Aquarius February 2014 Horoscope

aquarius februaryOut with the old, in with the new! The universe is smiling upon you, what with the lovely new moon that just took place in your sign, heralding your own personal new year! The moon is supported by your ruler, Uranus, making it all the more special! Adding to the good news, Venus goes direct on the 1st in your 12th house of secrets and closure. You may have been in your head a bit the past few months, doing some mental work or feeling altogether fuzzy on a love situation. Luckily,  things will be more straightforward now, and you’ll know exactly what to do!

Make sure you seize the first week of February, because unfortunately, on the 6th, Mercury will retrograde in your sign (doh!) and things may get fuzzy again. Mercury rules your sectors of love and finance, so watch these areas of life to see what comes up. You may have to review or re-do financial documents such as a home loan or alimony arrangement. Perhaps you go over your tax documents a little early. Also, don’t be surprised if you hear from an ex out of the blue! The 11th will be a tough day, as the Sun in your sign will square Saturn in your career house. Something may come up in your professional life that discourages you, but you’re probably used to that by know, what with Saturn’s lengthy tour of your career house. Luckily, one of your best Aquarius traits is your resourcefulness and inventiveness, so I know you’ll find a workaround.

The 14th is divine,and wouldn’t you know- that’s Valentine’s day! A full moon occurs in your partnership sector, and it’s well-supported by Mars in your travel sector. This would be a good year to take a trip with your one-and-only- who knows, you might even make it official! Aquarian man? Put a ring on your lady’s finger already! Aquarian woman? Heck, it’s 2014…why don’t you swap gender roles, make like Britney, and put a ring on your man? You are after all, the quirkiest sign of the zodiac, and stranger things have happened. Some Aquarians may break up around this time, a difficult situation for everyone. Rest assured that the Universe is simply looking out for you. Sometimes we stay in mediocre relationships because of fear or uncertainty- that’s when the planets come along and say- ummm…I don’t think so!- and bring these situations to a head. If your union is strong, however, the planets won’t be able to find anything- they will move right along. So trust that everything happens for a reason.

On the 15th, the Sun in your sign will trine Mars, and you may get the itch to travel or take a new class. On the 16th, Mercury will follow, indicating mental work of some kind (reading, writing, study). On the 22nd, you may see a payout, as the Sun conjuncts Neptune in your income house. Wouldn’t that be a fine Valentine’s Day gift?

The 25th will be tough, as Jupiter in your work and health house will square your ruler, Uranus, in your 3rd house of communication. Do not sign a contract or begin a new job on this day, as conditions will not be in your favor. You may fight with a co-worker or sibling, or a writing project may hit a speed bump. Speaking of speed bumps- be careful on the road! The 3rd house also rules cars and transportation, and with this house in poor aspect to your health house, we want to keep you nice and safe! We want you in the very best condition to enjoy all the financial goodies headed your way next month!

To read your full 2014 horoscope, go here

To read your January 2014 horoscope, go here

Pisces February 2014 Monthly Horoscope

file00026883493The new moon that occurs at the end of January stimulates your rest and relaxation sector. You may find yourself even more introverted than usual, or perhaps working in solitude on a creative project that could bag you some coinage in the future.

On the 1st, Venus goes direct in your 11th house of friendships, and you could find your social calendar return to its normal pace. Problems with friends (or romances with them!) will be easier to navigate at this time, and stalled projects will be able to move forward. Single? Why not try an online dating service? You have the best aspects for this, as the planet of love (Venus) traverses your 11th house of technology. I found my person on when Jupiter (ruler of my 5th house of love) traversed my 11th house of technology (and no, no one paid me to say that!)

Mercury moves into your sign as well, but alas, it will retrograde back into your 12th house from February 6th to March 1st. During its retrograde, you should review home and partnership matters to make sure they’re fitting in with what you need. Most people advise against making any big decisions while Mercury is retrograde, but I don’t think you should change any big plans that are already in place. I wouldn’t INITIATE anything huge, but I wouldn’t break my back to change existing plans. Often with Mercury retrograde you’ll see a swirl of activity- suddenly everyone you know on Facebook is engaged or moving. The force of Mercury’s retrograde energy brings changes swiftly into our lives, and this is why I feel that it’s not bad to make moves during this time. Just make sure your eyes are open and you know all the details of what you’re getting into. This is not the time to cut corners!

February 11th may be a headache, as the Sun squares Saturn and travel or education plans could hit a snag. Valentine’s day may turn out to be all work and no play (in a good way!), as the full moon will occur in your 6th house and trine Mars in your 8th. You may get a bonus from a work project, which you can (ahem)  turn around and spend on your one and only! Perhaps a job offer comes in with a better salary than you’re used to. It may not be the job of your dreams, but a job is a job in this economy! Alternatively, you may get a new assistant, a new office, or a new co-worker.

The end of the month is divine, as the Sun will conjunct your ruler, Neptune, in your own sign on the 22nd, and a wish close to your heart may come true. Furthermore, on the 24th, Venus in your house of hopes and dreams will sextile Saturn in your travel and education house. You may hear word that you got into the top university you applied to, or perhaps you’ll just find yourself on a fun trip with friends!

The 25th will be tough, as your ruler, Jupiter, in your 5th house of love and children, will square Uranus in your income house. A child, lover, or hobby may eat up a chunk o’ change at this time, or you may have to deal with a large expense that throws your leisure plans off track. Alternatively, money you thought was coming in for a creative project may be held up. Luckily, March (your birthday month!) looks divine, so any hard luck should turn around.

Pisces Yearly 2014 horoscope 

Pisces Monthly January 2014 horoscope

January 2014 Horoscopes- Aries

aries januaryBig changes appear to be brewing in your life, Aries, as planets crowd into your house of fame and career, possibly bringing new opportunities into your world. Unfortunately, there may be times when you wish the offer never came up! An opportunity may interfere with home plans, perhaps requiring a relocation to a new city or taking your valuable time away from your family. Your partner may be a little peeved about it, as well; perhaps they have no interest in moving or resent your time away from home. Uranus in your sign since 2011 has been encouraging you to forge your own path in the world. Unfortunately, that’s recently become tougher with your ruler, Mars’, entry into Libra and your 7th house of partners. You’re so focused on a partner these days that you can’t possibly find the hours to focus on yourself! You’re not Superman! This dance will continue through 2014, as you work to find a balance between ME and US.

The full moon in Cancer on the 16th will bring a home matter to fruition, and because it’s well angled to Saturn in your 8th, I suspect money will be involved. Perhaps you get the home loan you applied for so that you can finally buy your dream house. Or maybe you’ll receive a bonus or inheritance and decide to use the funds to decorate your digs. Got a house on the market? You have good aspects to make a little profit! The end of the month brings a new moon in your house of friendship and hopes and dreams, that’s beautifully angled to Uranus in your own sign. You may begin a project you’ve always wanted to start- perhaps a website or iphone app- or you may meet a powerful new friend who can help you in ways you never imagined! With planets in your home and career sectors opposing each other, beginning a home-based business is ideal! You’re needed in both places, so why not combine them?

To read your full 2014 horoscope, go here

To read your December 2013 horoscope, go here

2014 January Horoscope- Taurus

file5931340859157Trains, planes, and automobiles…sound familiar? You seem to have travel on the brain, bull, but it might not be working out quite as you planned. The new moon in this sector is being pummeled by Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter in your work and health, secrets and closure, and communication sectors. The first ten days of the month may have seen you suffer from travel delays, canceled flights, or car breakdowns. Meanwhile, an uptick in work has caused you to burn the midnight oil on more than one occasion, and this could have interfered with any trips you were planning to take. Something surprising may have come up on the job- perhaps a co-worker was let go, or a secret came out at the office that affects your job. Alternatively, a health issue may have popped up out of the blue and demanded your attention. Things should settle down by the 11th, when Venus (your ruler!) conjuncts the Sun in your travel sector and sextiles Saturn in your 7th house of partnerships. Trips taken at this time should prove to be much easier than those taken on the 1st or 2nd, and you and your honey may find a romantic vacation is just what you needed to reignite the passion. Can’t get away? Try taking a yoga or higher education class together. The couple that plays together, stays together, right?

The full moon on the 16th occurs in your 3rd house of contracts and trines Saturn in your partnership sector. The pairing of these two partnership houses seems to indicate that you’ll be joining forces with someone- whether in love or business. This would be a great time to sign on the dotted line, so go for it! After that, planets begin to migrate into your 10th house of career, priming you for big things to come. Mercury will ping Uranus on the 17th, and the Sun will do the same on the 29th, indicating good luck in any creative career endeavors. The new moon at the end of the month in your career house is holding hands with Uranus in your 12th house, so you may get a job opportunity in a creative or medical field out of the blue. Investigate any opportunities that come up! Just be careful, as Pluto and Jupiter will continue to oppose each other, making transportation and communication matters fuzzy. Getting from A to B may prove challenging, so make sure that gas tank is full, the oil is changed, and your tires are full of air before heading out on any adventures. And try to keep that sharp tongue in check- don’t want anyone to take something the wrong way.

To read your full 2014 horoscope, go here

To read your December 2013 horoscope, go here

2014 January Horoscope- Gemini

gemini januaryMo Money, Mo Problems, right Gemini? A cluster of planets- including the new moon on January 1st- gather in your 8th house of joint resources, death, sexuality, and transformation. You may see a chunk of money go out- perhaps the sorry state of your credit balance is catching up to you, or you must give the tax man his due. There’s a possibility that money will come in, but because of the harsh angle of these planets, I think your news will be more annoying than exalting- at least in the first 10 days of the month. There’s war going on between your 5th and 11th houses, so you may have lent money to a friend or lover and wishing you hadn’t. Alternatively, the money you thought was coming in for a project may not, or perhaps it will come attached with obligations that you don’t want to have to fulfill. Money ain’t free, after all. On the 11th, the Sun will conjunct Venus in this sector, and sextile Saturn in your work house, so you may find the funds you need at this time. Doubling down on this possibility, the 16th brings a full moon in your income sector that trines your work house. You may end a project and receive a lump sum, or perhaps land a new job with a higher paycheck. Jupiter has been in your income sector since July 2013, and although it’s a little further away from the full moon than I’d like, its presence indicates good fortune. After that, your ruler, Mercury, will waltz on over to your 9th house of travel and higher education, sextiling Uranus in your friendship house on the 17th. You may go on a fun trip with friends at this time, or perhaps hear good news about a publishing or broadcasting project. Maybe you’ll even hear news that you were accepted into a university program! The Sun will follow and ping Uranus on the 29th, and the new moon on the 31st also occurs in this sector. Travel and fun seem to go hand in hand this year, so make good use of these aspects. Just keep an eye on your wallet- Pluto in your 8th sector of credit cards will still be opposing Jupiter in your house of income- be sure not to spend more than you make!

To read your 2014 horoscope, go here

To read your December 2013 horoscope, go here

2014 January Horoscope- Cancer

cancer januarySince July 2013, you’ve been happy for the universe to focus on YOU, dear cancer, so this month may prove a little annoying in that now you’re being forced to pay attention to your partner! The new moon in your partnership sector is at war with planets in your home and career sectors. You could have problems with a spouse or significant other, or perhaps with an employer or business partner. Perhaps your S.O. gets a job across the country, leaving you to decide if you can bear to part with your own career. Or perhaps you get a sudden dream opportunity…in Arkansas, and your partner’s a tried and true New York City dweller who refuses to go. You can only be in so many places, crabby, so you’ll have to choose what’s most important. I have a feeling you’ll work it out by the 11th, when Venus will conjunct the Sun in your partnership sector, and sextile Saturn in your 5th house of true love. Will you get engaged? I mean, it’s they least they could do if you’re moving for ’em, right? Alternatively, you may discover a happy pregnancy. The full moon in your sign on the 16th signifies that something important to you is coming to fruition, and given that the moon will trine Saturn in your 5th house, I definitely see it being love or child-related. Another alternative is the coming-together of a creative project. Perhaps you get an agent or financier for a project that brings you a little bit of acclaim! The month will then change it’s tune as Mercury and the Sun migrate into your 8th house of resources. You may see a bonus from a job come in, first on the 17th, when Mercury pings Uranus, and then on the 29th, when the Sun does the same. The last day of the month brings a new moon in Aquarius and your 8th house of other people’s money. It’s arm in arm with Uranus in your 10th house of career, so you may get a sudden job opportunity or income stream. If you run a business, perhaps you’ll raise financing to develop some new ideas. This is excellent news, but be sure to keep an eye on your partner- Jupiter will still be opposing Pluto, making matters fuzzy in this area. Don’t forget to give them a little TLC!

To read your full 2014 horoscope, go here

To read December 2013, go here

2014 January Horoscope- Leo

leo januaryWork, betch. That seems to be your catchphrase these days, Leo. With a stellium of planets in your 6th house of work and health, you seem to have assignments coming in left and right. The new moon in this sector comes flanked with terrible aspects, as it opposes Jupiter in your health and closure sector, squares Uranus in your travel sector, and squares Mars in your communication sector. Work or illness may have interfered with your travel plans, or perhaps a secret came out at the office. You may lose a beloved assistant or be dealing with an underhanded co-worker. If you start a new job, it may not turn out to be what you hoped. Luckily, your ruler, the Sun, will conjunct Venus on the 11th and sextile Saturn in your 4th house of home. A friend may be instrumental in some good news, or perhaps you throw a fun party in your home! The 16th sees a full moon in your house of closure. Watch your health around this time, and take as many bubble baths as needed! You may feel a little introverted at this time (who YOU, leo?) and crave some alone time. Take it! The moon will trine Saturn in your house of home, so hole yourself up and treat yo self. Drink that wine, read that new book, and turn off the phone . After such a busy month, you deserve it! Luckily, the tone of the month will change as Mercury and the Sun move into your house of partnership. On the 29th, your ruler, the Sun, in your 7th house of partners will  sextile Uranus in your 9th house of travel. This would be a fine time to take a vacay with your one and only. Alternatively, you may partner up in some kind of publishing project! If you’re involved in any legal situations, they should go well at this time. The new moon at the end of the month in your partnership sector will also be arm in arm with Uranus, which should set the tone for a full year of travel with your partner. Sounds like a blast to me! Especially with all the goodies you have coming up later this year…

To read your 2014 horoscope, go here

2014 January Horoscopes- Virgo

virgo januaryIn the words of the great Pat Benatar, love’s a real bitch. Okay, she didn’t exactly say that. But this month definitely sees you strapping on some armor to get through the battlefield we call love. A new moon occurs in your love, children, and fun sector on January 1st, and it’s taking a coupl’a kidney punches. It’s conjunct Pluto and your ruler, Mercury, square Uranus in your house of joint resources, square Mars in your 2nd house of income, and opposite Jupiter in your 11th house of friendship. You may find out something surprising about a loved one’s finances, or perhaps find yourself having to spend a large chunk o’ change on your sweetheart. Perhaps they got laid off and you have to support them ’til they get back on their feet. Or maybe some pent up financial frustrations are finally spilling out of your (or their!) mouth. If someone’s acting like a mooch, you gotta stand up for yourself, but if it’s a temporary thing let’s not play tit-for-tat with the checkbook, Virgo. For now, zip those lips about the $100 they spent on on cat butt magnets– chances are they’re feeling this chaotic planetary energy in their own way, and the influence will pass. Alternatively, you may have to rearrange your funds to accommodate a pregnancy or child, or a creative project could go awry due to budget constraints. On the 11th, the Sun will conjunct Venus in your 5th house and sextile Saturn in your 3rd. Problems will get a boost of luck. If you’re fighting, you’ll likely find the words to kiss and make-up. The full moon on the 16th occurs in your house of friendship and hopes and dreams. Something important may come to fruition, or a friend may have big news. The end of the month sees you focused on work, work, work- but you don’t mind, this is the sector your sign rules after all. Your ruler, Mercury, and the Sun begin to migrate into your work and health house, and both connect separately with Uranus in your 8th house of money. The 17th especially is a day when you may see a bonus come in from higher ups from good work performed. The new moon at the end of the moon may bring with it a new work assignment or assistant, or even a new job. With it, a new salary to boot! happy new year to you!

to read your 2014 horoscope, go here

2014 January Horoscopes- Libra

libra januaryHome matters seem to have gotten off to a chaotic start in the new year, haven’t they sweet Libra? You’ve had it tough the last few years, as a bunch of planets in your fellow cardinal signs have been yelling at each like a couple of drunken uncles at a bar mitzvah. You’re in the unique position of having the beneficial planet, Jupiter, in your career house, but the planet of limitations- Saturn- in your house of income. You seem to be making a name for yourself, but your bank account just isn’t reflecting the same progress. Now, planets in your house of home and family are causing a ruckus. The new moon on the 1st in this sector squared planets in your career house, 1st house of self, and 7th house of partnerships. Developments at home seem to be interfering with career plans or partnership plans. Mars is in your first house, giving you more drive than you’ve had in a while to accomplish things, but Uranus in your 7th house might be throwing you news that stops you in your tracks. Luckily, on the 11th, the Sun conjuncts Venus in your house of home and reaches out to Saturn in your 2nd house of income. You may sell your house for a profit or get income from work performed on or from the home. Alternatively a family member may bring in some much needed income. The 16th sees a full moon in your career house supported by Saturn in your income house, so this day may bring good money news as well. The month changes key, as planets begin to migrate into your 5th house of love and fun. Mercury and the Sun move into fellow air sign Aquarius and each reach out to Uranus in your 7th house of partnerships. You may spice things up with a partner or hear fabulous news about a child. This trend will continue with the new moon on the 31st in your fun, love, and children sector supported by Uranus, the planet of surprise, and bring good news to this sector for a full year!

To read your 2014 horoscope, go here

2014 January Monthly Horoscopes- Scorpio

scorpio januaryThis month may have gotten off to a chaotic start, thanks to a stellium of planets congregating in your 3rd house of communication and busywork. You’ve had emails to answer, trips to take, and errands to run, yet you’ve been getting hit with a bunch of BS from your work, health, travel, and secrets house that’s slowing you down! It’s enough to rattle even a scorpion! Writing and communication projects may be taking up a lot of unnecessary energy, or you could be having problems with your car, or with getting from A to B. Not to mention you’ve got Mars and Uranus sword fighting in your work and and closure houses! The 2nd may have brought tough news, as the Sun conjuncted your ruler, Pluto, in your contract house and squared Mars in your 12th house of closure and secrets. Your car may have finally called it quits, or a project may have abruptly come to an end. Luckily, on the 11th, Venus will conjunct the Sun in the 3rd house, and reach out happily to Saturn in your sign. This would be a great day to sign a contract. The 16th sees a full moon in your 9th house also holding hands with Saturn in your sign. This would be a fine time to travel or work on a publishing or broadcasting project. Alternatively, you may hear good news about a program of study- perhaps you got into University, or the grad school of your dreams! The end of the month changes tracks, as you appear to switch your focus to your home. Interestingly, work and home seem to go hand in hand now, as Mercury and Sun  reach out to Uranus in your 6th house of work and health. Perhaps you get a surprise assignment that requires you to relocate, or maybe you pick up an assignment that allows you to work from home. The new moon on the 31st in your home sector will be hand in hand with Uranus in the 6th, so something may come up out of the blue. Staying at home might prove to be a good thing, as Jupiter in your travel house will continue to oppose your ruler, Pluto, in communication house. Getting from A to B will prove challenging- whether we’ll dealing with transportation or communication issues, and you may end up putting your foot in your mouth or getting stranded at the airport. Keep your eyes and ears open, and be sure to prepare for Plan B!

To read your 2014 horoscope, go here