Pisces Daily Horoscope- Week of May 11th

moneyThis week sees some wild ups and downs between your finances and a home or family situation, as planets in these sectors fight and then kiss and make-up all week!

 Sunday, May 11th could bring difficulties to a housing or family matter, as Mercury in this sector angers your ruler, Neptune, in your own sign. The problem looks to be financial in nature, as Venus and Mars will also oppose each other from your income and shared money houses.

Luckily, Monday, May 12th, should bring some relief, as Mercury in your home sector reaches out to Mars in your shared money house, enabling you to find the funds you need.

A full moon occurs on Wednesday, May 14th, in your travel and higher education sector, indicating that an important trip, writing project, or course of study may come together at this time. Saturn’s presence to the full moon indicates that this is an important time, but a lot of hard work may be involved. Luckily, you’ll have Jupiter protecting you from your fun and love house. Just beware- whatever comes up my cost you a pretty penny, as this day also sees Venus anger Pluto in your income and long-term goals house.

Luckily, on Thursday, May 15th, Venus will conjunct Uranus in your money sector, and the pair will reach out to Mercury in your home sector, giving an indication that you will find unexpected financial relief, perhaps from a family member, or perhaps in order to solve a home situation.

Friday, May 16th, and Saturday, May 17th, are sweet days for romance, as Jupiter in your fun and love sector blows a kiss to healing Chiron in your own sign all weekend long!.

Pisces May Horoscope 2014

Previous Pisces Daily Horoscope

Aries Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

aries march 2Sunday 3/2– You may fight with a partner or spouse over a career or marriage issue today, as your ruler, Mars, is angry with Venus. Perhaps you’ve been so busy at work that your partner feels neglected. Alternatively, you may take issue with your employer or salary. Take whatever comes up seriously, as it could bubble up to something larger next month.

Monday 3/3– Today is a great day to work on a creative project, as the Sun in this sector will reach out to Pluto in your career house. Alternatively, you may end a job, and if so it seems to be for the best.

Tuesday 3/4–  If you’re letting something go, today brings a healing energy, as Chiron conjuncts the Sun in Pisces. Trust that anything you’re sweeping out now is part of a larger plan. Once you’ve cleaned out the cobwebs in the attic, you can make way for new and better beginnings.

Wednesday 3/5– Today is a pleasant day, when the moon and the Sun are at peace with each other. You may take stock of your life and where you’re at and feel happy. Money matters may prove to positive.

Thursday 3/6–  Jupiter goes direct in your house of home, straightening out matters of this nature. If you’re looking for a new place, Jupiter’s energy will give you renewed luck and motivation. Difficulties with family tend to be smoothed over now.

Friday 3/7– Venus entered your house of friendship yesterday, making for a fun time with friends. If you’re single, you may  even discover you have romantic feelings for a good friend. Venus in this sector also promises good fortune for long-term goals and plans, especially of a romantic nature!

Saturday 3/8– Mercury turned direct earlier this week in your 11th house of technology and long-term plans. Why not use this energy to work on any dormant writing, internet, or communication projects? Mercury will leave this sector on March 17th, so get to work now.

Full Monthly Aries March 2014 Horoscope

Aries Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Taurus Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

taurus march 2Sunday 3/2– Mars fights with your ruler, Venus, today in your work and travel sectors, indicating that an unexpected (and unwelcome) work trip may pop up. Alternatively, illness could interfere with a vacation, or a publishing project could hit a snag. While this energy is temporary, the planets indicate more turbulence in these areas next month, so do what you can to smooth things over now.

Monday 3/3– Today is a great day for travel, especially if you’re with a group of friends, as Pluto in your travel sector will reach out to the Sun in your house of hopes and dreams. Long-term projects, especially broadcasting, publishing, and writing projects are well-starred as well, smoothing over yesterday’s energy.

Tuesday 3/4–  Today, healing Chiron conjuncts the Sun in your friendship sector, so if you’ve been having any difficulties with friends, today might be the day you bury the hatchet. Take stock of your friendships, and give thanks for those close to you in your life.

Wednesday 3/5– The moon in your sign today is in pleasant aspect to the Sun in your friendship, bringing more good news to friendship and long-term goals. You have an extra sparkle today, so why not put the good energy to use and go out on the town?

Thursday 3/6–  Jupiter goes direct in your communication house today, and writing and communication projects are all set to go full steam ahead. If you’ve been having car troubles or travel issues, you may now be able to more effectively sort them out. Siblings may call with good news.

Friday 3/7– Venus entered your 10th house of career yesterday, bestowing good fortune on this sector. Professional pursuits are well-starred at this time, and authority figures look on you with respect. If you’re single, you may even find love on the job.

Saturday 3/8– Mercury went direct in your career sector earlier this week, and since Mercury rules your income house you may hear word about a salary increase at this time. Mercury also rules your creative sector, so if your profession has to do with writing or the arts, this is a fantastic time to get lots of work done.

Full Monthly Taurus March 2014 Horoscope

Taurus Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Gemini Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

gemini march 2Sunday 3/2– An unexpected financial hurdle may crop up today, with Mars and Venus squaring in your 5th and 8th houses. A child or hobby may have a large expense, or you may fight with your love about money. These areas will battle again in April, so take whatever comes up seriously.

Monday 3/3– Today’s energy may heal over any difficulties from yesterday, as the Sun in your career house pings Pluto in your money house. You may get a bonus or payout, or a land a huge client or deal that will you net you some funds.

Tuesday 3/4– If you’ve been having difficulties in your career, today may bring peace. Healing Chiron conjuncts the Sun in this sector, and you may be able to finally release any tension you’ve been feeling.

Wednesday 3/5– With the moon in your sleepy 12th house, spend the day resting or working on creative projects. If you recently ended a job, today may allow you to let go gracefully.

Thursday 3/6– Jupiter goes direct in your income house today, giving a boost to money matters. Although next month may bring some upheaval in regards to your finances, use Jupiter’s good energy to fight for a raise.

Friday 3/7– Venus entered your 9th house of travel yesterday, making for a great period to take a vacation with your love- the further away, the better! If you’re single, you may have a fling on vacation. If you have to stick around town, you may find the foreign hotties coming to you!

Saturday 3/8– Travel seems to be on the brain, with both Mercury and Venus gliding through this sector. Now that your ruler, Mercury, is direct, travel plans are given the go ahead. Same goes for any course of study or higher education, or even a publishing or broadcasting project.

Full Monthly Gemini March 2014 Horoscope

Gemini Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Cancer Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

tree_ckSunday 3/2– Home and partnership matters are at odds today, and you may find yourself fighting with a loved one as Venus and Mars square each other in these sectors. Home renovations may not be going according to plan, causing strife between you and your one and only.

Monday 3/3– Why not smooth over yesterday’s tension with a vacation with your partner? You have beautiful aspects for a romantic jaunt out of town.

Tuesday 3/4–  Healing Chiron conjuncts the Sun in your travel and higher learning sector today. You may learn that you were accepted into a higher learning program, such as college or grad school. Travel taken today, whether of the physical or mental variety, is good for the soul. Let the knowledge you learn soak into you and nourish your mind.

Wednesday 3/5– With the moon in your 11th house, you may spend the day focused on long-term plans and goals. Try not to stress out too much about anything existential and trust that life always works out in the end. Today is a great day to hang with pals.

Thursday 3/6–  Jupiter goes direct in your sign, and something important to you- a relationship, job, or personal project-will pick up speed. Jupiter has been blessing  your sign since last July, but has been retrograde since November. Soon you may find good fortune swinging your way again.

Friday 3/7– Venus enters your 8th house of intimacy today, making for some sexy times indeed! Why not plan a romantic date night with your boo? Alternatively, you may hear good money news about financing for a home or long-term project.

Saturday 3/8– Mercury went direct in your 8th house earlier this week, straightening out a loan, tax, or finance matter. If you’ve been trying to nail down a financial contract, talks may pick up now.

Full Monthly Cancer March 2014 Horoscope

Cancer Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Leo Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

leo march 2Sunday 3/2– Today is not a good day for travel, as Mars and Venus are at war in your 3rd and 6th houses. Illness may interfere with a trip, and the likeliness for injury is higher than usual. Alternatively, work matters may hit a snag or you could argue with a co-worker.

Monday 3/3– Money news may be good today, as the Sun in your 8th house of shared resources reaches out to Pluto in your work house. You may get a bonus, or land a client or financing for your business. Health matters are also positive.

Tuesday 3/4–  If you’ve been experiencing illness or financial distress, today may bring relief, as healing Chiron conjuncts the Sun in Pisces and your 8th house. Chiron heals wounds, so its influence should be a positive one.

Wednesday 3/5– Your mind is on your career, as the moon passes through this sector. Although you may be unsure of where you career is going at the moment, today appears to bring positive financial news.

Thursday 3/6–  Jupiter goes direct in Cancer and your 12th house of closure, creativity, and health. If you’re trying to kick an addiction or bad habit, now you will have the power and motivation to do so. Work hard on behind-the-scenes projects in order to reap rewards by the time Jupiter moves into your sign in July.

Friday 3/7– Venus entered your partnership sector today, bringing romance to the forefront of your mind. Why not schedule a date night with your love and take advantage of the good vibes? If you’re single, get out on the town. You never know who you’ll meet!

Saturday 3/8– With both Mercury and Venus gliding through your partnership sector, you seem to be focused on another person, whether that’s in love or business. Now that Mercury is direct in this sector, long-term plans may start to become more clear. It seems there’s money to be made with a partner as well.

Full Monthly March 2014 Leo Horoscope

Leo Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Virgo Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

virgo march 2Sunday 3/2– Today may bring an unexpected expense in regards to a child or creative project. Alternatively, your dating life may be proving to be tough on your wallet. Use Mars’ retrograde through your income house to review your budget and find ways to cut back.

Monday 3/3– Today is a lovely day for romance, as the Sun in your partnership house will reach out to Pluto in your house of romance and children. Use the energy to go on a date with whomever’s caught your eye. You may even decide to make it official with a beau. Existing couples may discover a happy pregnancy or decide to have a child.

Tuesday 3/4– Healing Chiron conjuncts the Sun today in your partnership sector, so if you’ve been experiencing difficulties in this area, today may bring relief. This could mean the end of the relationship, but it appears to be for the best if that’s the case. Love and let go. Couples on solid ground can breath easily, knowing that this day will be one of peace and gratitude.

Wednesday 3/5– Today is a great day to plan a trip, as the moon in your house of faraway places indicates you’ve got travel on the brain. Grab a partner and giddyup!

Thursday 3/6– Jupiter goes direct in Cancer and your 11th house of hopes and dreams. A stalled project may move at a much quicker pace now. Difficulties with friendships and social groups also appear to be well-starred.

Friday 3/7– Venus entered Aquarius and your 6th house yesterday, bestowing good luck on your work and health. If you’re single, you may even become involved in an office romance. This is a good time to ask for a raise, as Venus rules your income house.

Saturday 3/8– Your ruler, Mercury, went direct in your work and health house earlier this week, straightening out any confusion in these areas. Since Mercury also rules your career house, things seem to be picking up here as well. Use the energy of both Mercury and Venus to work hard on your projects so that you can reap professional rewards come June.

Full Virgo Monthly March 2014 Horoscope

Virgo Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Libra Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

libra march 2Sunday 3/2– Today may bring an argument with a family member, as Mars and Venus fight in your self and home sectors. Alternatively, a housing issue could crop up which you need to deal with, such as a plumbing or leaking issue. Additionally, Mars’ influence in your sign may be making you a tad aggressive, so be sure to keep that tongue of yours in check.

Monday 3/3– Your work and home needs are aligned today, as the Sun in your 6th reaches out to Pluto in your 4th. This is a great day to work from home, or work on a project having to do with your home. You may hear news about a relocation opportunity.

Tuesday 3/4–  If you’ve been ill, today may bring relief, as healing Chiron conjuncts the Sun in your 6th house of health. If you’ve been out of work, you may get a job at this time. This may come as welcome relief!

Wednesday 3/5– Today may bring positive financial developments, as the moon in your 8th house of taxes, loans, and stocks reaches out to the Sun in your work sector. You may hear of a tax refund or work bonus, or perhaps receive an inheritance.

Thursday 3/6–  Jupiter goes direct in Cancer and your 10th house of career today, indicating good news in professional matters. If it seemed that your career has been stalled since November, you’ll notice that things will speed up from here until July.

Friday 3/7– Venus entered Aquarius and your 5th house of romance yesterday, suggesting that romance is on the brain! Why not use the energy to take your love out on a date? If you’re single, get out and mingle. Your sparkle will be irresistible!

Saturday 3/8– With Mercury direct in your 5th house since last week, a matter regarding a child or travel issue seems to be straightening out. Since Mercury also rules your 12th house of creativity, and is currently traversing through your 5th house of creativity, why not use this energy on a creative pursuit? This is a great time for artists, writers, and musicians.

Full Libra Monthly March 2014 Horoscope

Libra Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Scorpio Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

scorpio march 2Sunday 3/2– Today, you may inadvertently reveal a secret, upsetting someone close to you. Alternatively, a secret could come out about you. Be careful to not put your foot in your mouth, as today is a day when you’re likely to do so. Also be careful on the road and while traveling, as you may experience a mechanical failure.

Monday 3/3– Today has great energy for date night with your beau, or perhaps even a short trip. You seem to be on the same page in a romance, and your communication skills are on fire! Creative contracts are favored, as are trips with children.

Tuesday 3/4–  Today may be downright magical in regards to your heart, as healing Chiron conjuncts the Sun in your 5th house of romance and love. Use the energy to give thanks, as not everyone is lucky enough to find a person to love. If you have a child, today may bring a healing influence to a difficulty in their life.

Wednesday 3/5– Wow, what a week for romance- today is another great day for matters of the heart. The moon in your partnership sector makes sweet music with the Sun in your romance sector, indicating that things with your boo are going swell. Hope you’re on vacation this week, as it’d be a shame to waste such good energy! If you’re single, be sure to get out of the house- your aspects are too good not to!

Thursday 3/6–  Jupiter goes direct in Cancer and your 9th house of broad horizons, bringing good luck to travel and higher education matters. Between now and July, you may go on the trip of a lifetime, or learn that you were accepted into the University or grad school of your choice. If you are studying a new subject, it may be something that will benefit you for a long time.

Friday 3/7– Yesterday, Venus entered Aquarius and your 4th house of home. If you’re looking to move, now would be a good time- perhaps you even decide to move in with your significant other. Now is also a great time to upgrade your place- paint the walls, redecorate, and make it yours.

Saturday 3/8– Mercury went direct in your home sector last week, and you may be finding that you’re spending a pretty penny on your home. Don’t worry about it too much. Your home is your sanctuary, and it should be treated with TLC. It’s the best money you can spend on yourself.

Full Scorpio March 2014 Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Sagittarius Daily Horoscopes- Week of March 2, 2014

sag march 2Sunday 3/2– You may hear jarring financial news that throws you for a loop. Curb your socializing so you can pad that bank account and save some cash.

Monday 3/3– If you’re selling or buying a house, today might be the day you get or make an offer. Alternatively, a work-from-home opportunity may appear.

Tuesday 3/4–  Healing Chiron conjuncts the Sun in your family sector, smoothing over any difficulties you may have had in this area lately. Take a moment to give thanks for your familial blessings.

Wednesday 3/5– Home and work needs are in alignment today. Why not take advantage of the energy and work from home?

Thursday 3/6–  Jupiter goes direct in your joint money house, and you may hear good financial news surrounding stocks, loans, or inheritances.

Friday 3/7– Venus enters your 3rd house. This is a great time to take a short trip out of town with your love or purchase a new vehicle. You may meet a potential love interest at the supermarket or post office, so be sure to look your best!

Saturday 3/8– If you’re a writer, use the energy of Mercury traversing your 3rd house and put pen to paper. If you’re not a writer per se, this is a good time to catch up on emails or other correspondence.

Full Monthly Sagittarius March 2014 Horoscope 

Yearly Sagittarius 2014 Horoscope