The symbols used in Western astrology to represent the astrological signs (Zodiac) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
On September 18th and 19th, Venus will conjunct Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio, a rare event that won’t happen again until 2026 (Saturn and the North Node will conjunct exactly on the 26th).
The North Node is a fated point, and it’s considered a spiritual teacher. Its lessons are ones we need to follow in order to be truly happy and fulfilled in life. Its opposite point- the South Node- represents the natural habits we’re born with which we need to overcome in order to reach our full potential.
While the North Node in the natal chart points to the area the individual needs to work on throughout their entire life, the transit of the North Node offers temporary lessons in every area to everyone.
What does this particular transit mean for you?
Events transpire that allow you to let go of your need for financial independence. You don’t have to go it alone- it can be wonderful to be part of a team. Combining your income with another will lift you both. In doing so, you may find your income rises on its own as well.
It’s time to give yourself to another emotionally and physically. If you have been avoiding commitment, now is the time that you will merge. Why not take your new union on vacation?
Now’s the time to pay attention to the mechanics of situation, not just the big idea. Routine can be necessary for success. Pay attention to the details, get your affairs in order, and you will come out on top.
You don’t always need to be one of the crowd. You’re allowed to stand out and shine on your own. Take a risk and bet and yourself. You’ll have a fan club in no time. Bonus- you might meet or commit to the love of your life.
Who needs to live up to stranger’s expectations, when you have a loving family supporting your every move? Release your need for control, and you just mind find everything goes your way.
You’re learning to stop, look, and listen. You thought you knew all the answers, but now it’s time to get your facts straight. No one likes a know-it-all, and your message may have gotten lost with your aggressive delivery. Slow down and keep that tongue in check.
Time to put on your big girl pants and stop relying on others. You’re perfectly capable of supporting yourself, so why don’t you? Quit with the drama already and stop making excuses. Focus on the here and now, and try to see things as they are.
Co-dependant no more. There’s no need to fear your own power or decision-making capabilities, and you don’t need anyone else to validate you when you can validate yourself. Put on your own oxygen mask first before helping another with theirs, and you may end up with a more balanced relationship.
You gotta have faith, the faith, the faith. The universe is telling you that you can’t control everything. Let go, and trust that the details will fall into place without you micro-managing. Focus on the big picture and use your imagination- there’s only so much you can do.
Let go and trust that everyone else is as capable as you. You may have appointed yourself the Ultimate Diva in Charge, but other people don’t appreciate being ordered around. Collaboration is key now. You can achieve way more with others than by yourself.
Events transpire to bring you out of your bubble and into the public eye. Sure, your bed is cozy, but you need to take your rightful place at the head of the boardroom. You can’t win if you don’t try, and pushing yourself to achieve more will bring the emotional benefits you so crave.
Trust in the bigger picture and release your need to grasp all the details. Open your mind and anything is possible. Slow down, take a yoga class, meditate, or do what you need to do to quiet the voices in your head. Only then will you reach your full potential.