Watercolor Christmas tree (Photo credit: HikingArtist.com)
This is your month to shine! The sun in your sign trines Uranus on the 1st, and you may hear delightfully unexpected news about a child or creative project. If you’re not looking to have a kid right now, watch this date and take the necessary precautions! Alternatively, you might meet a new love interest out of the blue! Get out and circulate during the first half of December, and you may find just what you’re looking for. On the 3rd, any Sag’s who work in creative or medical fields may hear good career news. Friday the 13th will be just divine- Jupiter (your ruler!) in your money house will connect with Saturn and they just might bring rewards from whatever it is you’re working on. Alternatively, you may get funds from a source you never expected- an inheritance or bonus of some kind. The full moon on the 17th occurs in your house of partnerships, and you may solidify or break off a commitment at this time. On the 22nd, Venus goes retrograde in your house of income, and over the next few months you may review your work situation to see if there’s a way you can bring in more moolah. You may begin to look for a new job or perhaps review your business practices to see how you can optimize profits. On Christmas Eve, the sun in this same income sector will sextile Neptune in your house of home. You may get a large sum for a home you’re selling, or perhaps you’ll buy a home and add to your net (and self!) worth. Alternatively, you may get income from work performed on or from the home. On Christmas Day, you may feel a bit torn- perhaps you feel like celebrating with your love or family this year but feel obligated to spend time with friends or a larger group due to Mars opposition of Uranus. Mars will remain in your friendship sector for 8 months, so get used it! The end of the month is feisty- the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto will all meet in your income house and square Uranus in your fifth house AND Mars in your 11th. You may find that a child or creative hobby is taking you away from your work or perhaps eating into funds. Why not lay low this New Years? You’ll have plenty of time in 2014 to branch out. Read your 2014 yearly horoscope here
You’ve been working hard, but where’s the money been at? If you’ve been waiting for funds to roll in, this just might be the month. On the 1st of the month, the Sun in your income sector will trine Uranus in your work house, and you may get an expected raise or a bonus from a work project. The trend continues, with the new moon in this same sector on the 3rd. Friday the 13th is beautiful, with Jupiter in your 9th house of travel and broad horizons trining Saturn in your own sign. You may hear good news about a publishing project or travel opportunity, or if you’re applying to University you may get accepted on this day. The full moon on the 17th occurs in Gemini and your house of other people’s money. Money news may culminate on this day, or you may hear news about a partner’s income. Later in the month, the Sun moves into your 3rd house of communication and short trips. On Christmas Eve, it will sextile Neptune in fellow water sign Pisces and your 5th house of true love. You may get engaged on this day, take a romantic trip with your love, or perhaps enter into an agreement for a creative project. Alternatively, a sibling may announce a pregnancy! This month, Mars moves into your 12th house of endings where it will stay for 8 whole months, an unusually long time. You may have to deal with some personal demons (addiction, toxic friends/relationships) during this time. Alternatively, you may be putting in a lot of hours doing behind the scenes work for a project. On Christmas, Mars will oppose Uranus in your 6th house of work. You may hear unexpected (and unwelcome!) news about a job or work project. Additionally, on the 30th, the Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your communication/contract house and all will square Uranus in your work and health house, AND Mars in your 12th house. Be careful when you’re driving, especially since this all occurs around New Years Eve, when revelers will be out in full force! You may encounter problems on a work project, so brace yourself! This would not be a great time to enter into a new contract or work commitment. This trend will continue into January, so enjoy the first half of December! To read your 2014 horoscope, go here
After dealing with money all last month, you’ll be pleased to know this month sees you more focused on writing, communication projects, and travel. Early in the month, the Sun in your 3rd house will trine Uranus in your partnership house in compatible signs Sagittarius and Aries, and you may go on a short trip with your partner. You have great aspects, so if you haven’t planned it yet, please do! Alternatively, you may sign a contract with a new business partner or even pick up a marriage license! Friday the 13th is a really lovely day, as Jupiter in your house of career will trine Saturn in your income house. You may receive a payout or bonus from a work project, or even get a new job with a great income! Sweet! The 17th sees you focused on travel or foreign partners, with the full moon in Gemini. You may finish a writing or publishing project, or perhaps learn of your acceptance (or denial) into university. This full moon is neutral, so it’s hard to tell whether the news will be good or bad. This month also sees Mars move out of your 12th house and into your 1st- GREAT news for starting new projects or initiatives. On the 22nd, your ruler Venus goes retrograde in your 4th house of home, so you may have to go back and fine tune housing or family issues for a few months. It’s ok- Mars will be in your sign for 8 whole months- much longer than usual! You’re in a good spot to achieve a lot if you put your mind to it. I’m not gonna lie- the end of the month is tough. The Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your home sector, and they will all square Mars in your sign and Uranus in your partnership sign. This aspect will continue into January, so keep up your antenna. To read your 2014 horoscope, go here
This month sees you focused on your home and career. Early in the month, you may set the wheels in motion to change up your living situation. You may get a sudden offer on your current home, or you may come into funds to buy your dream house. Alternatively, you may hear news about a parent or childhood home. On the 3rd, your ruler Mercury in your contract house will sextile Mars in your own sign, and you may sign a contract. The 13th is also a great day, as Jupiter in your house of hopes and dreams will trine Saturn in your contract house. The 17th changes your focus, as there’s a full moon in your career house. You may get a promotion or new position, or even just some press for your work. This moon is neutral, so there’s no indication that you will lose a job, but that could always happen too. This month sees Mars move into your income house for 8 whole months. You may be spending a LOT of money in the next few months so you might want to freeze those credit cards now! On Christmas Eve, the Sun in your 5th house of true love and children will sextile Neptune in your 7th house of partnerships. You may get engaged on this date, or perhaps even discuss having a child with your partner! Singles should be sure to get out and circulate, you never know who you might meet- even on Christmas Eve! Christmas might bring to light financial issues, as Mars will oppose Uranus in your two money houses. Be sure you and a loved one are on the same page about money. The end of the month is tough for all signs. The Sun will conjunct Mercury (your ruler) and Pluto in your love and children house, and those planets will all square Uranus in your 8th house of shared resources and Mars in your income house. Love and money issues may really come to a head around this time- and this is an influence that will continue into January. To read your 2014 horoscope, go here
December is always a grand time for a Leo, as the Sun dances through your 5th house of fun and love- the house your sign rules! This month is no different, and early this month, you may hear (great!) unexpected news about a creative project, loved one, or child. It may involve travel, writing, or publishing so keep your ears open! On the third, you may hear news about a family member’s income, or perhaps you’ll get some money from work performed on or from the home. Adding to the home luck, the 13th is a gorgeous day, when Jupiter in your 12th house of closure will trine Saturn in your 4th house. The full moon on the 17th occurs in your house of hopes and dreams. Something important to you will culminate, or perhaps you’ll hear news about a friend. The big news this month is that Mars will move out of your income house and into your 3rd house of communication. Thank god, right? Mars has been making you spend money left and right! Mars in the 3rd will see you being a busy little bee. Emails, correspondence, local trips, errands…these will all be amplified for the next 8 months. You may have car issues so keep an eye out- make sure your oil is changed, tires are full, etc. Alternatively, a sibling might have a lot going on, or you will be in contact with them a lot. Christmas Eve will be a lovely time, when your ruler, the Sun, in your 6th house of work and health will trine Neptune in your 8th house of shared resources. You may get a bonus or raise at work, or even a new job with a better salary. Merry Christmas to you! Watch out for any travel on Christmas Day- Mars and Uranus will oppose each other on this day, causing problems getting from A to B. This will only be amplified by the end of the month. The Sun will conjunct Pluto and Mercury in your work and health house on the 31st, and all will square Uranus and Mars in your travel and communication houses. Be careful on the road (watch out for drunk drivers on NYE!) and watch your tongue with co-workers. Writing and communications projects may hit a snag. This trend will continue into January, unfortunately. To read your 2014 horoscope, go here
After a month focused on love, play, and romance, the universe is now turning your attention to your work situation. Early in December, the Sun in your work and health sector will trine Uranus in your career house, and you may get an unexpected promotion or job offer. Nice! The new moon that occurs just after this is telling me the exact same thing. You may start a new job or a new project that will bring you press or prestige. Alternatively, you could hire a new assistant, move offices to a fabulous new space, or see a new co-worker you like come to work for your company. On the third, Mercury in your 5th sextiles Mars in your 3rd, and you may sign a contract for a new creative project, or perhaps even pick up a marriage license or adoption papers. Friday the 13th is lovely, as Jupiter in your sign (yay!) will trine Saturn in fellow water sign Scorpio and your 5th house of true love. If you’ve been hoping for a baby or engagement, these are amazing aspects. If you’re single, go out this night! You just may meet the love of your life (or at least the love of your week). The full moon on the 17th occurs in your 12th house of endings. A chapter of your life seems to be coming to a close. Whether it’s in love, business, or friendship, don’t fret- Jupiter in your sign will protect you. Venus goes retrograde in your house of partnerships on the 22nd for a few months. If you’re in a relationship, you may still have some communication issues to work out. If you’re single or dating, that all may change over the next few months. On Christmas Eve, the Sun in your house of partnerships will sextile Neptune in fellow water sign, Pisces, and your house of travel. You may go on a trip with your love or perhaps do work with a foreign company. If you’re a writer or work in publishing, you may enter into a partnership at this time. Also this month, Mars moves into your house of home, where it will stay for 8 long months! You may decide to move or revamp your current space, or perhaps you’ll be seeing a lot of your parents for a while. On Christmas Day, Mars will oppose Uranus in your career house, and you may feel that all this focus on family is pulling you away from your career goals. Or perhaps it’s the other way around- your career goals might be pulling you away from the home. Things may come to a head at the end of the month, when the Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your partnership sector, and square the planets in your home and career houses. You may fight with a partner about your home or career, or perhaps you two are on opposite sides of the whole “marriage” thing. This trend will continue into 2014, unfortunately, so try to work things out civilly! To read your 2014 horoscope, go here
What a lovely month to be a Gemini! This month is all about love and partnerships for you! Early in the month, the Sun in your house of partners will trine Uranus in your house of hopes and dreams. The new moon that occurs shortly afterward will connect these sectors as well! Both are in fire signs, which blend perfectly with your air sign! You may hear news about a partner or start a new chapter of your relationship (this goes for business partners as well!). Work matters go well too, as Mercury (your ruler!) in your work house will sextile Mars in your home house. You may get a gig working from home, or perhaps a job will need you to relocate temporarily. Gemini loves to be on the move! Even better news- on the 13th, Jupiter in your income sector will trine Saturn in your work sector. You may get a huge raise or bonus just in time for the holidays. The full moon this month on the 17th occurs in your own sign. Something close to your heart appears to be culminating. This is especially true if you are a Gemini between 20 and 30 degrees rising, or born between June 12th and June 22nd (or on the Gemini/Cancer cusp). On the 22nd, Venus will go retrograde in your house of other people’s money, and you may have to go back and review the details of a financial agreements or perhaps make some payments on the ol’ credit card. Alternatively, you may review your shared finances with a partner. On Christmas Eve, the Sun in this sector will sextile Neptune in your career house, and you may get a Christmas bonus from your company. Score! Alternatively, if you’re married or getting married, your spouse may have good financial news. This month, Mars moves out of your house of home and into your 5th house of true love where it will spend 8 whole months. This is a loooong time to be in one house, and luckily, it’s in your house of fun, love, and play. If you have kids, there will be a lot going on with them during this time. Alternatively, if you get engaged on Christmas eve (a possibility), you would spend this time planning the details of your wedding, as the 5th house rules love. If none of these apply to you, you might spend a lot of time on a creative project or hobby, or perhaps a lot of time dating around (I hear Tinder is big these days). Watch out for Christmas day- Mars in your love house will oppose Uranus in your friendship house, and something may come up that affects your relationship or child. The end of the month is sticky too, as the Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your house of other people’s money, and all will square Mars and Uranus in your love and dreams houses. You may argue with your love about money, or perhaps the money for a creative endeavor will hit a snag. This trend will continue into January, so you may want to lay low this NYE. To read your 2014 horoscope, go here
This month sees you focused on money, bull, and you seem to be in luck. Early in the month, the Sun in your house of other people’s money trines Uranus in your house of endings. You may get a bonus from a creative project (or if you work in the medical field), or perhaps a project coming to an end will net you a payout. The new moon shortly after this indicates a new source of income will arrive, perhaps out of the blue. On the 3rd, Mercury in your partnership house will sextile Mars in your creative house, and you may sign a contract to continue or begin a creative partnership. Alternatively, if you’re engaged, this may be the day you pick up your marriage license. Your luck in this arena continues, as Jupiter in your contract house trines Saturn in your partnership house on the 13th. The full moon on the 17 occurs in your house of income, and this may be the day a lump sum comes in for previous work, or perhaps you get a raise. Your ruler, Venus, continues to glide through your house of travel and publishing, but will go retrograde on the 22nd. You may have to go back and review travel plans or writing projects, or even religious or spiritual philosophies you might have. On Christmas Eve, the Sun in this sector will sextile Neptune in your house of hopes and dreams, and you may go on the trip of a lifetime. Alternatively, your screenplay or novel may get picked up! Also in December, Mars departs your love and play house for your work house for the next 8 months. You may see assignments and projects coming in like crazy- so much so that you can hardly catch your breath! Watch your health as well- Mars here can cause an uptick in sickness or doctor’s visits- probably because you’re working so much! Alternatively, you may begin a diet or fitness routine that sees you pumping iron daily in the gym. Good for you! Seems like a great way to start 2014. Christmas may bring up a work or health issue, as Mars in your 6th will oppose Uranus in your 12th. A work project may hit a snag, or you may have it out with a co-worker. Perhaps someone at your company is trying to undermine you. Alternatively, you may feel ill or a chronic health issue may come to light. The end of the year is tough for all signs. The Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your house of travel, and all will square Mars in your 6th house and Uranus in your 12th. Writing and publishing projects will not go well, nor will any travel plans. I strongly advise you stay local for NYE this year. This trend will continue into January, so hold onto your hat! To read your 2014 horoscope, go here
You’ve been through the ringer lately, Aries, and 2014 will bring more of the same. Luckily, MOST of December is looking divine. You may hear unexpected news early in the month, when the Sun in your house of travel trines Uranus in your own sign. You may go on a fun trip, or plan one! Any travel plans begun after the new moon in this sector on the 3rd will be steeped in good fortune. Alternatively, if you’re writing a screenplay or novel, you may hear good news about it now. Also on the 3rd, Mercury in your house of shared money will trine Mars in your work house, and you may see a Christmas bonus come in. Yay! The good news continues on Friday the 13th, when Jupiter in your house of home will trine Scorpio in your money house. You may get the funds to buy a new house, or perhaps work performed from or on the home will net you a profit. The full moon occurs on the 17th in Gemini and your house of contracts, and luckily Gemini is an air sign which blends nicely with your fire sign. You may hear news from a sibling, or sign an important contract. Alternatively, you may purchase a car, or your current vehicle could finally call it quits on you! Venus in your career house goes retrograde on the 22nd, and you may have to review your job or career aspirations over the next few months. On Christmas Eve, the Sun in this sector will sextile Neptune in your house of endings, and you may end a job or project you’ve been working on. Alternatively, you may get some press for a creative project or medical discovery you made. The big news this month is that your ruler, Mars, will move from your work house into your 7th house of partnerships for 8 whole months. You may find that most of 2014 revolves around your significant other (or a business partner)! Watch your tongue on Christmas, as Mars will oppose Uranus and you may have a fight with your boo. The end of the month is tough, and (as usual) your cardinal sign of Aries is right in the thick of it. The Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your house of career, and both will square Mars in your partnership house and Uranus in your own sign. You may hear jarring career news, or perhaps start a new job that wasn’t what you thought it was. Alternatively, your marriage may hit a snag or you fight with a partner over wedding plans. This trend will continue in January, unfortunately, but should pass by February! To read your full 2014 horoscope, go here
Are you looking to make the big leagues? This month brings big career news for you, fish. Early in the month, the Sun in your career house will trine Uranus in your income house, and you may get a new job with a big salary to match! The new moon shortly afterward continues this trend, and you may start a prestigious new job that brings you moolah in the year to come. On the 3rd, Mercury in fellow water sign Scorpio and your 9th house of travel will sextile Mars in your partnership house, and you may sign an agreement or contract for a novel or other writing project- perhaps picking up an agent or publisher. Alternatively, you could go on a fun trip with your boo! The luck continues on Friday the 13th, when Jupiter in your house of fame, love, and creativity trines Saturn in your house of travel and writing. This would be a fine time to go out of town or get some publicity for a creative project. The full moon on the 17th occurs in your house of home, and you may sign a new lease or hear news about a family member. Venus goes retrograde in your house of friendship and hopes and dreams on the 22nd. You may review love matters to make sure you’re following your true path, or a relationship with a friend may go through changes. On Christmas Eve, the Sun in this sector will trine your ruler Neptune in your own sign. A wish close to your heart may come true on this day. The big news this month is that Mars leaves your partnership house and moves onto your money house. Oy. Mars in your shared resources house indicates that expenses may go up. Watch that credit card! Mars will spend 8 months here, so get ready! On Christmas Day, Mars will oppose Uranus, and you may feel fuzzy on financial matters. It’s time to get real about your finances, fishy- I know you don’t care about money, but we all need to get our affairs in order. The end of the month is tough, as the Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your house of hopes and dreams, and all will square Mars and Uranus in your money houses. Longterm projects may hit a snag. January brings more of the same, so get ready to deal with this influence into 2014! To read your 2014 horoscope, go here
What a fun month to be you- this month is all about fun and wishes coming true! Early in the month, the Sun in your house of hopes and dreams will trine Uranus in your house of contracts and communication. You may sign on the dotted line, or hear great news from a sibling. Or, you could just go on a fun local trip or get an email or letter that excites you. On the 3rd, Mercury in your career house will sextile Mars in your money house, and you may see a bonus come in from your job. Nice! The luck continues on Friday the 13th, as Jupiter in your work house trines Saturn in your career house. You may get a promotion or new title, or just a healthy pat on the back from VIPs. The 17th sees a full moon in Gemini and your 5th house of true love. Wow! Gemini is a fellow air sign so you should love whatever comes up! You may meet a new love interest or make it official with a current beau. Maybe you discover that you or your partner is pregnant! There’s always a chance that you break up with your boo, but if you do, know that it’s all for the best. On the 22nd, Venus goes retrograde in your 12th house of endings. You may review a love relationship to make sure it’s what you want out of life. On Christmas Eve, the Sun in this same sector of endings will sextile Neptune in your income house. You may finish a project that nets you some funds, or perhaps start a new creative or medical position that increases your net worth. The 12th and 2nd houses are often highlighted with an engagement or marriage, so this is a possibility as well. This month, Mars moves out of your credit card house and into your travel house. This influence will last for 8 whole months! You may do a lot of traveling in the next 8 months, or perhaps work with foreign clients or on a writing or publishing project. On Christmas, Mars will oppose your ruler Uranus in your 3rd house of transportation and communication. Any travel this day might encounter difficulties- so prepare for plan B! The end of the month is tough for all signs. The Sun will conjunct Pluto and Mercury in your house of endings, and both will square Mars and Uranus in your travel and communication houses. You may be dealing with personal demons, or perhaps learn of a secret plot against you! Any contracts you’ve signed may cause issues for you. Alternatively, a health issue may come up that you have to deal with. I strongly advise you to lay low over NYE! This trend will continue into January, but don’t worry- there’s lots of good stuff to look forward to next year. Take a look at your 2014 horoscope here
Capricorns are lucky in that the end of the calendar year corresponds to the end of your personal year. Indeed, it seems that something will be coming to an end this month. Early in December, the Sun in your house of endings will friend Uranus in your house of home. You may decide to move, or hear unexpected information about a family member. On the 3rd, Mercury in your house of hopes and dreams will sextile Mars in your travel house, and you may go on the trip of a lifetime, or perhaps hear good news that involves foreign clients or writing projects. Friday the 13th is a beauty as well, as on this day Jupiter in your partnership house will trine your ruler, Saturn, in your house of hopes and dreams. You may get engaged or get a new business partner on this day. The full moon on the 17th occurs in your house of work and health, and a job may come to an end. Watch your health, as you may feel sick around this time. Venus is currently in your sign, and it goes retrograde on the 22nd. Love relationships may transform over the next few months. Venus also rules your career house, so you may go back and review matters of these nature as well. The big news this month is the movement of the Sun into your sign a few days before Christmas! Now and in to January, you appear to be launching new initiatives. On Christmas Eve, the Sun in your sign will sextile Neptune in your house of contracts, and you may sign on the dotted line. Alternatively, you may hear big news from a sibling, or perhaps treat yourself to a new car for the holiday! This month also sees Mars move out of your travel house and into your career house. For the next 8 months (yes 8 whole months!) your career will be on fire! Christmas might be touchy, as Mars will oppose Uranus in your house of home, and your home and career needs may be at odds. The 10th house also rules marriage, so you may have a wedding to plan or a lot going on with your spouse! The end of the month is chaotic, and your sign is smack in the middle of it. The Sun will conjunct Mercury and Pluto in your sign, and all will oppose Uranus and Mars in your home and career houses. You seem to be going through a profound career transformation, especially if you were born between December 30th and January 8th, or have Capricorn rising at 11 degrees. This trend will continue into January. Read your 2014 horoscope here.