Happy Anniversary to Us

It’s our party, and we’ll cheer when we want to!

Did you know that August marks the first anniversary of Positively Astrology’s Horoscopes? Time sure flies when you’re ‘scoping away!

Thank you for your continued support and readership- we would be nothing without you!


Positively Astrology

BONUS- Daily Horoscopes- March 1st, 2014

march dailyAries: If you’re looking for a new place to live, lady luck is on your side! The new moon may just sweep a wonderful real estate opportunity into your life, while also giving you the strength to let go of your current situation.

Taurus: Why not grab some friends and get out of dodge for the weekend? The gorgeous new moon today makes it a fine time for a fun trip with your best pals.

Gemini: Today is one of the best career days you’ve had in a while! The new moon may sweep in the promotion of your dreams, with a magnificent salary to boot!

Cancer: Travel is well-starred today, and you may plan or go on the trip of a lifetime. These are also beautiful aspects if you’re applying to college, grad school, or for some kind of training program.

Leo: A behind-the scenes project may bring in a boost of money today. Money could also come from an inheritance, or the sale of a creative idea.

Virgo: A new chapter begins in your relationship today, and an engagement or marriage may even be on its way to you! Jupiter’s presence in your house of hopes and dreams indicates that it’s everything you ever wanted.

Libra: A new job or work assignment may present itself today, much to your excitement. It seems to be an upgrade in title or prestige, lucky you!

Scorpio: Today is all about love and romance for you, dear Scorpion…travel may even be part of the picture! If you’re trying to have a baby, today will bring you good luck.

Sagittarius: You seem to be looking for a new home, and if that’s the case, you’ll soon find good news headed your way. If you’ve recently applied for a home loan, you may hear word that it went through!

Capricorn: Today is a great day to take your one and only on a trip to a nearby B&B. If romance isn’t in the picture for you, you may get the opportunity to take on a new business partner. You have the go ahead to sign any agreements today!

Aquarius: Today may usher in a new financial chapter for you. You may begin a new, better-paying job, or perhaps get a raise at your current job.

Pisces: A lucky new moon in your sign indicates new beginnings in romance and creativity. Tell your crush how you feel about them, and you’ll be surprised at the results. Single? Go out and mingle.

Cancer Horoscope March 2014

cancer marchSummary: A month focused on travel, study, and broad horizons. A project or trip may come together mid-month. Home and family issues may come up for review and need your attention.

Extended Horoscope: Foreign people and places are well-starred for you this month, dear crab, and it seems you’re really expanding your horizons! The new moon on February 28th occurs in this sector, and it comes perfectly aligned with Jupiter in your own sign. You may go on or plan an eye-opening travel experience, expand your business internationally, or take on an important overseas client. Other crabs may be going on trips of a more intellectual nature- perhaps starting higher eduction or undergoing some sort of training or study.

Even better news, Jupiter in your sign goes direct on March 6th, giving you the maximum strength of its good-luck energy. It seems that whatever is going on with you is extremely important to your identity and brings you a lot of joy. Additionally, Mercury goes direct in your 8th house of money on March 1st, ensuring you have the cash to fund whatever adventure your heart desires.

A full moon occurs in your 3rd house of short distance travel on March 16th. You may take a short trip, perhaps with a child, or perhaps with a new romance. Alternatively, you may sign a contract or purchase a new car. Some cancers may even hear that a sibling is pregnant!

Saturn has been traversing your 5th house of fun, romance, and children since October 2012, making for a somewhat sobering time. Coupled up Cancers may have found their romantic spark to be a little, ummm…flat, lately. Single crabs may be having trouble on the dating scene and wondering how things got so dire. Has it really been 6 months since you went on a date? Still others may have have had a child recently and been introduced to just how hard it is to make time for romance when you’re constantly changing dirty diapies!

Saturn goes retrograde on March 2nd, bringing some of these issues up for you to resolve. If you want that spark, you’re going to have to work for it over the next few months (until July 20th). Make time for date night, and if you’re a new parent, try to keep the poo poo conversations to a minimum. Single cancers might be better off focusing on themselves and their own interests for the time being. You never know- that special someone might just come along when you stop looking so hard.

Mars is another planet that will retrograde, and it will do so on March 1st in  your 4th house of home. Renovation plans may hit a snag, or you may encounter difficulties with a roommate, landlord, plumbing, or home wiring issue. This would not be an ideal time to move, as you may find the conditions are not what you were hoping for. If you’ve been working from home, you may encounter difficulties at this time as well, perhaps finding the environment is no longer conducive to getting work done. You may encounter unexpected familial news at this time as well.

Mars goes direct on May 19th, so try to hold off on any major initiations until this time. April is an especially chaotic month to make big moves, as planets in your houses of home, career, partnership, and self will clash. Your sign is right in the thick of this square, especially if your birthday falls close to July 5th. It seems that any issues that have been building up will come to a head in the third week of April, possibly around the eclipse on April 15th.

Cancer Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Cancer February 2014 Horoscope

Libra Horoscope March 2014

libra marchSummary: A month focused on work, health, and positive career developments. Mid-month may bring the need to let go of something or someone. Review financials and seek ways to up your income stream.

Expanded Horoscope: If you’ve been working towards big things in your career, this just may be the month it begins to pay off. The new moon on February 28th occurs in your work sector and is perfectly aligned with Jupiter, planet of good fortune, in your career sector. This is a beautiful match-up if you are beginning a new job or work assignment. You may even get a promotion at your current job. It seems that whatever you’re working on will bring you more prestige- you may even get a little press!

Jupiter has been residing in your career sector since last July- a great placement if you’re trying to take your profession to the next level- but it went retrograde in November. If it seemed like things were going so well and then abruptly stalled, that’s why. Luckily, on March 6th, Jupiter will resume direct motion and return to full strength. Career matters should speed ahead once again, and fortunately you have this luck all the way through July!

Mercury also goes direct this month, so if you’ve been feeling confused about a romance, child, or travel matter, things should start to become more clear. Even better news for romance is Venus’s entry into your 5th house of love, children, and creativity on March 6th. If you’re single, you may meet someone at this time, so get out there and mingle! Coupled up Libra’s may feel their relationship turn lighter and more fun, so be sure to take plenty of date nights this month! Venus is your ruler, so you feel its transits more strongly than other signs (with the exception of Taurus, whom Venus also rules). If you are trying to conceive, this may be a fortunate time for you, and if you already have children, this may be a positive period for them.

The full moon this month takes place in your 12th house of endings on March 16th. You may end a relationship, project, or job at this time. In general, you seem to be letting something go. The moon’s relationship to Saturn in your income house suggests that money is involved. Perhaps you sell something that gets you some cash, or a creative project nets you some funds. If none of this is true for you, you may just feel the need to retreat a little bit and take it easy, or work on a behind-the-scenes project. Next month there will be an eclipse in your sign (on April 15th), and something important to you will culminate. A four way square will follow one week later between planets in your home, career, self, and partnership houses, so April will be a big month for you! Take it easy now while you can.

Switching gears a bit, Mars has been zipping through your sign since December 2013, giving you motivation in spades. This was great news if you’re initiating a project or personal endeavor of some kind, as you have more energy than ever. Mars rules your partnership house, so a business or personal relationship may have been prominent in your life. Mars retrogrades on March 1st, and you may need to re-do some work, or re-vise the terms of your partnership. Retrogrades can feel a little bit like getting stuck in the mud, but if you power through it, you will be better for it. Mars will return to direct motion on May 19th, 2014.

Saturn is another planet that turns retrograde this month, and it will do so on March 2nd. Saturn is currently in your income and self-worth house, so these are the areas that would come up for review. You may re-negotiate your salary with your employer or think of new ways to bring in money. There is a possibility that you will take a financial hit- perhaps you encounter an unexpectedly large expense or experience a loss of some kind of income stream. Saturn will resume forward motion on July 20th, and will eventually move out of this sector entirely by December 24th, although it will return briefly in 2015. It hasn’t been easy being a Libra the last few years, but there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Libra Yearly 2014 Horoscope

Libra February 2014 Horoscope

Scorpio March 2014 Horoscope

scorpio marchSummary: A month focused on romance, pleasure, and travel. Mid-month, a dream close to your heart may come true. Saturn retrograde in your sign forces you to re-evaluate your identity.

Expanded Horoscope: March is a month tailor made for romance and fun, so grab your party hat and come on in! The new moon on February 28th may sweep a new love interest into your life, or open up a chapter in an existing romance. It’s perfectly lined up to good luck Jupiter in your 9th house of travel and broad horizons, and Pluto (your ruler!) in your 3rd house of travel and communication, indicating that a fun trip with your love might be on the agenda. If you’re trying to have a baby, this is a great time to try, and if you already have a child, you may hear good news about them at this time. All of this is especially true the closer your birthday is to November 2nd.

If you’re looking to make a commitment in love, conceive a baby, or begin a creative project, you may hear news around the full moon on March 16th. This moon occurs in Virgo and your 11th house of hopes and wishes, indicating that a long-held dream may come true around this time. The moon will be well-angled to Saturn in your sign, giving whatever happens extra stability and importance. You may also hear news about a friend, or connect with an influential person who could help your career.

If you’ve been looking for a new place to live or adjusting to a new home space, things may start to straighten out once Mercury goes direct in this sector on March 1st. Additionally, Jupiter goes direct on March 6th in your 9th house, straightening out any travel, writing, or higher education plans.

Unfortunately we do have some planets going retrograde this month as well (facepalm!). Mars will turn retrograde on March 1st in your 12th house of closure and secrets, which is a bit of a strange placement for Mars. Mars is an aggressor planet, and the 12th house is sleepy and dreamy, so the two are a bit of an odd couple. You may be dealing with some personal demons, addictions, or self-doubt, and Mars’ retrograde will force you to confront these issues. Mars rules your sector of work and health, so you may be having trouble in these areas as well. Use Mars’ retrograde to re-evaluate your work and health situations and fix whatever you need to. It seems that whatever is brewing will come to a head in the third week of April, when there’s a four way square between planets in your work and health, closure, communication and travel houses. Mars will resume forward motion on May 19th.

Adding to the chaos is the fact that Saturn turns retrograde in your first house of self on March 2nd. If you’ve recently started a new venture or relationship, you may be questioning if its really want you want. Alternatively, if you’ve been doing the same thing for a while- whether you’ve been living in the same city, working at the same job, or in the same relationship- you may start to get a little restless and feel the need to do something different. Use the retrograde to fix anything that isn’t working. Saturn will resume forward motion on July 20th.

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2014

Scorpio February 2014 Horoscope

October 2013 Monthly Horoscopes- Virgo

Grammia virgo

Grammia virgo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Money can’t buy you love. So say The Beatles anyway. I advise you keep that in mind this month, as your financial situation might get a little wonky. Luckily, the month starts out on a nice note- your ruler, Mercury, is in your 3rd house of communication (the house mercury rules!), and on Oct 3rd, it will trine Neptune in your 7th house of partnerships. Communication with your sweetie will be divine on this day. Alternatively, any contract you sign to form a new business partnership will be swimming in good luck. Unfortunately, the good vibrations come to a halt on the 5th, with a new moon in your income house. This new moon will be opposing Uranus in your house of other people’s money, and squaring Pluto in your house of true love. Perhaps you and your love aren’t on the same page regarding a financial situation, or your child has a large expense. Alternatively, funding for a creative project may suddenly go awry. This isn’t such a new influence- Uranus has been sending you surprises in your money sector for 2 1/2 years, and Pluto has been drudging up issues regarding love, children, and creativity since 2008. The two planets have been squaring each other since June 2012, forcing you to confront any issues you have with love and money. They will continue to do so until 2015, so you may as well start listening. They know what they’re talking about. Coming back to this month, on the 13th, the Sun in your financial sector will square Jupiter in your 11th house of hopes and wishes, and the funding for a long-term goal could hit a snag. As if that weren’t enough, your ruler Mercury will conjunct hard-knocks planet Saturn twice this month in your communication house- once on the 8th and once on the 30th (and again next month- argh!). If you didn’t sign a contract on the 3rd, for the love of all that is good and holy please don’t do it now. If a contract isn’t on the table, you might instead have issues with a car or sibling. There’s always the chance that instead of bringing bad vibes, Saturn could bring stability to a contract, so if you have to sign something on the 8th you might be able to get away with it. However, because Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st,  you definitely want to avoid the 30th. Since Mercury is your ruler, its retrograde is extra frustrating for you. You may find a project close to your heart needs to be re-configured, career matters seem sticky, or perhaps your car suddenly has a host of problems. You don’t need me to tell you that you shouldn’t even think of buying a new car or taking a new job until Mercury turns direct. Next month, on November 13th, Mercury will resume forward motion at the same time the Sun in the 3rd house will trine Jupiter. Give your final word then. You might be wondering if this month brings ANY good news. Well- it does! On the 10th, Venus in your 4th house of home will trine Uranus in your 8th house of other people’s money. A home loan may come through, or you may be the recipient of an inheritance. Perhaps your home  life will go through an epic transformation that you didn’t anticipate. The lunar eclipse in this same financial sector on the 20th makes an influx of cash a real possibility.  Just make sure you avoid moving or signing contracts when Mercury turns retrograde on the 21st! Mars enters your sign on the 8th giving you tons of energy and drive. This is a fortunate aspect that only comes along every 2 years. Unfortunately, you may find yourself beating your head against the wall once Mercury goes retrograde. The energy of Mars + the delays of retrograde = frustration. Sweat it out at the gym, Virgo, and breathe. It will pass. Specifically, it will pass after November 12th, when Mercury will go direct and you’ll still have Mars in your sign. On the 20th, Mars will oppose Neptune in your 7th house of partnerships. Neptune has been transiting this house for a while, casting a fog over your partnerships. This dreamy planet doesn’t play very well with aggressive Mars in your sign, and you may find yourself in a confrontation with your significant other on this day. Luckily, on the 26th, the Sun in your 3rd house will trine Pisces in your partnership house, bringing communication back to a manageable level. Even better, on the 31st, Mars in your sign will trine Pluto in your 5th house of true love, making for one helluva sexy Halloween. Why not make scary, sexy!


To read your September horoscope, go here


October 2013 Monthly Horoscopes- Leo

Jingo1884-11-12 Cover

Jingo1884-11-12 Cover (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hope you have some ginger ale handy this month, cause you may get carsick on this wild ride. Let’s get the bad out of the way, shall we? The new moon on the 5th in your 3rd house is one jerk of a hostess. She’s opposing Uranus in your 9th house and squaring Pluto in your 6th. Travel is not ideal this month, nor are writing or speaking endeavors. With the 6th house in play, a health issue could come into the picture. Alternatively, you may be fighting with co-workers. Contracts could go awry, siblings could cause problems, or you may suffer transportation breakdowns. Your work and travel houses have been fighting since October 2012. You may have been struggling with whether your values match your job description, and communication breakdowns with co-workers have probably been likely. You have a few more years to sort out your feelings on this, cause these planets will continue to fight until 2015. Complicating matters this month is the fact that Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st in your house of home. Issues surrounding the house and home will go fuzzy and stall. Promise me you won’t commit to a new lease during this time! As if retrograde weren’t enough, Mercury conjuncts Saturn in your house of home twice this month (the 8th and the 30th). Eek. Saturn is a serious planet that can cause hardships and limitations. Mercury is a communication planet, so you can see these aren’t ideal conditions to commit to a housing situation. Mercury rules your houses of income and long-term goals, and retrograde will cause you to review and change matters of these nature, so I’d wait until next month to see where things stand. There’s always a chance Saturn will actually be beneficial- it could lend stability to your venture- but with that wonky new moon and Mercury retrograde, I personally wouldn’t take any chances. You can look at apartments, but don’t put anything in writing until November 12th. In fact, on November 13th, the sun in your housing sector will trine good-luck Jupiter, so that will be a great time to move forward. This month however, on Oct 13,  your ruler (the sun) in your communication house will square Jupiter in your 12th, so you should pretty much avoid contracts of any kind all month. Some good news for your love life- Venus moves into Sagittarius and your 5th house of pleasure and love on the 8th, sure to make for a romantic time. On the 17th, Venus trines Uranus in your 9th house of travel. You might find sudden sparks with a foreigner or while at university. Alternatively, you might have a flash of inspiration for a publishing or broadcasting project. The eclipse in Aries at 25 degrees on the 18th will bring this same house into focus, and a matter regarding publishing, education, or travel will peak. Just watch out for the 20th, when Mars in your 2nd house of income will oppose neptune in your house of other people’s money. Mars is the aggressor planet and neptune likes to smoke ’em peace pipe, so these two go together like Zuckerberg and the Winklevii twins. Go over any financial dealings with a fine tooth comb, as Neptune likes to conceal details. Halloween brings good news on the money front, as Mars in your income house will trine pluto in your work house- an excellent aspect for raising your salary at your current job! Sounds like a happy halloween to me!

To read your September Horoscope, go here

October 2013 Monthly Horoscopes- Cancer


Crab (Photo credit: soundofdesign)

Last month seemed to see you focusing on travel and communication. This month, October 3rd puts the finishing touches on whatever came up around Sept 20, as Mercury in your 5th house of true love trines Neptune in your 9th house of travel. These are great aspects for a creative writing or broadcasting project, but you must tread carefully, as other planets in the solar system happen to be wreaking havoc! There’s a new moon in your 4th house of home on Oct 5th, and unfortunately it’s opposed to Uranus in your 10th house of career, and also squaring Pluto in your 7th house of partnerships. Because you’re a cardinal sign, and all of the planets I just mentioned are also in cardinal signs (Aries, Capricorn, Libra), you’re gonna be feeling the heat on this one. Especially if you were born around July 5th, plus or minus a few days. There seems to be a war going on between your personal and professional needs. Perhaps you found your dream home, but it’s located an hour away from your workplace. Or perhaps your spouse was offered a great position in another state, but you happen to like the job and home you already have! Uranus has been making its way through your career house since 2011, causing all kinds of sudden changes and revelations, and Pluto has been doing the same thing in your partnership house since 2008. Since June 2012, these two planets have been tangled up in bed together, pitting the worlds of your career and partnerships together until you come up with a solution. You may be having trouble with an employer or business partner, or your significant other might be unhappy with the hours you’re putting in at the office. Alternatively, you could be trying to sort out your feelings on marriage, and whether you should take the plunge or go your separate ways. It’s easy to brush problems under the rug for a while, but your issues won’t go away until you deal with them. This influence will last until 2015 so you may as well get cracking. Later-born Cancers probably have yet to feel this influence as the planets haven’t quite made their way through those degrees yet, but those of you born in early July (or the mid-degrees if you know your rising sign) are in the thick of it. Luckily, you have Jupiter in your house protecting you, and this is an influence that will last all the way until July 2014. One particular day to watch out for is October 13th- on this day, the sun in your home house will square Jupiter in your sign, and you may get housing news that throws you for a loop. Mercury is also dead set on ruining everyone’s month. It will conjunct Saturn twice in your house of true love- on the 8th and 30th- and will be retrograde from Oct 21st- Nov 11th. Mercury rules your 3rd and 12th houses, so you may have to go back and review any issues having to do with writing or communication, transportation, mental health or illness. Saturn has been making its way through your 5th house since October 2012, which isn’t a very fun influence! The 5th rules your house of fun, creativity, and playfullness, so things may feel a bit somber for a while (until 2015). The universe is asking you to get serious and get your affairs in order- it may even be encouraging you to settle down and start a family! So trust that things will work out for the best. There is some good news this month. Venus moves into your house of work and health, and you may beef up your health routine or decorate your office. Perhaps you will even find love on the job! On the 17th, Venus in this house will trine Uranus in your career house and you may get a raise or promotion! On the very next day, the 18th, a lunar eclipse will fall in this same house- your career house- indicating that something regarding your career will come to a head. One day to watch out for is the 10th, when Venus in your 6th house of work and health will square Neptune in your house of travel and writing. Illness may interfere with a trip, or you may hit a snag in a work project. Mars moves into your 3rd house on the 8th, and you could find yourself with about a billion errands to run and emails to answer. On the 20th, Mars will oppose Neptune in your 9th house of writing and travel. This is an odd influence, as Mars is turbo-booster planet, and Neptune is soft and compassionate. You may find yourself torn between fantasy and reality on this day- you want to dream and create, but the real world needs you to handle your business! On the 31st, Mars will trine Pluto in your 7th house- this is a good day to sign a contract for a partnership. On the 26th, the Sun in your 5th house will trine Jupiter in your 1st house, and love matters may be divine! This would also be a great day to ~ahem~ try to make some babies if you’re into that. Seems like a good way to spend a cuddly fall night to me!

To read your September Horoscope, go here

October 2013 Monthly Horoscopes- Gemini

Cover of 1904 book

Cover of 1904 book (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Did you score a career triumph at the end of last month? If you did, expect the finishing touches to be put on on Oct 3, when Mercury in your work house will trine Neptune in your career house. You may tie up any outstanding paperwork at this time. Good thing too cause the new moon falls shortly after, on October 5th, in your house of true love, and my is it a doozy! It’s opposing Uranus in your house of hopes and dreams and squaring Pluto in your 8th house of other people’s money. You may fight with a lover over money, or funding on a creative project could go sour. Alternatively, you may be struggling with whether or not you want that best guy (or girl) friend of yours to be something more…can your relationship go from platonic to romantic? One particular day to keep an eye on is October 13th, when the Sun in your house of love and creativity will square Jupiter in your house of income. Again, money is in the picture- you may have to spend a bunch on a child or creative endeavor, or perhaps your love isn’t bringing home his share of the bacon. This is not a new influence, as Uranus and Pluto have been in a square since June 2012. You may have been trying to get funding for a long term dream, or perhaps a friendship is going through a transformation. Whatever is going on, expect it to continue to morph and change over the years until 2015. You may have some resolution on the 18th, when a lunar eclipse in Aries falls in this same house of hopes and dreams/friendship. A project or commitment close to your heart should culminate at this time, especially if you have a planet or point at 26 degrees of Aries. Alternatively, a friend may make a big announcement. Moving on, your ruler, Mercury, is set to cause all kinds of problems this month. Mercury will conjunct Saturn on the 8th and 30th in your house of work and health. Saturn has been moving through this sector since October 2012. It can often be a relief when Saturn changes sign. It takes 2 1/2 years to move through each house, and by the end of the transit most people are ready for it to move on already! You previously had Saturn in your 5th house, which can be a real bummer. The 5th house rules love, creativity, and most importantly FUN, so you may have felt a little somber at times. Now, Saturn is in your 6th house, which isn’t much of a picnic either! I certainly hope Saturn isn’t bringing to light any medical issues, although that can certainly happen (I discovered a long-term medical issue when Saturn transited my solar 6th house). Most likely you are feeling an increased pressure at work. When I had Saturn transiting my natal 6th house, I found myself working full time and going to grad school full-time. I worked all day and night, including weekends, and for about 9 months it seemed I barely had time to brush my teeth! Mercury conjunct Saturn could manifest in a few different ways, as Mercury is both your ruler and also rules your 4th house of home. You or a family member may fall ill, or a work project could go off the rails. To make matters worse, Mercury will go retrograde in your work house on the 21st, and won’t go direct until November 12th. Mercury retrogrades always affect you the most since it’s your ruler. You may have to re-do work that you thought was finished, or you may encounter staffing or office changes on the job. Alternatively, you may wish to examine your health routines to make sure you’ll doing all you can to stay healthy and fit. If joining a gym is on the agenda, please wait until after Mercury goes direct to make a commitment. Same goes for any job hunting. Any commitment you make at this time will need to be revised, as you’ll find the conditions won’t be what you were hoping for. Now for some good news- Venus moves into your house of committed partnerships on the 8th, injecting new love and life into a romantic relationship. Whether you’re newly dating or been married for a decade, this is sure to put a little pep in your step. Even better, on the 17th, Venus will trine Uranus in your 3rd house of travel and communication. You might say “I love you” for the first time, or perhaps receive a hand-written poem from a lover. Although it’s a little close to Mercury retrograde for my liking, this could be a wonderful time to take a short trip to a nearby B&B for some romantic relaxation. One day to watch out for though is October 10- on this day Venus will square Neptune in your house of career. Work demands may trump pleasure on this day, or perhaps your boss scolds you for taking time off to be with your boo. Home matters will get an energetic boost when Mars moves into this area on the 16th. You might decide to move or do renovations, or perhaps you have family visiting from out of town. On the 20th, Mars will oppose Neptune in your career house, once more pitting your personal house against your career house. You might be so focused on home drama that you’re neglecting work obligations. Luckily on the 31st, Mars will trine Pluto in your house of other people’s money, and a home loan or re-financing option may come through. Alternatively, you could receive an inheritance you didn’t see coming, or a family member comes into a windfall. Happy Halloween to you!

To read your September Horoscope, go here

October 2013 Horoscopes- Taurus

English: Caption in book reads: "Izdubah ...

English: Caption in book reads: “Izdubah and Heabani in conflict with the lion and bull”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Did a dream close to your heart come true last month? Hopefully it did, and hopefully you had fun, cause this month, it’s time to get down to business. There’s a new moon in your 6th house of work on Oct 5th, indicating some changes in your job are on the horizon. You might get a new work space or assistant, or perhaps change jobs entirely. Unfortunately this new moon is opposed to Uranus in your 12th house of secrets and closure, so you might not like whatever changes are coming. To top it off, Pluto in your 9th house of broad horizons is squaring both the new moon and Uranus. You could be struggling with whether or not your work matches your value system, or you might have problems with a foreign client. If you have to travel for work, these are really not good aspects, and I advise you push your trip to November if you can. Another alternative is that you may be feeling like you’re underperforming at work. Perhaps you put your heart and soul into a project that totally flopped.  Or maybe you’re dealing with some underhanded co-workers or bad working conditions and unsure of how to move forward. One day specifically to watch out for is October 13th, when the Sun in your work sector will square Jupiter in your house of communication. A contract might fall apart, or you may get into a disagreement with a co-worker. Pluto has been tearing through your house of values and beliefs since 2008, and Uranus has been in your house of closure since 2011. Since June of 2012, these two planets have been in a wrestling match, pitting these two houses against each other. Your value system may be undergoing an overhaul, and you might be digging deeply within your psyche to find out exactly who you are. You might want to do yoga or start a meditation practice, because this is an influence that will last until 2015. Another area of your life that seems to be under fire is a close relationship, either in business or love. Saturn has been in this sector since 2012, putting the pressure on this relationship to see if it can stand it. April born Tauruses are finally feeling some relief, but early May bulls are in the thick of it. In a few months, later-born Tauruses will feel the glare as well. You might be in the process of getting married or starting a business partnership, and things could feel serious (and seriously lacking in fun!). Alternatively, the cracks in an existing relationship might be showing, and they could turn out to be too large to repair. If neither of these apply, you may just be feeling run-down or lacking enthusiasm, or stuck in a situation that you won’t be able to get out of until Saturn moves out of orbit. A few days where this pressure might be activated are on the 8th and 30th, when Mercury in this same sector (Scorpio) will conjunct Saturn (it will happen one more time, on November 26th). Mercury rules your houses of income and children, so you may be fighting with a spouse about money or your child. Alternatively, you could feel you’re not getting paid enough by your employer, or you might be having “creative differences” on a work project. When Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st, you will have to go back and review any of these issues. Things might not get sorted out until next month, on Nov 12th, when Mercury goes direct again. I would urge you not to take a new job or get married while Mercury is retrograde. Mercury retrograde obscures facts and reality, and you may find out later that the job or relationship does not work out in your favor. Perhaps the conditions at a new workplace aren’t what you thought they’d be, or a new partner shows a side of their personality you didn’t know about and don’t like . I have ignored this advice on several occasions- once taking a new job and another time moving into a new apartment- each time knowing it was Mercury retrograde but thinking that I didn’t want to pass up what seemed like a good opportunity. Neither time worked out well for me! Both the job and living situation turned out to be awful and stressful, and it took me a long time to get out of both. So proceed at your own peril! Sometimes you don’t really have a choice, and you have to go through a bad situation to get to a good one, but just know that any agreements you enter into at this time will need to be re-done later. Venus (your ruler!) moves into your 8th house of other people’s money on the 8th, and you may hear good news about a partner’s income, or about a loan or tax refund. Just watch out for the 10th, when Venus will square Neptune in your house of friendship and money matters could go wrong. The 17th however, should bring great news, as Venus will trine Uranus in your 12th. You could get an inheritance you didn’t see coming, or perhaps money from a creative endeavor will come through. The lunar eclipse on the 18th will fall in your house of endings, and a project or relationship may come to a close at this time. The universe is asking you to clear out the old to make way for the new. Next month, there will be a full moon in your sign, and Jupiter will be in a good angle, so things will work out for the best. Mars moves into your house of true love and creativity on the 16th, and you may find matters of these nature get a turbo charge. Interested in baby-making? This is a great time to make like bunnies and get on it! Any creative projects will get a boost as your imagination seems to be on fire! Watch out for the 20th, when Mars will oppose Neptune in your house of hopes and dreams. These two polar opposite planets are in two polar opposite houses, and the lines between friendship and love may get blurry. You may find yourself suddenly crushing on someone you thought was just a friend, or perhaps he’s the one suddenly looking at you differently! If you’re looking to turn it into something more, the 26th is a great day…the Sun in your house of relationships will trine Neptune in your house of friendship, and you may wonder why you didn’t get together sooner! On the 31st, Mars in your love house will trine Pluto in your travel house. This is a great day for travel and romance, or for working on a creative project like a novel or screenplay. Why not make it a horror movie? It is Halloween after all!

To read your September Horoscope, go here