October 2013 Monthly Horoscopes- Aries

Image of Aires the Ram, for Aries (astrology),...

Image of Aires the Ram, for Aries (astrology), reworked from old astrology chart (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One is the loneliest number, so they say, so it’s lucky for you this month is focused on two. Granted, it may not be the easiest partnership, as there’s a difficult new moon on the 5th in your 7th house of partnerships. The new moon is opposed to Uranus in your own sign and squaring Pluto in your house of career. There seems to be a war going on between the needs of your partner and your career. You may be finding your personal and work demands are interfering with each other, or perhaps a business partner that once seemed solid is turning out to be a pain in your butt. These are tough aspects, and because you’re a cardinal sign, you’re in the thick of it. It bears mentioning you’re an old hat at this by now. Uranus has been tearing through your identity house since 2011, bringing lots of changes as you constantly re-invent yourself. Pluto has been transforming your career sector since 2008, making you push yourself there as well. Since June 2012, those planets have been tangled up in the same degrees, causing even more tension in these areas. The 10th house also rules your marriage sector, so you may have broken free of a marriage, or perhaps committed yourself to one. Better settle in with some popcorn, cause this show is sticking around until 2015. Although changes can be stressful, they are necessary for growth. Sure, it’s easy to stay at the same job and have the same weekend routine for 20 years, but is that really the life you want? You’re an Aries- a fire sign full of passion and energy- so I seriously doubt it. In fact, I think out of all the signs of the zodiac, you’re the most equipped to handle the Uranus/Pluto square. When life gets difficult, Aries doesn’t hide under the covers. Aries tackles a challenge head on- BRING IT ON WORLD- and comes out even stronger because of it. So keep that in mind if the waters get a little rough this month, especially if you’re an Aries at 11.5 degrees or born around April 5th. Specifically, watch out for October 13th, when the Sun in your partnership sector will square Neptune in your 12th house of closure. A secret may come out on this day or a partner may need you by their side. Venus moves into your 9th house on the 8th, indicating that a luxurious or romantic trip might be on the agenda. Usually this aspect is lovely, but unfortunately Mercury is going to try to spoil your fun. Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st, making for delays and breakdowns. Mercury rules your 3rd house of transportation, so you can see how this could mess up any travel plans. If you must travel, try to do so before the 21st. A great day would be the 17th- although it’s still a little closer to retrograde than I would like, Venus in your travel house will trine Uranus in your house this day, giving you divine aspects. Publishing projects or foreign clients will also prove beneficial on this day. Watch out for Oct 10th, when Venus will square Neptune in your 12th and something involving foreigners or publishing could go wrong. Mercury also rules your 6th house of work and health, so its retrograde may cause you to go back and review any issues in these areas as well. Saturn has been making its way through your 8th house of other people’s money since October 2012. You could be dealing with tax or credit card issues, or maybe money is just tight. Alternatively, you could be digging deep into your psyche or finding yourself going through a transformation of some kind. Mercury conjuncts Saturn in this sector twice this month- on the 8th and 30th- and again next month on November 26th. Health, communication, or transportation issues might hit a snag on these days, or you could have trouble with a client at work. Work seems to be a big emphasis for you this month, as your ruler Mars, moves into Virgo on the 16th. Last month’s friendly new moon may have seen you get a new job or work assignment, and with it, possibly a new housing situation. Mars ensures the work keeps coming all month and into next. On Halloween, Mars will trine Pluto in your house of career, so you’re sure to have some good news in this realm on this day. Your identity comes up for close inspection around October 18th, when an eclipse falls in your sign at 26 degrees. Luckily, this is a pretty easy eclipse. Something important to you will culminate, especially if you were born on this day.

To read your September Horoscope, go here

October 2013 Monthly Horoscopes- Pisces

Обложка книги "Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке",

Обложка книги “Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке”, (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Money makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around. This month is all about the benjamins for you, though it’s hard to say if it will be going in or coming out. After a little ebb and flow each way, I think you’ll come out on top. Did something close to your heart come to a head last month? The beginning of this month might put on the finishing touches. On Oct 3, Mercury in your 9th house of travel and publishing will trine your ruler Neptune in your own sign. If you are writing a novel or screenplay, these are excellent aspects, filling you with creativity and passion. Unfortunately, just after that, the Sun in your 8th house of other people’s money will oppose Uranus in your income house, and square Pluto in your house of hopes and dreams.  The money you were counting on might not come through so you may have to put up a fight for it. The 11th house also rules friendships, so a friend who had promised to help you secure funding might be dropping the ball. Alternatively, you may be going through some kind of financial transformation. Because of these harsh angles, positive developments aren’t favored, but luckily, the lunar eclipse in your income house on the 18th is a friendly one. It falls at 26 degrees Aries, so late-born Pisces have the edge on this one. If you have any planet or point at 26 degrees Aries in your natal chart, it will offer clues as to where this eclipse will hit you. You can also look for any planets at 26 degrees of Libra, Capricorn, or Cancer- these signs are on the cardinal axis along with Aries, so they may be activated on the eclipse. Once Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 8th, you’ll have an edge in career matters. Watch out for the 10th, when Venus squares your ruler Neptune in your sign. You may hit a snag in a career matter. Luckily, a good career day will come on the 17th, when Venus will trine Uranus in your 2nd house, and you may get a bonus or raise. This is great news, especially since it comes the day before the lunar eclipse in this same income house. Mars moves into your 7th house of partnerships on the 16th, putting the emphasis on a partner (whether in business or pleasure). You may feel at the mercy of another’s whims or opinions, or you may find yourself having problems asserting yourself. As a Pisces, you’re probably used to this. On the 20th, Mars will oppose your ruler Neptune in your sign, and relationship matters may be fuzzy. Mars is the aggressor, while Neptune is soft and compassionate, so you may find yourself stuck in the mud on this day with someone close to you. Mercury spends the month in your house of travel, and will conjunct Saturn on the 8th and 30th. Mercury rules your 4th and 7th houses, so matters relating to home or partnerships may turn serious on these days. On top of that, Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st, causing all kinds of delays and breakdowns. If you’re traveling, make sure you know exactly where your passports and paperwork are at all times, and plan for any contingencies. If you’re working on a publishing or broadcasting project, you may have to go back and re-do your work. Changes may take place within your home or partnership, but all should be straightened out again by November 12th, when Mercury goes direct. You’ll have to deal with Mercury hitting Saturn one more time however, on November 26th. Saturn has been in your 9th house since October 2012, a rather easy position compared to the 8th, where it previously spent 2 1/2 years. You might be doing a deep dive into a course of study, or perhaps learning a religion or meditation practice. If either of these paths include writing or speaking, the Mercury-Saturn conjunction will bring things to a head. Saturn is the planet of limitation and hardships, but can also indicate stability and long-lasting effects, so you’ll have to wait to see how it affects you. On the 26th, the Sun in this same house of travel will trine your ruler Neptune in Pisces, so you should hear good news on this day. On the 31st, Mars in your house of partnerships will trine Pluto in your house of hopes and dreams/friendships. You may start a business with a friend, or perhaps your significant other will be instrumental in a long-held dream. Just keep an eye on your finances, as the Uranus/Pluto square will be exact on this day, and will continue into November (and through 2015). Pisces is known for having her head in the clouds, and also for not caring about material possessions. Your artistic ability and compassion are some of the most endearing traits your sign possesses, but the Universe is pushing you to take your dreams and turn them into a reality, perhaps making a little money in the process.

To read your September horoscope, go here

Bonus September 2013 Horoscopes- Venus and Saturn Conjunct North Node

The symbols used in Western astrology to repre...

The symbols used in Western astrology to represent the astrological signs (Zodiac) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On September 18th and 19th, Venus will conjunct Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio, a rare event that won’t happen again until 2026 (Saturn and the North Node will conjunct exactly on the 26th).

The North Node is a fated point, and it’s considered a spiritual teacher. Its lessons are ones we need to follow in order to be truly happy and fulfilled in life. Its opposite point- the South Node- represents the natural habits we’re born with which we need to overcome in order to reach our full potential.

While the North Node in the natal chart points to the area the individual needs to work on throughout their entire life, the transit of the North Node offers temporary lessons in every area to everyone.

What does this particular transit mean for you?


Events transpire that allow you to let go of your need for financial independence. You don’t have to go it alone- it can be wonderful to be part of a team. Combining your income with another will lift you both. In doing so, you may find your income rises on its own as well.


It’s time to give yourself to another emotionally and physically. If you have been avoiding commitment, now is the time that you will merge. Why not take your new union on vacation?


Now’s the time to pay attention to the mechanics of situation, not just the big idea. Routine can be necessary for success. Pay attention to the details, get your affairs in order, and you will come out on top.


You don’t always need to be one of the crowd. You’re allowed to stand out and shine on your own. Take a risk and bet and yourself. You’ll have a fan club in no time. Bonus- you might meet or commit to the love of your life.


Who needs to live up to stranger’s expectations, when you have a loving family supporting your every move? Release your need for control, and you just mind find everything goes your way.


You’re learning to stop, look, and listen. You thought you knew all the answers, but now it’s time to get your facts straight. No one likes a know-it-all, and your message may have gotten lost with your aggressive delivery. Slow down and keep that tongue in check.


Time to put on your big girl pants and stop relying on others. You’re perfectly capable of supporting yourself, so why don’t you? Quit with the drama already and stop making excuses. Focus on the here and now, and try to see things as they are.


Co-dependant no more. There’s no need to fear your own power or decision-making capabilities, and you don’t need anyone else to validate you when you can validate yourself. Put on your own oxygen mask first before helping another with theirs, and you may end up with  a more balanced relationship.


You gotta have faith, the faith, the faith. The universe is telling you that you can’t control everything. Let go, and trust that the details will fall into place without you micro-managing. Focus on the big picture and use your imagination- there’s only so much you can do.


Let go and trust that everyone else is as capable as you. You may have appointed yourself the Ultimate Diva in Charge, but other people don’t appreciate being ordered around. Collaboration is key now. You can achieve way more with others than by yourself.


Events transpire to bring you out of your bubble and into the public eye. Sure, your bed is cozy, but you need to take your rightful place at the head of the boardroom. You can’t win if you don’t try, and pushing yourself to achieve more will bring the emotional benefits you so crave.


Trust in the bigger picture and release your need to grasp all the details. Open your mind and anything is possible. Slow down, take a yoga class, meditate, or do what you need to do to quiet the voices in your head. Only then will you reach your full potential.

October 2013 Monthly Horoscopes- Aquarius

Aquarius, the water-bearer

Aquarius, the water-bearer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

September proved to be quite a moneylicious month for you, and October 3rd seems to put the finishing touches on whatever money-making scheme you were cooking up. Mercury, which for you rules other people’s money, is in your 10th house of career, and on this day it gives a friendly ping to Neptune in your income house. If you were waiting on funding for a business or other venture, it may hit the bank on this day. Enjoy it while you can, cause now I gotta ask you to strap on your seat belt- this ride’s about to get bumpy. October 5th brings a new moon in your travel and publishing house that’s harshly angled to Uranus (your ruler!) in your transportation house and Pluto in your house of completions and secrets. You might experience some serious breakdowns while traveling, or a contract might go awry. Did you experience any setbacks in this area in mid-September? The same axis is activated, so it may be a continuation of that issue. Pluto has been in your 12th house since 2008, drudging up mental issues and perhaps messing with your health. This is an odd placement for an Aquarius- your sign is light and airy- you love a good mental discussion, and you’re all about hanging out in groups. The 12th house is dark and asks us to retreat and recuperate- to dig deep into our psyches. You’re stuck with Pluto here until 2023, so embrace what he’s asking you to do. Additionally, Uranus, your ruler, has been zinging around your 3rd house since 2011. Writing and communications projects may have gone through ups and downs, or perhaps a sibling has been all over the place. A lunar eclipse in Aries on the 18th will highlight this house, and a contract may be completed at this time, or perhaps you finish a big writing project. Alternatively, you may find yourself purchasing a new car. Know your chart? Look for any planets or points at 25 degrees Aries. This is an area that will be illuminated for you. And don’t forget to read the horoscope for your rising sign! Your rising sign is just as important as your sun sign, and you should always read for both. Don’t know your ascendant? I recommend going to Cafe Astrology to get your full chart. You’ll need your exact birth time. Moving right along…the Sun in your house of travel will square Jupiter in your 6th house of work and health. A publishing project could go awry, or you might have an issue with a foreign client. Speaking of work, you’ve had quite a go of it since October 2012, when Saturn entered your career house. This month, Mercury travels this same house and conjuncts Saturn twice- on the 8th and the 30th, and goes retrograde on the 21st. Since Mercury rules your 8th house of other people’s money, as well as your 5th house of love, creativity, and children, you may experience delays or set backs in these areas. Luckily, on the 26th, the Sun in your career house will trine Neptune in your income house, and a bonus or raise may come your way. More good news- Venus will enter your 11th house of friendships on the 8th. Sparks may fly with a friend, or perhaps a pal will set you up on a fun date. On the 17th, Venus trines Uranus in your 3rd house. You might find unexpected love on a short trip with friends, or even at the super market! Make sure you’re out and about on this day! Mars enters your 8th house of other people’s money on the 16th, so keep an eye on your credit card. The good news about Mars in the 8th? Your sex drive will sky rocket. Even better, on the 31st, Mars will trine Pluto in your 12th house of secrets.  The interplay between these two ferocious planets in your most mysterious and sexy houses means you might want to stay in this Halloween. In bed that is. Grrar.

To read your September Horoscope, go here

2013 October Horoscopes- Capricorn

Under Capricorn

Under Capricorn (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Just when you thought you’d put your career troubles behind you, they decided to pop out again to say hello- just in time for Halloween! Saturn spent 2 1/2 years in your career sector, leaving in October of last year. The pressure lifted, but it’s coming back briefly this month as some cosmic storms come rolling in. The new moon in your 10th house of career on Oct 5th will oppose Uranus in your house of home, and square Pluto in your sign. You might get the job offer of your dreams…but it’s located across the globe. Your career and home seem to be at war with each other, and it’s hard for you to know which direction to take. This isn’t an entirely new influence- Uranus and Pluto have been doing a complicated tango since June 2012, trying to get you to put down roots and figure out where you want to be. It can be exhausting, and unfortunately this influence will last until 2015. It’s especially tough on you, as you’re one of the cardinal signs (along with your Aries, Libra, and Cancer buddies) that these large outer planets are traveling through. Don’t feel too bad- all signs are feeling the heat from the Uranus/Pluto square, just in different ways. One specific day to watch out for is the 13th, when the Sun in your career house will square Jupiter in your house of partnerships, and the needs of your career may be at odds with the needs of your personal life. If it’s a housing or home-related matter you’re dealing with, things should be resolved by October 18th, with the lunar eclipse in Aries in your 4th house. This is especially true if you have any planets or points at 25 degrees Aries, Capricorn, Libra, or Cancer, or if you were born around January 18th. Eclipses can be felt up to one month before or after the eclipse date, so you may have already experienced a major development, or one may not happen until November. Going back to the beginning of the month for a minute- on Oct 3, Mercury in your house of friendships will trine Neptune in your house of short travel. You may go on a fun trip with friends, or perhaps a writing or communication project will come to fruition. I want to emphasize that this beneficial influence is only good on this date, however, as the sky will be too chaotic later in the month for travel. Mercury will conjunct Saturn twice this month in your friendship house- on the 8th and 30th- before going retrograde on the 21st. Mercury rules your 6th house of work and health, as well as your 9th house of travel and publishing. You may experience set-backs at the office or decide to change your diet or health routine. Additionally, you might be re-assessing your personal philosophies and beliefs to make sure you’re living your life in a way that reflects your true values. Be careful while traveling after the 21st, as Mercury can cause all kinds of delays and breakdowns. With Mars moving into your 9th house of travel on the 16th, it could be tough to avoid. Just keep your eyes open and plan for contingencies. Another way Mars in the 9th may manifest is if you are dealing with a foreign company, or if you are pursuing higher education. You might find you have three papers due on the same day, or perhaps a client in another country is causing problems. Heck, you may just decide to do a deep dive into some books on Buddhism or take a yoga and meditation workshop. Just be careful on the 20th, when Mars will oppose Pisces in your 3rd house of communication and transportation. Mars wants to GO GO GO while Neptune wants to RELAX MAN, and they’ll be in a stand-off in your communication and travel houses. You may want to move forward with a project or plan, but something appears to be blocking you or obscuring details. Luckily, the end of the month sees Mars trine Pluto in your own sign. Although Mercury will still be retrograde (until November 12th), you should be able to make progress on this day.

To read your September Horoscope, go here

October 2013 Horoscope- Sagittarius

Sagittarius, the Archer

Sagittarius, the Archer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It appears you’re wrapping up a home-related issue. Did the full moon last month complete a move? If so, your aspects continue to be good in the first few days of October. Mercury in your house of completions trines Neptune in your house of home on the 3rd, so you might be finishing up some last minute paperwork. A new moon on the 5th is proving to be quite a headache for all signs this month. For you, the new moon occurs in your house of hopes and dreams. It’s also the house that rules friendships. Normally this is an excellent place for a new moon- it’s full of happy light energy- anything is possible! Unfortunately, this moon is a real ball buster, opposing Uranus in your fifth house of love, children, and creativity, and squaring Pluto in your house of income. You might be suffering from unnecessary drama in a relationship or fighting about money with a friend, lover, or child. Sagittarius is known for being vocal with their opinions- perhaps you’re getting called out on your tendency to dominate conversations. Another option could be that you’re finally striking it out on your own-perhaps starting your business or deciding to write a novel- instead of falling back on job after job working for “the man.” New endeavors take time, so take any difficulties in stride. None of these are particularly new influences. Pluto entered your income realm in 2008 and has seen to it that you don’t get complacent in money matters. Your financial situation has probably gone through massive ebbs and flows. Additionally, Uranus has been stirring up all kinds of trouble in your 5th house since 2011. Perhaps you got unexpectedly pregnant, or have found yourself falling easily in and out of love. Since June 2012, these two planets have been in a screaming match with each other, bringing these matters to a climax. Luckily, Venus moves into your sign on the 8th, giving you charm in spades. On the 17th, Venus will trine Uranus in your 5th house of true love, making for a sexy fun time with a special beau. If you’re single, you might meet someone out of the blue. Coupled up Sags might be surprised by a romantic gesture from a loved one. This is also a great time to upgrade your wardrobe or appearance- just make sure you do it before Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st. Mercury will be in your 12th house, so you may have to go back and address a previous health or mental issue. Because Mercury rules your 7th and 10th houses, issues with your spouse or employer may come up. Watch out for the 13th, when the Sun in your friendship house will square Jupiter (your ruler) in your house of other people’s money. You may have problems with the financing of a long-term project, or perhaps you’ll have to lend money to a friend. The lunar eclipse on Oct 18th sees a love or creative project come to a climax. You might break it off with a honey or on the flip side, get engaged. Alternatively, you might discover or announce a pregnancy! Mars enters your career sector on the 16th, giving this area a boost of energy. You may get some press or be extra busy impressing VIPs. Watch out on the 20th, when Mars will oppose Neptune in your house of home. Mars stirs the pot, while Neptune casts a fog, so things could get confusing. You might be so busy at work that you’re overlooking things on the home front. The end of the month- Halloween specifically- brings good news, as Mars in your career house will trine Pluto in your 2nd house. You might end up with bonus or raise. Happy Halloween indeed! Just watch out for the Pluto/Uranus square  going on between your 2nd and 5th houses, an influence that will go into November (and ebb and flow until 2015!). You may argue with your love about money, or perhaps find that a child is costing you a lot of money.

To read your September Horoscope, go here


October 2013 Horoscopes- Scorpio

The Sting of the Scorpion

The Sting of the Scorpion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Did you know that when food is scarce, scorpions have the ability to slow their metabolism down enough to survive on only one insect a year? Perhaps you’d heard that researchers discovered they were able to freeze a scorpion overnight, only to watch it thaw out and walk away the next morning. Your sign is a survivor, Scorpio, and it’s known for its ability to navigate the dark side effectively. This skill will come in handy this month, as the new moon in the darkest part of your chart, the 12th house of secrets and closure, will be harshly angled to Uranus in your house of work and health, and Pluto (your ruler!) in your house of communication. You got a taste of this last month, but because this month is powered by a new moon, things will get even messier. You might be having problems at your workplace, or having it out with an underhanded co-worker. Or maybe YOU’RE the underhanded co-worker, and your mis-deeds are finally biting you in the butt. Alternatively, you might be having transportation or health issues. If your issues are work or health related, they should be resolved by the 18th, when a lunar eclipse in your 6th brings things to climax. Know your chart? See if any planets or points fall at 25 degrees of Aries. If so, keep an eye on that area of life. Luckily, the beginning of the month starts off on a better note. On the 3rd, Mercury in your sign will trine Neptune in Pisces in your 5th house of true love. Pisces is a fellow water sign that blends beautifully with yours, and things seem to be going swimmingly in your love life. When the Sun moves into your sign near the end of the month and signals Pisces in the same way (on the 26th), things will get even better. Watch out for the 13th, when the Sun in your 12th house will square Jupiter in your 9th. Travel or education matters will go wrong on this day, or you may have problems with a publishing or broadcasting project. Also, we need to talk Mercury for a second, cause this little bugger is causing problems all month. Not only will the stinker be going retrograde on the 21st, but he’ll also be conjuncting Saturn in your sign TWICE- on the 8th and the 30th- which could cause problems with your money or friendships since Mercury rules these areas. Things should straighten out next month when Mercury goes direct on the 12th, although you have to deal with Mercury hitting Saturn in your first house of self one more time on the 26th of November. Saturn in your first house has been putting pressure on you since October 2012, and will continue to do so until 2015. October born Scorpios are finally coming out from under Saturn’s glare, but those born in early November are currently feeling the burn. Don’t fret- although it can feel rough now, any changes you’re going through are ultimately for the best. Mars enters your friendship house on the 8th, so you can expect lots of activity in that area all month. On the 20th, Mars will oppose Neptune in your 5th, making for some uneasiness surrounding love and friendship. You may have gotten friend-zoned (we’ve all been there), or perhaps you were the one who had to break the news to a lovestruck friend that you just want to be pals. Alternatively, a creative project may go awry this day. Luckily, on Halloween, Mars will trine Pluto (your ruler) in your house of communication, smoothing things over.

To read your September Horoscope, go here

October 2013 Horoscopes- Libra

A Haunted House and Other Short Stories

A Haunted House and Other Short Stories (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Happy Halloween! And birthday of course. After all that rest and recuperation last month, you’re finally ready to come out of your hole. Is the world ready for you? The month starts out on a great note, when Mercury in your 2nd house of income trines Neptune in your 6th house of work. Did you get that new job last month? Your new salary may finally hit the bank. Welcome news considering Saturn’s been in your income sector since last October and will stay there until 2015. Unfortunately, this month, Mercury conjuncts Saturn twice-  on the 8th and the 30th. Money matters may turn serious and you might have to write a few big checks, especially if travel, education, or an illness is involved, as Mercury rules these areas for you. Adding to the problem, Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st, and won’t resume direct motion until November 12th. You may have to go back and review your finances, or money you were counting on might be delayed. October 5th brings a new moon in your first house of self, and with it comes some challenging aspects. Uranus in your 7th house of partnerships will be in opposition, and Pluto in your 4th house of home will square both. This is not a new aspect for you, as these planets have been doing a seriously messed up dance for a while now. You’ve been working hard on reinventing yourself for a while, but you keep running into brick walls. Pluto has been turning your home life inside out since 2008, and Uranus has been disrupting your partnership sector since 2011. Now these planets are in a difficult swordfight, and it feels like everything is coming to a head. Ever hear the expression that nothing good comes easy? Keep this in mind, as unfortunately you will be hit hardest by this planetary clusterfudge, especially if you were born between Oct 1 and October 10th, or if you’re a Libra rising at 11.5 degrees. Your fellow cardinal signs Aries, Capricorn, and Cancer will be right there in the muck with ya. To top it off, the Sun in your sign will square Jupiter in your 10th house of career on the 13th. Harsh aspects to the 1st house, 4th house, 7th house and 10th house are considered the toughest, since they are the angles of your chart, and you’re being ambushed at all angles, so I feel for you. Just remember that challenges are what enable us to grow. Good aspects are nice, but can leave things stagnant. The planets are encouraging you to stake out the right path for you, and they’ll do so til you get it right. Luckily, on the 17th, your ruler Venus in your 3rd house of communication will trine Uranus in your 7th house of partnerships, and partnerships matters (personal or business related) will have an extra boost of good luck. This is good news, since on the 18th, the lunar eclipse will bring a partnership matter to a climax. This is especially true if you birthday falls around this date, or if you are a Libra at 25 degrees rising. On the 8th, Mars will enter your 12th house of closure. This can be a difficult position since the 12th house wants us to rest and release, while Mars wants us to forge ahead with new ventures. Guard your secrets carefully and watch your health. On the 20th, Mars will oppose Neptune in your house of work and health, and an underhanded colleague’s secrets might come to light. Luckily, the month ends on a good note. On the 26th, the sun in your house of income will trine Neptune in your house of work projects. You may get a side project that can bring in extra cash, or perhaps you’ll dedicate some bones to a new fitness routine. On the 31st, Mars in your 12th will trine Pluto in your 4th house. Instead of partying on Halloween this year, why don’t you turn your house into a haunted mansion? Mars will give you the creative and dark energy to make a wonderfully scary abode- what a great way to make these energies work for you! On the same day, Uranus in your partnership house will square Pluto in your house of home, so keeping things close to home will be a good idea.

To read your September Horoscope, go here

September 2013 Horoscopes- Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo


The new moon on the 5th occurs in your fifth house of true love and creativity. What fun for you! Looking to get pregnant? This is a wonderful aspect. With Jupiter in your 3rd house holding hands lovingly with this new moon, perhaps it will be a sibling who announces a pregnancy. Alternatively, you may have a brilliant idea for a creative project. Trust your hunch and get to work on it. At the very least, this aspect suggests you take a wonderful trip (not too far!) with your love. Why don’t you find a cute little B&B in a nearby town and get to work on that baby making! Mars in your 4th house of home indicates that there’s a lot going on at Chez Bull. Whether it’s renovations, family in town, or just some temper tantrums with your roommates, expect it to last all month. On 9/14, your ruler, Venus, in your partnership sector, makes beautiful music with Neptune in your house of hopes and dreams. Is an engagement on the way? With all the activity involving your home, love life, and family, it’s a serious possibility.  Not to mention the full moon in this same hopes and dreams house on the 19th which will bring something very important to you to a climax. On the same day as the full moon, your ruler Venus will conjunct Saturn in your partnership sector and sextile Pluto in your 9th house. Travel will be divine on this day, and if you’re traveling with a partner, you may just end up with a ring on it! Just be careful mid-month, as mercury in your house of work and health will oppose Uranus in your house of closure, and both will be squared by pluto in your travel house. Work could be stressful, especially if there’s travel or higher education involved. You may feel like you’re underperforming, or a co-worker could be plotting against you. Mars in your house of home is egging it all on and not helping things one bit- you’re feeling the pressure on all sides. The end of the month is a mixed bag. On 9/26, Venus in your partnership sector (I’m focusing on Venus b/c it’s your ruler) will trine jupiter in your 3rd house, and this could be the day you two make things official. Yet on the 28th, mars in your home sector will square venus in your partnership sector, indicating that there may be some arguments. Instead of fighting with your love, why not take that passionate energy and use it between the sheets? My advice? Make love, not war.


The end of August was good for you- your ruler Mercury in your house of home smiled at Jupiter in in your house of income. Perhaps a home loan came through or you got an offer for your house. The home luck continues as a bright new moon on the 5th- arm in arm with Jupiter- illuminates this same sector, making your prospects even brighter.  Watch your tongue on the 9th, when Mars in your communication sector squares Saturn in your work sector. You might have it out with a co-worker or client, or a deal could go awry. Also, watch your damn driving, who are you, Danica Patrick? Mars can make you a bit aggressive on the road rage front, so reign it in. We want to keep you healthy to enjoy the rewards that await you at the end of the month. But first, you gotta get through Sept 16. This day will be tiring for just about every sign. Your ruler, Mercury, will oppose Uranus, pitting your houses of love and friendship against each other and squaring Pluto in your house of other people’s money. Make sure everyone’s paying their way in your world- you’re not an ATM. Luckily, the full moon on the 19th in Pisces brings a career matter to a head. Aiming for a promotion? You just might get it, especially after the kiss Venus in your work sector gave to Neptune in your career sector a few days earlier. This is a big deal- new title, new money. Perhaps some fancy press. This is what you’ve been waiting for.  Just be careful on the 20th when Mercury in your love house squares Jupiter in your money house. Mo money mo problems, amirite? And don’t rub that promotion in too hard with your co-workers. A fight at the end of the month between mars in your communication sector and venus in your work sectors could have colleagues seeing green. Haters gonna hate, enjoy it while you got it!


Lucky little crabby, current star of the zodiac. Early in the month, Jupiter, currently in your sign, links up with the new moon (your ruler!) in your 3rd house of communication. Methinks someone might have their eye on a new car. This would be a great time to sign any contract on the dotted line. Or perhaps a nice little out-of-town jaunt is in order. At the very least, this new moon will serve to make sure your world is going smoothly on a day to day basis. Hey, these days, that would be enough for me. Mars spends the month in your 2nd house, driving up expenses, and on the 12th, venus moves into your house of true love, increasing your chances of meeting someone special. He may not end being Mr. Right, but there’s nothing wrong with a little Mr. Right Now (hubba, hubba). Why not say what the hell and agree to that Jamaican vacation with your new beau? On the 14th, love and travel will be delightful when Venus in your love house beams over to Neptune in your travel house. Good thing too- you’ll need a  distraction from the tug of war going on between your home and career houses mid-month. If you have an S.O, chances are they’re none too happy with the hours you’re spending on the job. Not getting paid what you think you should? Perhaps it’s time to look for another gig. With Jupiter in your sign, this is a great year to branch out. Pluto goes direct on the 21st, which should make partnership matters in love or business a little more clear, and the full moon on the 19th brings a travel or education matter to conclusion. If you applied to the school of your dreams, this might be the time you get your yes or no. With some lovely aspects between your love and partnership houses at the end of the month, your Mr. Right Now just might turn out to be…GASP…Mr. Right.


This months sees to it that you have energy to spare! With Mars in your sign for the first time in years, you have more energy than you know what to do with. How about channeling some of that energy into making some more bones (moolah, scrilla, you get the picture). With the sun (your ruler) in your second house of income for most of the month, you’re in prime position for some cold hard cash. On Sept 5, the new moon in this house makes beautiful music with Jupiter in your 12th house, suggesting money comes from a creative endeavor. Alternatively, lions working in the health sector might get a raise. Just watch out for the 9th when mars in your sign will square saturn in your house of home. Yikes. Mars has a tendency to make you a teensy bit more aggressive than you intend, so be extra sensitive around family members. Another explosive day to watch out for is the 16th, when Mercury in your 3rd house opposes Uranus in your 9th, making travel or education plans go unexpectedly awry.  Pluto in your 6th squares the pair, bringing your workplace or health into the situation. A deal could fall apart at work, or illness could interfere with a vacation. With Mars tripling the power of this t-square with a strong beam, personally I’d hide in bed all day. On the 19th, Venus in your house of home conjuncts Saturn, relieving any tension left over from earlier in the month. Any home decisions at this time will be beneficial. Money is back in the picture on the 19th, when a full moon in your 8th house brings an influx of cash. A bonus or inheritance might be coming your way. On the 26th, Venus in your house of home trines Jupiter in your house of closure. If you need to rest or work on a creative project by yourself, this is a lovely aspect.

Want more on September?

To read your August Horoscope, go here

September 2013 Horoscopes- Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries


Someone’s feeling the itch. No, not that itch. The travel itch! The new moon on the 5th in your house of travel links up with Jupiter in your house of partners. Why not get the hell out of dodge and go to South America with your love? Your aspects couldn’t be better. Alternatively, if you’re working on a novel or screenplay, this might be the time you get a publisher or producer attached. Mars in your 8th house of other’s people’s money will be driving up expenses all month, so just keep an eye on that credit card. On the 9th, Mars will square Saturn (your ruler) in your house of hopes and dreams. You may find you don’t have the funds to complete a beloved dream, or maybe you realize you’re just not that into something you thought you couldn’t live without. The full moon in your house of communication on the 19th will give you the words to admit it. Alternatively, this may be the day you sign an important contract or buy a new car. Also keep your phone on you, as you may hear big news from a sibling. Mid-month, Pluto in your sign t-squares Mercury in your house of career and Uranus in your house of home. You’ve had a hard time balancing family and career, and the cosmos are ready for you to do something about it already.  When Pluto in your sign goes direct on the 21st, you’ll find it much more easy to find a solution. The end of the month brings fun with friends and your partner, as Venus and Jupiter will embrace lovingly in these houses.


Money, money, money, money….MONEY. This month is all about the benjamins, as a new moon on the 5th links your house of other people’s money with your house of work. Been fundraising for a new business? This month might put that cash in the bank. Alternatively, you may decide to transform your health routine- why not jump on the gluten-free train or join a new gym? With Jupiter in your health house until next summer, you have the best aspects for losing weight and improving your health. Additionally, on the 14th, Venus in your house of career will smooch Neptune in your income house, and a full moon in that same income house will bring even MORE funds on the 19th. Holy moly! I was serious about this money crap. Mars in your partnership house all month will put the emphasis on another- whether it’s a partner in love or business. Watch out for the 9th, when Mars will square Saturn (one of your rulers) in the your career house. All this focus on work and money might have you neglecting your S.O. The 16th gets a little tricky as well, when Mercury in your travel house opposes your OTHER ruler (Uranus) in your 3rd house. Travel and communication won’t go as planned, especially with Capricorn in the your 12th house bringing some dark energy into the mix with a t-square. A contract might go awry- perhaps this new angel investor buried some unsavory terms deep in the paperwork. If you’re a writer, you might experience the ol’ writer’s block. Luckily, on the 26th, Venus in your career house will ping Jupiter in your work house, putting you back on top.


Partnered up? You will be after this month! A new moon in your partnership sector on the 5th is beautifully angled to good luck Jupiter in your house of true love. These are truly gorgeous aspects for matters of the heart. Alternatively, you could partner up on a creative endeavor. If it’s for work, you’ll be a busy little bee, as Mars will rev up your work and health sector all month, bringing in assignments left and right. Skip travel on the 9th, as Mars will square saturn in your travel house on this day, suggesting work will trump pleasure. Instead, travel on the 14th when Venus in your travel house will trine your ruler, Neptune, in your own sign. This is a lovely aspect which suggests romance galore. Things are tense for all signs mid-month, when Mercury and Uranus oppose each other in your money houses and t-square Pluto in your friendship house. Money you were counting on might not come through, or perhaps money will cause tension with a friend. Mars in your work and health house will be fanning the flames, so things could get heated. Luckily, you aren’t directly in the crosshairs for this one, so things should turn out okay. On the 19th, Venus will conjunct Saturn in your house of travel/publishing, and they both will sextile Pluto in your house of hopes and dreams. Venus rules your communication house as well as your house of other people’s money- you might finally get funding for a novel or screenplay. Also on that day, a full moon occurs in your sign, meaning something very important to you will come to a conclusion. This is especially true if you’re a pisces between the degrees of 21 and 29, or if any of your planets or cusps fall on those degrees. Just be careful on the 20th, when Mercury in your 8th house of other people’s money squares Jupiter (your OTHER ruler) in the 5th house. You may fight with a lover over money or quit a creative project abruptly. Luckily, on the 26th, Venus in the 9th house will trine Jupiter in the 5th. This is an excellent time to travel with a lover or perhaps apply to college or grad school. 2 days later, Venus will square Mars in the 6th, suggesting work or illness will disrupt your trip. Phooey. When Pluto goes direct in your friendship house on the 21st, you may finally iron out any problems you had with a buddy.


On September 5, a new moon in your 6th house links arms with Jupiter in your 4th house. You might get a new work assignment that fits in with your home life beautifully, or perhaps you’ll even get the opportunity to work from home! Alternatively, you might start a new health regiment- maybe you’ll finally buy that treadmill for your living room you’ve had your eye on. Your ruler, Mars, spends the month in your house of true love…lucky you! Unfortunately on the 9th, mars will square Saturn in your house of other people’s money which could cause you to fight with your love about money. Alternatively, funding for a creative project could fall through. If it’s for the latter, don’t fret, because on the 19th venus in your money house will ping Neptune in your 12th house of creativity, saving the day. Brace yourself, because mid-month, things get dicey. Mercury in your partnership house will oppose Uranus in your own sign, and both will be squared by Pluto in your house of career. Been burning the midnight oil on the job at the expense of your partner? It might blow up this month. Alternatively, the two of you might be on opposing sides of the whole “marriage” thing. Mars in the 5th house will be pouring gasoline on this fire, ram, and it might not be pretty. If you’re single, this could be in regards to a work partner. You may not be seeing eye to eye on the creative aspects of a joint endeavor, and you could decide to part ways. I’m not gonna lie, Aries, you’re directly in the crosshairs of this one. What’s new, right? You’re an old pro at this t-square thing by now, seeing as it’s happened a few times since 2012. Good thing you just might be the most resiliant sign of the zodiac. If it all gets to be too much, just breathe. The full moon in your house of closure on the 19th may be just what you need to let it all go and prepare for new beginnings. I’ll tell you what I told Libra- go take a bath and pour yourself a glass (or three) of wine. The world can wait. The end of the month sees a dramatic tango between your houses of home, love, and transformation.  I predict a serious breakthrough for you.

Want more on September?

To read August Horoscopes for Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, go here

To read August Horoscope for Aries go here