing, and they could turn out to be too large to repair. If neither of these apply, you may just be feeling run-down or lacking enthusiasm, or stuck in a situation that you won’t be able to get out of until Saturn moves out of orbit. A few days where this pressure might be activated are on the 8th and 30th, when Mercury in this same sector (Scorpio) will conjunct Saturn (it will happen one more time, on November 26th). Mercury rules your houses of income and children, so you may be fighting with a spouse about money or your child. Alternatively, you could feel you’re not getting paid enough by your employer, or you might be having “creative differences” on a work project. When Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st, you will have to go back and review any of these issues. Things might not get sorted out until next month, on Nov 12th, when Mercury goes direct again. I would urge you not to take a new job or get married while Mercury is retrograde. Mercury retrograde obscures facts and reality, and you may find out later that the job or relationship does not work out in your favor. Perhaps the conditions at a new workplace aren’t what you thought they’d be, or a new partner shows a side of their personality you didn’t know about and don’t like . I have ignored this advice on several occasions- once taking a new job and another time moving into a new apartment- each time knowing it was Mercury retrograde but thinking that I didn’t want to pass up what seemed like a good opportunity. Neither time worked out well for me! Both the job and living situation turned out to be awful and stressful, and it took me a long time to get out of both. So proceed at your own peril! Sometimes you don’t really have a choice, and you have to go through a bad situation to get to a good one, but just know that any agreements you enter into at this time will need to be re-done later. Venus (your ruler!) moves into your 8th house of other people’s money on the 8th, and you may hear good news about a partner’s income, or about a loan or tax refund. Just watch out for the 10th, when Venus will square Neptune in your house of friendship and money matters could go wrong. The 17th however, should bring great news, as Venus will trine Uranus in your 12th. You could get an inheritance you didn’t see coming, or perhaps money from a creative endeavor will come through. The lunar eclipse on the 18th will fall in your house of endings, and a project or relationship may come to a close at this time. The universe is asking you to clear out the old to make way for the new. Next month, there will be a full moon in your sign, and Jupiter will be in a good angle, so things will work out for the best. Mars moves into your house of true love and creativity on the 16th, and you may find matters of these nature get a turbo charge. Interested in baby-making? This is a great time to make like bunnies and get on it! Any creative projects will get a boost as your imagination seems to be on fire! Watch out for the 20th, when Mars will oppose Neptune in your house of hopes and dreams. These two polar opposite planets are in two polar opposite houses, and the lines between friendship and love may get blurry. You may find yourself suddenly crushing on someone you thought was just a friend, or perhaps he’s the one suddenly looking at you differently! If you’re looking to turn it into something more, the 26th is a great day…the Sun in your house of relationships will trine Neptune in your house of friendship, and you may wonder why you didn’t get together sooner! On the 31st, Mars in your love house will trine Pluto in your travel house. This is a great day for travel and romance, or for working on a creative project like a novel or screenplay. Why not make it a horror movie? It is Halloween after all!
To read your September Horoscope, go here