September 2013 Horoscopes- Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries


Someone’s feeling the itch. No, not that itch. The travel itch! The new moon on the 5th in your house of travel links up with Jupiter in your house of partners. Why not get the hell out of dodge and go to South America with your love? Your aspects couldn’t be better. Alternatively, if you’re working on a novel or screenplay, this might be the time you get a publisher or producer attached. Mars in your 8th house of other’s people’s money will be driving up expenses all month, so just keep an eye on that credit card. On the 9th, Mars will square Saturn (your ruler) in your house of hopes and dreams. You may find you don’t have the funds to complete a beloved dream, or maybe you realize you’re just not that into something you thought you couldn’t live without. The full moon in your house of communication on the 19th will give you the words to admit it. Alternatively, this may be the day you sign an important contract or buy a new car. Also keep your phone on you, as you may hear big news from a sibling. Mid-month, Pluto in your sign t-squares Mercury in your house of career and Uranus in your house of home. You’ve had a hard time balancing family and career, and the cosmos are ready for you to do something about it already.  When Pluto in your sign goes direct on the 21st, you’ll find it much more easy to find a solution. The end of the month brings fun with friends and your partner, as Venus and Jupiter will embrace lovingly in these houses.


Money, money, money, money….MONEY. This month is all about the benjamins, as a new moon on the 5th links your house of other people’s money with your house of work. Been fundraising for a new business? This month might put that cash in the bank. Alternatively, you may decide to transform your health routine- why not jump on the gluten-free train or join a new gym? With Jupiter in your health house until next summer, you have the best aspects for losing weight and improving your health. Additionally, on the 14th, Venus in your house of career will smooch Neptune in your income house, and a full moon in that same income house will bring even MORE funds on the 19th. Holy moly! I was serious about this money crap. Mars in your partnership house all month will put the emphasis on another- whether it’s a partner in love or business. Watch out for the 9th, when Mars will square Saturn (one of your rulers) in the your career house. All this focus on work and money might have you neglecting your S.O. The 16th gets a little tricky as well, when Mercury in your travel house opposes your OTHER ruler (Uranus) in your 3rd house. Travel and communication won’t go as planned, especially with Capricorn in the your 12th house bringing some dark energy into the mix with a t-square. A contract might go awry- perhaps this new angel investor buried some unsavory terms deep in the paperwork. If you’re a writer, you might experience the ol’ writer’s block. Luckily, on the 26th, Venus in your career house will ping Jupiter in your work house, putting you back on top.


Partnered up? You will be after this month! A new moon in your partnership sector on the 5th is beautifully angled to good luck Jupiter in your house of true love. These are truly gorgeous aspects for matters of the heart. Alternatively, you could partner up on a creative endeavor. If it’s for work, you’ll be a busy little bee, as Mars will rev up your work and health sector all month, bringing in assignments left and right. Skip travel on the 9th, as Mars will square saturn in your travel house on this day, suggesting work will trump pleasure. Instead, travel on the 14th when Venus in your travel house will trine your ruler, Neptune, in your own sign. This is a lovely aspect which suggests romance galore. Things are tense for all signs mid-month, when Mercury and Uranus oppose each other in your money houses and t-square Pluto in your friendship house. Money you were counting on might not come through, or perhaps money will cause tension with a friend. Mars in your work and health house will be fanning the flames, so things could get heated. Luckily, you aren’t directly in the crosshairs for this one, so things should turn out okay. On the 19th, Venus will conjunct Saturn in your house of travel/publishing, and they both will sextile Pluto in your house of hopes and dreams. Venus rules your communication house as well as your house of other people’s money- you might finally get funding for a novel or screenplay. Also on that day, a full moon occurs in your sign, meaning something very important to you will come to a conclusion. This is especially true if you’re a pisces between the degrees of 21 and 29, or if any of your planets or cusps fall on those degrees. Just be careful on the 20th, when Mercury in your 8th house of other people’s money squares Jupiter (your OTHER ruler) in the 5th house. You may fight with a lover over money or quit a creative project abruptly. Luckily, on the 26th, Venus in the 9th house will trine Jupiter in the 5th. This is an excellent time to travel with a lover or perhaps apply to college or grad school. 2 days later, Venus will square Mars in the 6th, suggesting work or illness will disrupt your trip. Phooey. When Pluto goes direct in your friendship house on the 21st, you may finally iron out any problems you had with a buddy.


On September 5, a new moon in your 6th house links arms with Jupiter in your 4th house. You might get a new work assignment that fits in with your home life beautifully, or perhaps you’ll even get the opportunity to work from home! Alternatively, you might start a new health regiment- maybe you’ll finally buy that treadmill for your living room you’ve had your eye on. Your ruler, Mars, spends the month in your house of true love…lucky you! Unfortunately on the 9th, mars will square Saturn in your house of other people’s money which could cause you to fight with your love about money. Alternatively, funding for a creative project could fall through. If it’s for the latter, don’t fret, because on the 19th venus in your money house will ping Neptune in your 12th house of creativity, saving the day. Brace yourself, because mid-month, things get dicey. Mercury in your partnership house will oppose Uranus in your own sign, and both will be squared by Pluto in your house of career. Been burning the midnight oil on the job at the expense of your partner? It might blow up this month. Alternatively, the two of you might be on opposing sides of the whole “marriage” thing. Mars in the 5th house will be pouring gasoline on this fire, ram, and it might not be pretty. If you’re single, this could be in regards to a work partner. You may not be seeing eye to eye on the creative aspects of a joint endeavor, and you could decide to part ways. I’m not gonna lie, Aries, you’re directly in the crosshairs of this one. What’s new, right? You’re an old pro at this t-square thing by now, seeing as it’s happened a few times since 2012. Good thing you just might be the most resiliant sign of the zodiac. If it all gets to be too much, just breathe. The full moon in your house of closure on the 19th may be just what you need to let it all go and prepare for new beginnings. I’ll tell you what I told Libra- go take a bath and pour yourself a glass (or three) of wine. The world can wait. The end of the month sees a dramatic tango between your houses of home, love, and transformation.  I predict a serious breakthrough for you.

Want more on September?

To read August Horoscopes for Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, go here

To read August Horoscope for Aries go here

September 2013 Horoscopes- Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius


Happy birthday virgin, it’s your time to shine! A new moon in your sign on the 5th is beautifully angled to Jupiter in your house of hopes and dreams, suggesting that any  ventures you begin will benefit you for a long time to come. This is extra true if your birthday (or a planet in your natal chart) falls between 8 and 18 degrees of Virgo. Your ruler, Mercury, moves into your second house of income on the 10th, giving you an edge in all matters relating to finances. Be careful on the 9th, when Mars in your 12th house of secrets squares saturn in your 3rd house of communication. You might say something you don’t mean (or do mean, but regret saying). Another day to watch out for is the 16th, when your ruler Mercury in the 2nd squares Uranus in your 8th house and Pluto in your 5th. Love and money won’t mix, and Mars in the mix in your 12th suggests a secret (yours or your lover’s) will be exposed. A full moon in Pisces on the 19th brings your partner front and center. You might make it official or break it off, but with Mars in the 12th just make sure you’re not in a toxic relationship! With Pluto going direct on the 21st, love matters will definitely become more clear. One more day to look out for is the 20th, when your ruler Mercury squares Jupiter in the 11th house. If you lent money to a friend, don’t expect it back. As my dad always says, never lend out anything you can’t live without, because you probably won’t get it back (he has a Scorpio moon, can you tell?) Luckily, the month ends on a high note, with Venus in your 3rd house (Scorpio) beaming lovingly at Jupiter in your 11th. You might get a new car, hear wonderful news about a sibling, sign a contract, or perhaps just take a romantic trip out of town. Sounds like a good time to me!


Rest. It’s a good thing. A new moon on the 5th in your 12th house means that this month may see you laying a little low. Read a book, take a bath, and drink some wine. You have cosmic permission to recuperate and retreat. Because this new moon is so beautifully angled to Jupiter in your 10th house, Libras in a creative profession have a great edge. This would be a great time to finally write that novel you’ve been thinking about. You may not feel like anyone thinks you’re anything special right now, but trust me- important people are watching you and your time will come soon- perhaps even next month! Your ruler, Venus, moves into your 2nd house on the 12th, suggesting now’s a good time to focus on your earning power. Time for a new job? A full moon in your 6th house of work on the 19th might make this a real possibility. Just keep an eye on your health, as you may feel run down around this time. Mars moves through your house of friendship all month and squares Saturn in your income house on the 9th. Money matters might be discouraging at this time (what’s new), but by the end of the month (9/26) your ruler in the 2nd will smile at Jupiter in the 10th, suggesting that you’ll finally get the money and title you deserve. I’m not gonna lie- mid month will be tough for home and partnership matters. On 9/16, Mercury in your sign will oppose Uranus in your partnership house and form a t-square with pluto in your house of home. Yikes. Mars will be fanning the flames from the sidelines like a drunk asshole at a football game. Remember that whole book/wine/bath advice? Yeah, this is a good day for that.


A new moon on the 5th ushers in a fun-filled month of social gatherings. Been planning a trip? This moon is wonderfully angled to Jupiter in your 9th, making it a prime time to travel with friends. Applying to the college or grad school or your dreams? Do it now and make the most out of these gorgeous aspects! On the 9th, Mars in your house of career squares Saturn in your sign. Things may not go according to plan on the work front. Adding to the work stress is the t-sqaure mid month (9/16), when your ruler Pluto in the 3rd will t-square Mercury in your 12th and Uranus in your 6th house. Yikes! Communication with co-workers will be stressful and you might feel like you’re underperforming. Luckily, your ruler, Pluto, goes direct on the 21st, and any slowdowns you’ve been experiencing should speed on up. Also, on the 14th, Venus in your sign will trine Neptune in your house of true love, making love matters melt any work worries away. Even better- the full moon on the 19th in your house of true love crystallizes a matter close to your heart! Is an engagement on the way? Venus will conjunct Saturn in your sign, and sextile your ruler, suggesting this is a  real possibility. Enjoy!


Look at you, big shot! A new moon on the 5th might see you get that long-deserved promotion or perhaps at least some fancy press. Jupiter, your ruler, in your house of other people’s money, tells me you’ll get a nice big fat bonus to go with it. Things might get busy, as mars in your 9th will bring lots of travel. Be careful on 9/9, when mars squares Saturn in your 12th house of secrets. Something could go wrong on a trip. Additionally, mid-month could get a little tricky on the friendship and love front, as mercury and uranus oppose each other and square pluto in your house of income. Luckily, you aren’t in the direct line of fire so you may escape unscathed. Be sure to lend a shoulder to cry on for your not so lucky zodiac pals- Aries, Caps, and Libras, and to a lesser extent Cancers and Leos will feel the heat from this one. On the 20th, friendship and money don’t mix, as mercury in your house of friendship will square your ruler in the 8th. Alternatively, a friendship might go through a radical transformation. A full moon on the 19th will bring a home related matter to conclusion. Are you buying a bigger, better house with your newfound wealth? With Venus in your 12th house trining Neptune in your house of home earlier this month, you may be bidding a bittersweet goodbye to a beloved house. It can be hard to let go of the past, but it’s all for the best. Pluto goes direct on the 21st in your house of income, making money money matters more straightforward.

Want more on September?

To read the August Horoscope for Virgo, go here

To read August Horoscopes for Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius, go here